Create a local group to organize events

Create a local group to organize events on Communian. This site allows you to create a group and local events on any topic. Are you passionate about cycling? You can make a local cycling group and start organizing events! What are the benefits of local communities and how they help the human brain and soul? Bringing even more value to the experience, once you have begun reaping all these benefits, you quickly realize that you also have the privilege of providing them to others. This reciprocity is the true value of interest-based communities.

Big interest based communities are local focused on Communian. Let’s take reddit for example: /r/buildapc Interested in setting up your own PC from scratch? Building your own instead of buying an off-the-shelf computer allows you to customize your rig to suit your preferences and save you some cash. This community is filled with enthusiasts showing off their latest builds, discussing new PC components and sharing advice on tackling common setup issues. There are loads of resources for first-timers, including an FAQ and guides for choosing components, assembling them and adding some finishing touches like installing essential apps and overclocking your new computer.

Communian is all about social connections. Less stress. Research from Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, found that social connection is one of the greatest predictors of happiness and reduced stress. Achor points out that friendships boost happiness, which in turn, also reduces feelings of stress. He claims that “The people who survive stress the best are the ones who actually increase their social investments in the middle of stress, which is the opposite of what most of us do.” Low stress levels are extremely beneficial in the workplace. No employee performs his or her best when dealing with chronic stress or burnout. High levels of workplace stress can lead to absenteeism, illness, low energy, and irritability. By helping employees foster social connections at work, employers can help reduce some workplace stress. Part of cultivating a culture of wellness includes fostering social connections and supporting social well-being among employees. Building social connections in the workplace doesn’t have to mean that all employees should be best friends or that everyone gets along all the time. It’s about fostering an environment that supports mutual respect, trust and belonging among peers.

Getting to know influencers who are willing to vouch for you can be all the social proof you need to raise your profile as an entrepreneur. Their recommendations can give you the credibility you need to solidify your own position as an influencer. Even better, having a whole group of entrepreneurs willing to vouch for you significantly raises your profile to other groups, such as potential investors. Find more info on Communian brings People together.