An effective hair removal product for your beauty goals

Are you bothered by your unwanted hair? Don’t worry because there is an effective solution to that. ToullGo hair removal is the best product for you. I am concern about how I look in front of other people. That’s why I search for the best products in the market that can help me to have smooth and flawless skin. I found the ToullGo, and I am thankful about it. Using the product can help you have a touchable and smooth skin.

How ToullGo hair removal works? It cannot be denied that hair removal is painful sometimes. Moreover, shaving is time-consuming. Some hair removal methods are costly. Fortunately, ToullGo hair removal is invented. As a user of this product, I can say that it provides me with amazing benefits.

Time-efficient If you prefer to save your time in the hair removal process, ToullGo is the best option for you. It can offer you with 500,000 flashes which can be applied in your body, armpits, bikini, and face. It is safe to use for men and women. With the use of this beauty tool, you will not spend long hours in removing your unwanted hair.

Reasonable cost Do you want to save more while gaining more with your hair removal tool? Then, the ToullGo will fill your needs. It can be purchased in a cost that can make you smile. You have nothing to fear since its affordable price has nothing to do with its superior quality. This product can help you save more since it is an excellent alternative to other expensive hair removal methods in the market.

Safe and FDA approved : The product is FDA approved and safe to use. It has passed the standards for its safe usage. Don’t worry since it will offer you perfect efficiency that you always expect. It is comfortable to use and will never fail to meet your hair removal requirements. It comes with wavelength reachable 600-900 NM and seamless lamp head that works well for you. It has 5 levels for more customized use.

Effective skin care : ToullGo is an effective skin care routine. As a regular user of the product, I highly recommend it for you since it is efficient to achieve a smooth skin. You will not experience hassle and other trouble using this more innovative device. If you want to permanently or temporarily remove the hair on your body or face, buying the product is the perfect decision.

Once you tried the benefits of the ToullGo hair removal, there is a possibility that you can also be one of its regular users like me. Using it will not give you disappointment since it is worth buying for. Your money, time, and effort invested in the product will not be wasted. It comes with high quality without spending more of your hard-earned budget.

Do you want to feel confident with a glowing and smooth skin? What are you waiting on? Try the benefits of ToullGo hair removal today!

Several welding supplies tips

3 welding equipment advices: how to become a better welder and how to select the top welding equipment. TIG Torch angle should only be around 10 degrees or less: Ideally, torch angle should only be around 10 degrees or less. Too much torch angle will deflect the heat and melt the rod before you ever get it into the puddle. This causes the rod to ball up and blob into the puddle. That’s bad. You don’t want that. You want to slip the filler rod into the puddle so that you can get a consistent bead. There are exceptions to this…like when you are using a lay wire technique and leaning the torch back while you walk the cup. But if you are dipping the rod in the puddle, too much torch angle usually is not a good thing.

Extend your Tungsten Electrode out Far enough but not too: Too short of a tungsten stickout from the cup will not let you hold a close enough arc length and will not let you see the tip of your electrode. You need to be able to see the tip of the electrode without getting a kink in your neck in order to keep your arc length right. Some textbooks are just plain wack when they only recommend extending your electrode one tungsten diameter past the end of the TIG cup. Holding too long an arc will not pinpoint the heat well enough and will let your rod ball up and blob into the weld.. but we already covered that didn’t we? I remember a consulting gig once where the welder at the aluminum body truck repair shop could not get the aluminum socket weld to puddle. The only thing wrong was that the electrode was recessed back in the cup. Once I extended it out about 3/8″, Everything was fine. ( I also talked them into getting some helium argon mix.)

Just about everyone who tries TIG welding feels challenged at first. This is understandable, given all the things you have to watch for and think about, while simultaneously coordinating the motion of both hands. In most cases, a foot pedal or torch-mounted amperage control will be used — for starting, modulating and stopping the flow of current. I have coached many people as they learn these skills, and I have received my share of questions over the years. Here are a few frequently asked questions — and answers — that should be helpful, particularly for beginning and intermediate welders.

