Do you need to repair your hot tub ?

A few advices on how to maintain your hot tub? Here are several advices about how to maintain your hot tub and also a recommandation if you live in Colorado. But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : A high-end spacious 6 person hot tub that comes with all the top of the line features associated with some of the more premium model hot tubs. This Home & Garden Spa has a fiberglass construction for added durability and a powerful 6.0 BHP pump to keep those 40 jets at full power. This hot tub with its many high-end features such as mp3 input, built-in speakers and subwoofer, LED lighting and ozonator making it a great purchase for the price. A hot tub with this much space and these many features can easily cost between $7000-$10000 making this hot tub quite the bargain. If you have the money to invest in something that is truly luxurious and durable the Home & Garden Spa might just be the perfect choice for you.

If you plan to be away from home a week or longer, call your local dealer for more tips on winterizing your spa, or check your Owner’s Manual for additional instructions.

Your daily maintenance tasks are all about ensuring good water quality. In a hot tub that means checking two things: PH and sanitizer levels. This is easy stuff, and can generally be accomplished by dipping a single, color-coded test strip into the water to check that everything is as it should be. If you’re diligent about maintaining your tub, most days this won’t mean doing anything more than walking out to your tub, dipping the test stick in the water, and heading back inside. If your PH or sanitizer levels need adjusting, however, you’ll need take an extra few minutes to dump the proper additive into your water to get things back their proper levels. Doing so will prevent a host of problems, including scaling, mineral buildup, corrosion, skin irritation, and cloudy and stinky water.

Replace your spa filter every 1-2 years, again depending on usage. Another way to do it is to change it every 10-15 cleanings, because that’s what really breaks down a cartridge. Every time it’s cleaned, fibers loosen up and it loses a little bit of its dirt trapping ability. Keep track of your spa filter’s age and/or cleaning cycles, because at some point soon it’s gonna be “Hasta la vista, baby!” Don’t do it in a hot tub : Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but drinking and hot tubbing are not a good mix. Despite all of those movies scenes depicting characters cavorting in hot tubs with their favorite beverage in hand, physicians and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) don’t recommend it. Sports stars and politicians have been known to imbibe while entertaining in a spa, but that doesn’t mean we should follow their example. The same caution should be used with drugs-check with your doctor before soaking in extremely hot water while taking a prescription. One reason is that both alcohol and some drugs (prescription and recreational) can cause drowsiness or disorientation. Check the water temperature before entering (it should not exceed 104 degrees), observe reasonable time limits (10 to 15 minutes), and enter and exit the tub slowly in case of dizziness or to prevent falls.

If your hot tub has tiles, you’ve got an additional item on your hot tub care checklist: grout. To keep it looking its best, follow a few easy steps. Mix baking soda and water together in a bowl to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to your tiles and grout with a damp sponge. After five minutes, turn on the hot tub. Grab an old toothbrush, climb into the tub, and attack those grout lines with a circular scrubbing motion. The baking soda should have a negligible effect on your spa’s water chemistry, but be sure to check and balance it as necessary when you’re finished. You can tackle a little bit of your grout at a time, or, better yet, bribe a bunch of friends with free food and drink and host a scrubbing party. (You might want to make the bribe a substantial one if you plan on keeping them as friends.) Discover additional info on Best Hot Tub Repair Service in Colorado.

Tips for buying a hot tub : Plan on inviting guests or relatives over? Make room for a larger tub with more seats. You won’t want to take turns in your new hot tub. Will you be using the hot tub alone or with just two people at a time? If space is limited, a 2-3 person spa will be perfect. With a little more room, an extra seat or two is nice for stretching out.

One of the most important things you can do to increase the longevity of your spa cover is to remove it at least twice per week. Use a spa cover lifter to completely remove it, or if you don’t have a spa cover lift, gently place it off the spa. Give your cover a few hours to breathe and shake off some of the constant heat and moisture. This is also a good time to add chemicals or shock the spa if you aren’t using it at the time.

Provestra ingredients

Male blue pill was a great success story so, normally, scientist attempted to find the woman correspondent. A prescription drug named as flibanserin (Addyi) – originally created as an antidepressant – has been approved by the FDA as a treatment for low sexual libido in premenopausal women. However there are natural products that fix the same issue, the low sexual desire in women.