Searching for the best Welding Equipment? We recommend Welding Supplies Direct & Associate company TWS Direct Ltd is an online distributor of a wide range of welding supplies, welding equipment and welding machines. We supply Plasma Cutters, MIG, TIG, ARC Welding Machines and support consumables to the UK, Ireland and Europe.

For the best control of your weld bead, keep the wire directed at the leading edge of the weld pool. When welding out of position (vertical, horizontal or overhead welding), keep the weld pool small for best weld bead control, and use the smallest wire diameter size you can. A bead that is too tall and skinny indicates a lack of heat into the weld joint or too fast of travel speed. Conversely, if the bead is flat and wide, the weld parameters are too hot or you are welding too slowly. Ideally, the weld should have a slight crown that just touches the metal around it. Keep in mind that a push technique preheats the metal, which means this is best used with thinner metals like aluminum. On the other hand, if you pull solid wire, it flattens the weld out and puts a lot of heat into the metal. Finally, always store and handle your filler metals properly. Keep product in a dry, clean place — moisture can damage wire and lead to costly weld defects, such as hydrogen-induced cracking. Also, always use gloves when handling wires to prevent moisture or dirt from your hands settling on the surface. When not in use, protect spools of wire by covering them on the wire feeder, or better yet, remove the spool and place it in a clean plastic bag, closing it securely.

Fully handmade custom bridesmaid bobbleheads from your photo

Bobbleheads are hilarious, amazing looking and perfect items to be collected. How are bobbleheads made? There are all types of bobble heads and they’re made from several types of materials. Generally, the most common bobble heads are made from resin and plastic. There are also ceramic and wooden bobble heads, but they are in the minority of the products currently produced. The resin bobble head dolls are solid and generally allow for greater details and finer contouring of the body. Plastic bobble heads are cast from a mold, but not all plastic bobbing heads are the same. Some styles rely purely on the mold as the entire product with the appropriate paint colors added. Our most popular bobble heads use a plastic inner shell that are not solid and are covered with felt cloth. The felt adds a layer of detail, a layer of feeling, and an additional layer of strength to the bobble head. With our bobble head animals, you’ll find that the eyes are made of plastic and some vary from completely solid colors to an eye complete with color and pupil.

Let’s start with a short history of bobbleheads. 2015: A 1961-62 New York Yankees Oversized (14″) Promotional Nodder sold at auction by for $59,750. It was one of only two known in existence. According to John Brey of “The Nodder Exchange,” this was “the most desirable nodder in the hobby, bar none.” It’s a truth that endures regardless of your personal team affiliation, and it’s likely due to the fact that the Bronx Bombers claimed the World Championship during both potential years of production that the uniform was chosen. While five or fewer promotional nodders exist for each of the NFL teams of the era, only the Yankees model is believed to have been produced to represent our National Pastime. And today, just two of those are known to survive. Read extra info at personalized bobblehead.

Bobblehead is a collectable doll which has characteristically oversized head that is connected to the body with spring or wire and when the head is lightly tapped it would bobble from which doll got its name. Some of the alternative names are bobble heads, Thanjavur thalayatti bommai, bobble head dolls, Tanjore head-shaking doll, bobbing heads, moving heads, nodders, nodding heads, akabeko, wobblers and nodding heads.

The modern bobble head doll typically consists of two styles of body mold: A plastic body or ceramic body. The advent of the plastic mold over the past three decades allows for more unique designs and lightweight body styles. The time tested ceramic bobble head doll remains popular, but is more delicate in nature. There are generally two subsets of design of the plastic bobble heads doll. One style is a durable, sturdy plastic mold. The second is not only sturdy, but also covered in a “flocked” material, which is generally a cloth, fuzz material.

When it comes to collecting bobbleheads, there are few terms that are important to know when shopping or researching online: Retail – This means that the bobblehead can be purchased in a traditional brick-and-mortar store or at established online sites. These are mainly distinguished by the brand and theme of the set. This usually makes them the easiest to find, but limited edition versions go quickly.

All of our body models, change bobblehead pose and outfit are for free. if you need any change on your bobblehead, please tell us your request, we would custom the bobblehead as per your request. this is the difference between us and other suppliers.

Abobolehead has been set up since 2006.5, till now we have 11 years making bobblehead experience. Our company specialized in custom bobblehead. During 2008-2014 we mainly produce the bobbleheads for the agents. Because of the requirement of production, we need to open the retail line. So you can buy the bobblehead from our company directly, No third party sales, so the price will be lower, welcome to place the order. See extra info on custom bobbleheads online shop. It’s easy to place an order, Our website simplifies the order process. You just need to provide a few pictures to customize the bobbleheads you want, and the order process is completed in three steps. In addition, You can also choose the more features to order according to your idea.

Graduate bobbleheads online shopping

Bobbleheads are funny, good looking and perfect items to collect. How are bobbleheads made? There are all types of bobble heads and they’re made from several types of materials. Generally, the most common bobble heads are made from resin and plastic. There are also ceramic and wooden bobble heads, but they are in the minority of the products currently produced. The resin bobble head dolls are solid and generally allow for greater details and finer contouring of the body. Plastic bobble heads are cast from a mold, but not all plastic bobbing heads are the same. Some styles rely purely on the mold as the entire product with the appropriate paint colors added. Our most popular bobble heads use a plastic inner shell that are not solid and are covered with felt cloth. The felt adds a layer of detail, a layer of feeling, and an additional layer of strength to the bobble head. With our bobble head animals, you’ll find that the eyes are made of plastic and some vary from completely solid colors to an eye complete with color and pupil.

First with a short history of bobbleheads. Chinese nodding-head figures are documented in England and Continental Europe as early as the 1760’s and 1770’s and Johann Zoffany’s famous portrait depicting Queen Charlotte in her Dressing Room at Buckingham Palace painted in 1765 shows two such figures in the background (see C. Saumarez Smith, Eighteenth Century Decoration, New York, 1993, p. 255, fig. 246). Nodding-head figures were imported into England, Europe and America from Canton in large numbers from the 1780’s. The great interest in these figures in England is derived in large part from the personal tastes of the Prince of Wales (later George IV) during the late 18th and early 19th Centuries. The Prince’s interest in Chinese decoration was first expressed in his Chinese Drawing Room at Carlton House; however his sudden inspiration to achieve an Oriental interior at Brighton Pavilion was prompted in 1802. The final achievement, an ornate palace of fantastical proportions and exotic furnishings, was due to the combined efforts of the Prince himself and his principal designers, John and Frederick Crace, over the next twenty-five years. A number of Chinese figures of this type were prominently displayed in the corridor of the Pavilion (see J. Morley, The Making of the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, Boston, 1984, pp. 169-176). See more details on personalized bobblehead.

The first known mentioning of the bobblehead doll is in Nikolai Gogol’s 1842 short story “The Overcoat” where one of the characters is said to looks like one. It is also believed that moder bobblehead dolls originate from 18th century Germany where they were made of ceramic. These dolls in turn originate from Ancient Japanese and Chinese string dolls. Modern bobblehead dolls were first made from paper-mache, ceramic and plastic. 20th century bobblehead dolls were first made in 1920s. New York Knicks basketball player bobblehead was produced trhen but interest in them waned by 1930s and didn’t renew until 1950s.

In June 2012, the TBS talk show ‘Conan’ went to film in Chicago and produced one of the largest bobble head dolls ever documented. The Conan O’Brien Bobble Head stood at 16 feet tall! In 2016, there were many terrific MLB bobble head giveaways that focus on team mascots to legendary Dodgers broadcast Vin Scully. Both major league and minor league baseball heavily use bobble head doll promotions to drive attendance. For 2017, MLB teams plan no let down in the size and scope of bobble heads. Teams from the Mets with their Noah Syndergaard Thor themed bobble head to the Angels with three different Mike Trout bobble heads throughout the season aren’t letting up with promotions throughout the league each and every week.