A lot of mainstream media focuses on the differences between men’s brains and women’s brains, including when it comes to sex. But brain-wise, men and women actually aren’t that different. One 2012 study involved viewing the brain through an fMRI machine while subjects watched erotic videos. The fMRI machine helped the researchers see how the brain was affected during arousal. It found that, while sexual stimuli activated the amygdalas and thalami more in men, it generally had a similar effect on all subjects. It’s worth noting that these studies often don’t include intersex and transgender participants. Read more details on does provestra really work.

Pink Venus Shot: It’s a cherry-flavored libido shot. Besides the fact that it smells like sex between minors, it contains as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, which triggered a horrible migraine because of which, ironically, I couldn’t even think about sex. I think if you are excited to have oral sex, you can consume it from your boyfriend’s tool. It’s the only sexual satisfaction someone can offer. It would be more useful if we dumped it and used the tube as a dildo. It made me feel about as sexy as I would have felt if I had watched a pigeon try to force another on the roof of a chapel at a funeral.

These are products like Testim gel or Testogel, available only on a prescription basis. There is also the possibility of receiving testosterone implants under the skin (with a local anesthetic). They slowly release the hormone and can be replaced every four months. The gel can be applied anywhere except the breasts, the only problem being that it is not yet authorized for women, so some gynecologists may be reluctant to prescribe it. However, to increase the level of testosterone there is another variant, authorized for women – Intrinsa patch with testosterone, which is usually applied on the buttocks.

Scream Cream : Just like the name suggests, this product will make you scream with pleasure during intercourse and will successfully do away with low sexual libido. This female enhancement cream is a treatment for female sexual dysfunction. It combines both prescription and non-prescription ingredients known as blood flow enhancers and vasodilators . It has five different components: four vasodilators and one bronchodilator . It consists of L-arginine, sildenafil-citrate, pentoxifylline, elgoroid mesylate, and aminophylline. These ingredients work together to increase libido and intensify sensation in the genitals, ultimately leading to sexual arousal and multiple orgasms for women. The manufacturer’s claims: Scream Cream is manufactured by Nuimage Medical . It’s made up of different components that work effectively to enhance your sexual libido. Find more details at female excitement pills.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids problems

Subject for this post : Hemorrhoids pain treatment tricks. What are hemorrhoids? In one sense, everyone has hemorrhoids (or piles), the pillow-like clusters of veins that lie just beneath the mucous membranes lining the lowest part of the rectum and the anus. The condition most of us call hemorrhoids (or piles) develops when those veins become swollen and distended, like varicose veins in the legs. Because the blood vessels involved must continually battle gravity to get blood back up to the heart, some people believe hemorrhoids are part of the price we pay for being upright creatures.

Warm baths can help soothe the irritation from hemorrhoids. You can use a sitz bath, which is a small plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat, or take a full-body bath in your tub. According Harvard Health, taking a warm bath for 20 minutes after every bowel movement will be most effective. Adding Epsom salts to the bath can provide further relief by reducing pain. Witch hazel can reduce both itching and pain, two main symptoms of hemorrhoids. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory, so it could also reduce swelling. Witch hazel can be purchased in liquid form and applied directly to the hemorrhoids. It can also be found in products like anti-itch wipes and soaps.

How are hemorrhoids diagnosed? A thorough evaluation and proper diagnosis by the doctor is important any time bleeding from the rectum or blood in the stool occurs. Bleeding may also be a symptom of other digestive diseases, including colorectal cancer. The doctor will examine the anus and rectum to look for swollen blood vessels that indicate hemorrhoids and will also perform a digital rectal exam with a gloved, lubricated finger to feel for abnormalities. Closer evaluation of the rectum for hemorrhoids requires an exam with an anoscope, a hollow, lighted tube useful for viewing internal hemorrhoids, or a proctoscope, useful for more completely examining the entire rectum.