When it comes to collecting bobbleheads, there are few terms that are important to know when shopping or researching online: Retail – This means that the bobblehead can be purchased in a traditional brick-and-mortar store or at established online sites. These are mainly distinguished by the brand and theme of the set. This usually makes them the easiest to find, but limited edition versions go quickly.

We have a fast delivery service. the fastest sculpture is 2-3 days can send the proof to customer preview.shipping will take 2-3 days, you can receive your bobblehead 5-7 days after you place your order.

Abobolehead has been set up since 2006.5, till now we have 11 years making bobblehead experience. Our company specialized in custom bobblehead. During 2008-2014 we mainly produce the bobbleheads for the agents. We are not good at selling, but we specialized in making vivid bobblehead, with perfect clothing details,At production stages, we would send proof to your email and you can approve the proof! If you are not satisfied with the proof, we would modify it till you are satisfied. Read extra details at online store. Wholesale order, we would use resin material, safe and environmental. processing, we would polish the surface very smooth, in order to reduce rough surface.

Bitradecrypto the crypto currency trading platform

Crypto is mainstream in 2019, everyone wants to profit in crypto. There are many online platforms, we will talk about a few of them at introduce you to the hottest crypto trading platform in 2019 ,

LinkCoin is an Over-The-Counter (OTC) cryptocurrency exchange that was developed by Yesbit Ltd in collaboration with Bibox. Based in Toronto Canada, the exchange processes transactions autonomously via smart contracts. Plus, with a fully functional website, and Android + iOs apps, the platform has the necessary technological infrastructure to provide users with a service that meets all of their investment needs. Linkcoin has 7 cryptocurrencies available for purchase (BTC, ETH, BCH, ETC, LTC, LKN, BIX) plus, with some of the indsutrie’s lowest transaction fees (zero buyer fees + 0.6% seller fees), they make buying and selling cryptocurrencies as affordable as possible. Accessibility is something Linkcoin also values. Which is why they accept interac e-Transfer, Bank Wire, AliPay and WeChat Pay. Users can also pay in either CAD, USD, CNY, JPY, or HKD.

Launched in 2013, is a multifunctional cryptocurrency exchange, with its headquarters located in the UK capital, London. The exchange is fully licensed to practise monetary-based transactions, since it is registered as an MSB (Money Service Business) with FinCEN. Moreover, exchange is registered with the non-departmental public body ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) in the UK. Providing advanced trading options such as margin trading for serious and/or professional traders, exchange is popular whether you are a seasoned or novice trader. Perhaps one of the greatest features boasts of is its accessibility: where customers can instantly purchase cryptos using their credit card. This detailed overview of attempts to evaluate several aspects as a means to provide you with an objective summary of both the exchange itself as well as the services it offers. While Cryptimi does its utmost to present you with accurate and relevant information, we still advise you to visit for any updates that might be available once this text is published.

Our pick for 2019 is , a new solid crypto trading and investing online platform. See more info at crypto currency trading platform with daily withdrawal.

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1. More than 20 countries worldwide started joining the network
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3. 200%-300% profit on every activation.
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6. Coins accepted BTC/BCH/ETH/Dash and Perfect Money/Payeer LTD is paying for the popularization of its investment program and anyone can be rewarded. To benefit from this, you have to tell your friends, relatives or colleagues about our company. We offer 3 level referral commissions: The first level of direct referrals from you will entitle you to a commission of 4%, and second level gives you commission of 0.5% and third level is 0.5% . You can surely make a lot of money from the referral commissions you get!

Your deposit is working on an ongoing basis, and makes profit every hour with the ability to withdraw profit. Your deposit is for life and irretrievable. This proposal would be interesting not only for beginners of cryptocurrency operation, but also for experienced online investors. LTD Business uses only modern mining equipment and trades at the most stable markets, which minimizes the risk of financial loss to customers and guarantees them a stable income accrued every 60 minutes. Join our company today and start making high profits!

The LTD is modern investment program who owned by LTD based in the United Kingdom. Our Corporate Headquarters is located here: 21 Kensington High Street, Kensington, London, United Kingdom, W8 5NP . Company registration number is NO.111222333.You can I check the company Companies House The LTD offers high-return investing in the Forex, digital currency known as Bitcoin, stock market and Fintech start-ups. Our company is constantly evolving, it improves its marketing components and creates new investment proposals. All this makes the LTD an industry leader and to be able to adapt to the constantly changing market conditions. Join us on or check more details on our Bitradecrypto Facebook Page.

Crypto trading platform with daily withdrawalWho are the top crypto currency trading platforms in 2019?

Crypto currency is hot in 2019, everyone wants to make money in crypto. There are many online platforms, we will discuss a few of them at introduce you to the hottest crypto trading platform in 2019 ,

Founded in 2014, Poloniex is one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges. The exchange offers a secure trading environment with more than 100 different Bitcoin cryptocurrency pairings and advanced tools and data analysis for advanced traders. As one of the most popular trading platforms with the highest trading volumes, users will always be able to close a trade position. Poloniex employs a volume-tiered, maker-taker fee schedule for all trades so fees are different depending on if you are the maker or the taker. For makers, fees range from 0 to 0.15%, depending on the amount traded.

Originally launched in China, Binance moved to Malta in 2019. It is considered to be the world’s largest crypto asset exchange by trading volume, and although the exchange was launched only in 2017, it’s managed to gain the trust of millions of investors, quickly becoming a top contender within the cryptocurrency exchange world. Thanks to the extra security steps, like anti-phishing code, PCI Scanning, Secured Sockets Layered encryption technology, pseudonymisation, internal data access restrictions (amognst others) it’s really no wonder why it’s considered a trustworthy exchange. Such precautionary safety features aim to protect the customer’s funds as well as personal information from unauthorized personnel, further putting their client’s mind at rest.

Our pick for 2019 is , a new solid crypto trading and investing online platform. See more details on most profitable crypto trading platform.

Overview :
1. More than 20 countries worldwide started joining the network
2. You can make daily profit upto 1.5%
3. 200%-300% profit on every activation.
4. Make referral income upto 3 level.
5. Daily withdrawal of your profit
6. Coins accepted BTC/BCH/ETH/Dash and Perfect Money/Payeer

Headquartered in London in 2019, LTD is already becoming the Panam’s fastest growing trading company. Our name is synonymous with effective and profitable trading solutions where our investors need little to no trading experience at all. With LTD, investors choose one of our four simple investment plans, make a deposit and sit back while our experts go to work. They can withdraw their profit any time and schedule withdrawals quickly and easily through our website. If you have been looking for an easy to use investment platform, choose LTD now and let our professionals help you choose an investment plan that meets your needs today!

We are team of professional traders in Forex & Crypto Exchange and Coins trading and Crypto Mining who know how to grab the profit end of the day. We are using one of most experienced , professional and trusted DDoS Protection and mitigation provider. We are a legal company registered in the UK providing its investment services to the members all around the world. We understand how important having reliable support service is to you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and we will get back to you in 24 Hours! Get your payment instantly as soon as you request it! Minimum withdrawal is $0.1. There is no fee for withdrawals of hourly interest.

The LTD is modern investment program who owned by LTD based in the United Kingdom. Our Corporate Headquarters is located here: 21 Kensington High Street, Kensington, London, United Kingdom, W8 5NP . Company registration number is NO.111222333.You can I check the company Companies House The LTD offers high-return investing in the Forex, digital currency known as Bitcoin, stock market and Fintech start-ups. Our company is constantly evolving, it improves its marketing components and creates new investment proposals. All this makes the LTD an industry leader and to be able to adapt to the constantly changing market conditions. Join us on or check more details on our Bitradecrypto Facebook Page.

Are you searching to switch your job with a work-from-home opportunity?

Working and earning money from home can look like a dream, but it can also be a reality. You can be cautious of the strategies of making money by working at home, but they do exist. Here are some of them :

If you really want to cut the employer cord, or don’t have an area of expertise or desire be a contract worker or freelancer, you can start a business. Many people are scared off by the complexity of starting a business, but while there are a lot of steps, they can be fairly easy to implement. In fact, you can have a business up and running within a month. Businesses are usually divided into product-based and service-based. In product-based business, you sell a tangible good, such as gift baskets, craft goods, or an invention you made. However, the internet also provides for the sales of digital goods, as well. A service-based business involves providing a service, such as home cleaning, childcare, or digital design.

Car Rental Provider: Getaround is the sharing economy’s answer to rental agencies. The company allows you to rent out your car on an hourly or daily basis, starting at $5 an hour. Depending on your vehicle’s market value, you set the price per hour, and Getaround takes a 40% cut to cover 24/7 roadside assistance and driver insurance. According to the Getaround, earning potential for renting your car when you’re not using it is up to $1,000 a year.

Get dressed. “I find that the most important thing for me is to keep a regular routine and to shower and dress every day as if I were going to an actual office,” says Jenifer Kramer, Principal of West Hollywood, California-based Jenerosity Marketing. Catherine Waldron, education specialist, with Enfield, Connecticut-based language curriculum company QTalk Publishing, agrees, and says she showers and dresses for work every day. “Getting dressed makes the home office more like a real office, and tells and reminds everyone, especially you, that even though you may be sitting on the sofa reading, browsing the Web, or talking on the phone, that you are actually working,” she says. Read more info at Make money online working from home.

Another popular freelance platform is Fiverr. It’s similar to Upwork as you can get paid to do just about any task where the completed work can be delivered electronically and setting up a profile here gives you additional exposure to potential freelance clients. Fiverr gets its name from the fact the freelancers can charge $5 (or more) per gig. For select tasks, some sellers charge up to $10,000 per task. Now that’s a serious payday! Many Fiverr customers like to hire freelancers like you to design eBook covers, create company logos, write blog posts, create digital videos and audio recordings, and other tasks they don’t have the skills to complete. My wife and I have personally used Fiverr to hire somebody to create a book cover for a self-published book. One the gig is complete, you get paid.

Guidelines for the Extra Chilli Slot game

How to win at Extra Chilli slot? Several strategies! All miners among gamers who had fun with Big Time Gaming’s Bonanza video slot will be pleased to know that the latest six-reel slot that is added to the Big Time Gaming slot universe, Extra Chilli, is “Bonanza flipped on its head”, with a few extras incorporated. The 2018 release will take you on a Mexican market, where you will enjoy Feature Drop, symbols drops, Megaways with up to 117,649 ways to win, an Unlimited Multiplier and up to 24 freebies to begin with. Visit the stand that sells chili peppers and you can pocket up to 20,000 times the bet.

Extra Chilli slot hint: Things are more favourable though on the Extra Chilli slot gamble thereafter, as if you get to 20 spins you still get a feature if you lose. Gambling the Extra Chilli slot feature after you have gained 12 spins on the 50-50 wheel changes the pie-chart wheel sectors to 60-40 in your favour. Gamble the 12 for 16 on this you will still get no spins if you lose, if you gamble 16 to 20 though you will get the basic 8 if you lose. Get to 20 and go for the maximum 24 then you would get 12 if you lost. Play Extra Chilli Slot at Spinz Casino now!

How to win at online casino games ? If you only use one tip, make sure it’s this: play at legit, trusted casino sites. Winning big at a casino is only great when you can actually get your hands on your money. That’s why you should never play at blacklisted sites. For guaranteed safety, check out our list of recommended online casinos. Alcohol and gambling do not mix well. Having a drink before or during play at any casino will dull your decision-making skills and you could land up spending money you shouldn’t have.

Understand the rules of every game before you play. It’s far too easy to make costly mistakes if you don’t know what you’re doing. Make peace with the fact that you’re going to lose in the long run. So, make sure you only play with money (your bankroll) you’re okay with losing. Make sure that whatever site you join has a good (recent) reputation for paying their customers. If it’s taking several weeks to get a bank wire, or months to get a paper check, skip the site altogether.

One of the luring factors of online gambling is the sheer thrill of the risk of winning or losing money, much like in a real casino. Traditional online casino powerhouse. Average product across multiple verticals, some reasonable online casino bonuses but not quite the formidable power they once were. Still a decent amount of servicable markets and payment options. One of the original innovators in the online casino space. The ‘fun’ online casino with a softer brand, a pretty whacky colour pallet and great customer support. The casino gamification features have moved on since Casumo first launched but their video slot races are still pretty interesting.

The Rise of Virtual Reality. The next step for the online gambling industry is to focus on virtual reality technology. Online casinos are utilizing this type of technology to offer a more dynamic and immersive way to play table games and slots. Companies like Oculus Rift are currently developing systems that can be used to enable VR options with online gaming, with gameplay expected to begin in this realm by 2019. Peer to peer gambling will take on a whole new format as players will be able to see each other at the tables and interact via a virtual reality experience. It’s important to point out that the activity of gambling itself has been around for centuries. Games of chance held at fairs and festivals have evolved into their modern versions, which can be found in casinos today. People have enjoyed such games and other gambling activities because of the excitement of potentially getting something for nothing and beating the house. Source:

Corporate training in Bangkok

Looking for NLP life coaching to raise you or your teams skill levels ? Productivity/motivation – Self-awareness can increase your productivity. Becoming aware of your strengths and weaknesses can encourage you to produce higher quality work – seeing improvement in yourself can give you a little confidence boost and motivate you to achieve more! Self-awareness can also guide you to develop your weaknesses into strengths For example, a poor attitude can be turned into a positive one – this can be achieved by recognising the impact and consequences of your attitude and how it can affect others around you. It’s certainly not easy, but becoming more aware of how others respond to or absorb your mood/behaviour may encourage you to control it – or even turn it into a positive attitude in order to encourage others in the workplace! This should give you the drive that you need to become more productive and work harder to achieve your personal goals.

Develop your personal life coaching style by learning with, and modelling the approaches of, three trainers who share between them decades of practical, hands-on counselling, coaching and mentoring experience. You will be learning how to apply advanced NLP methods to facilitate enduring and in-depth personal change – in a natural, and conversational manner. And you will be developing a style of coaching that is unique to MindTools NLP and which integrates coaching with Behavioural Modelling.

Having a strong and successful training strategy helps to develop your employer brand and make your company a prime consideration for graduates and mid-career changes. Your commitment to training will obviously be transmitted to the career marketplace, including job seekers and recruitment professionals, by means word of mouth and positive feedback by current and past employees. Increasingly, your company will be recognised by recruitment professionals who seek to place ambitious candidates within your organisation partly on the strength of your company’s reputation (employer brand) – and the strength and quality of your training. You company reputation for training will also be built through those educational establishments which advise and guide promising talent towards the job market.

The NLP Master Practitioner Training develops your mastery of the creative and innovative applications of NLP by giving you an in-depth understanding of the NLP’s principles and methodology. We continue where we left off. See more details at NLP master practitioner Thailand.

Interactivity software integrated with serious game-design thinking doesn’t just present learning content. It immerses learners in the content and gives them control over the learning process. As a result, learning experiences become more vivid, stories more powerful, and questions more provocative. That all adds up to high levels of engagement than could never be achieved in a traditional classroom setting. Better engagement translates into better learning outcomes.

Ask trusted sources for recommendations. Solicit recommendations from trusted service providers, including your lawyer, accountant, financial planner, banker, HR advisor, or from other business providers. Zero in on your own needs. Business coaches specialize in a wide range of topics: emotional intelligence, tolerance of turbulence, or assuring corporate profitability, for example. Carefully consider in which areas you most need guidance and find a coach who best suits your needs.

Each of us has our own unique style, or leadership style. When we interact with others who have a similar leadership style, communication is relatively easy. When we deal with others who have different leadership styles from ours, communication and cooperation can be challenging.The most important element of working across different leadership styles is our flexibility; our willingness and our ability to see things from the other person’s point of view. See more on Personal Development Seminars Chiang Mai. Meet the team: Wirawat is Mind Tools Senior Trainer and specializes in Team Building. Wirawat is Certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming and has a proven track record in enjoying what he does best: Build your team to an unparalleled high. Mind Tools strives to have short lines of communication. Our organization excels in direct communication, open and honest attitudes, working hard and celebrating success. Want to join our dynamic team? Did we awaken your interest? We encourage you to contact us. We are always looking for skilled and qualified people. No matter if you want to work freelance, on project basis or obtain a permanent position, do send us your resume. For more information or to submit your resume, please send an email to

Corporate training Thailand

Searching for business coaching to improve you or your teams skill levels ? Through the use of scenario questions and simulations, interactivity allows employee learners to apply knowledge and make decisions in a risk-free non-judgmental environment. By removing the fear of failure, learners are free to formulate action plans by exploring unpredictable paths that lead to unknown outcomes. This type of experiential learning can help individuals gain valuable insights, from both their successes and failures—insights that invariably lead to better on-the-job decision-making and the performance of complex tasks.

While it’s true that having your employees go through corporate training will cost you something, you should look at it as an investment in your business, because that’s exactly what it is. The money that you spend on this training for your employees will almost certainly help you to increase your profits over time. Employees that undergo this sort of training tend to become more efficient and skilled at their jobs. Numerous studies have concluded that corporate training can actually help lower the employee turnover rate of a business, which is certainly a good thing. If you don’t want to worry about constantly needing to bring in new people, this is one option you should seriously consider taking advantage of.

Exceptional communication skills and the ability to convince others to your way of thinking make the difference between good and great leaders.Pure communication builds trust, credibility, and respect. One reason is because when you fully communicate, instead of trying to compose your response, the result is a relevant and on-target response. What you say is proof of how well you listen. See more on Personal Development Seminars Thailand.

Develop your personal life coaching style by learning with, and modelling the approaches of, three trainers who share between them decades of practical, hands-on counselling, coaching and mentoring experience. You will be learning how to apply advanced NLP methods to facilitate enduring and in-depth personal change – in a natural, and conversational manner. And you will be developing a style of coaching that is unique to MindTools NLP and which integrates coaching with Behavioural Modelling.

Find your genius talent and incorporate it fully into your role in the business. Had I done that, I would have succeeded in more of the businesses that were started. More importantly, I would have been doing the one thing that I was built to do, loving it and creating results — using much less time, money, effort and stress. Working through adversity is one of the very best development experiences, one that better prepares you for success in the future. While everyone goes through some hardship, you never realize it’s building valuable personal and professional skills. Perseverance, change management, agility, resilience, humility and grit will equip you for success in senior leadership roles.

Productivity/motivation – Self-awareness can increase your productivity. Becoming aware of your strengths and weaknesses can encourage you to produce higher quality work – seeing improvement in yourself can give you a little confidence boost and motivate you to achieve more! Self-awareness can also guide you to develop your weaknesses into strengths For example, a poor attitude can be turned into a positive one – this can be achieved by recognising the impact and consequences of your attitude and how it can affect others around you. It’s certainly not easy, but becoming more aware of how others respond to or absorb your mood/behaviour may encourage you to control it – or even turn it into a positive attitude in order to encourage others in the workplace! This should give you the drive that you need to become more productive and work harder to achieve your personal goals. Read extra info at Corporate training Thailand.

Meet the team: Natthapatch is Consultant, Trainer and Interim Manager. She is CEO of Mind Tools and driving force of Education Gateway. Natthapatch specializes in Human Resource Development and Neuro Linguistic Programming. Mind Tools strives to have short lines of communication. Our organization excels in direct communication, open and honest attitudes, working hard and celebrating success. You can Contact Us by phone, email, or just walk-in into our office. No appointment needed. Also you can find us on Social Media. Our motto is: “If you have a question, ask! If you have a remark, communicate!” No matter what the question is, we are here to help.

Mind Tools Co., Ltd.
Baan Benchaphan Building
29/1 Baanmai Langmor Soi 7
Suthep Road, Amphur Muang
Chiang Mai 50200
Telephone: +66 (0) 53810587
MON-FRI 10:00 – 18:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00