I was a complete mess over my hemorrhoid condition. I had been bleeding for over a week and I was actually getting pretty scared. I knew I had to get to a doctor if I could not find a remedy quick for this problem. Each day it seemed to be getting worse even with the Preperation H that I was using. I began my research on Google for treatments I could do at home. I really wanted to avoid seeing a doctor about this, so I needed to get a treatment that was going to work fast. I did a search on Google for “hemrrhoid treatment” and saw about 3 or 4 products for hemorrhoids. The only product that made sense to me was ClearMed because of it`s natural healing properties and soothing agents. I wanted a product that was going to stop the bleeding and soothe my condition at the same time. Well, I ordered the product by Express mail because of my urgency. I got ClearMed on a Friday, so I had the whole weekend to take the product and rest before work on Monday. By Sunday afternoon, the bleeding had stopped and I was feeling better from just 8 dosages. It did not hurt (and no blood) when I went to the bathroom, which was a total relief! Thumbs up for sure on ClearMed!

Having problems and searching for advices about hemorrhoid pain treatment ? Psyllium husk is a supplement that helps increase your fiber intake, and softens stools to make them easier to pass. Be careful not to increase fiber too much, too quickly, as it may also cause gas or stomach cramping. Doctor’s advice: Use this to soften stool and make bowel movements more regular. It won’t affect hemorrhoids at a local level, but it does regulate your bowels. Be sure to drink plenty of water if you take this supplement.

The ClearMed product has finely milled preparations that works well together to heal and reduce hemorrhoidal swelling. ClearMed seemed to get a very good feedback for healing bleeding hemorrhoids as well.The ClearMed company has been around since 1999 with a solid track record. Another very good quality about ClearMed is that it`s completely safe with no reported side effects. ClearMed also has healing and soothing agents within each capsule that is time released to help you function and feel comfortable throughout your day. There is no other product on the market that offers triple action therapy like ClearMed. Other products on the market are unable to deliver a fast acting treatment that immediately gets to the root of the hemorrhoid problem. Creams, oils, suppositories, wipes, and ice treaments are temporary and many times can irratate the area even more. It`s extremely important to treat hemorrhoids properly, or the condition could get worse. See more info on

Personal development with transformative coaching guides

Transformative teaching impact… Transformational coaching includes crafting an action plan that can help bring your thoughts into reality. Like a caterpillar building its cocoon, you too can start to construct your transformation, even if you don’t entirely know where you’ll end up or what color your wings will be. Your coach will encourage you to move beyond the need for promises and embrace the uncertainty that makes the process worthwhile.

Individuals seeking coaching for themselves will have a thinking partner with whom to investigate and reveal underlying patterns of operating. These patterns undermine your capacity to have what you say you want. It’s very different then therapy in that you are focused on your future aspirations and take on practices that exercise, strengthen and expand your capacity to manifest your desired results. Therapy is an important process in supporting people in developing a strong ego structure in order to live in well-being in the present moment. Transformational coaching attracts people who are willing to take a leap of faith into the unknown territory of their future reality. We all have dreams. But, too many of us are afraid of what lies within the mystery of “let’s make it happen!”

Transformational coaching draws its roots from a number of places and schools of thought. It takes what has proven valuable in old-school coaching methods and draws them together with new and deeper insights. In fact, transformational coaching is part of such an evolutionary process, gradually developing and adapting from other methods, you can’t even pin down when such a ‘thing’ started. This brings something incredibly powerful to coaching because it brings to the client all the benefits of learning which have gone before, and connects them on a deeper, more substantial, level. Read more details at Transformative coaching.

Organizations today are incorporating interactive training into their learning and development strategies, moving away from the traditional model of classroom-based, instructor-led training. Interactive training has proven to be more effective in terms of delivering quality output. Watching a training video without any interaction makes the trainees mere spectators and passive learners. Whereas regular interactions and participation ensure that the users are actively involved in the learning, and helps them stay engaged. People tend to remember things more vividly when they are involved in the action. Surgeons don’t start operating on a patient after watching a couple of surgery videos.

While it’s true that having your employees go through corporate training will cost you something, you should look at it as an investment in your business, because that’s exactly what it is. The money that you spend on this training for your employees will almost certainly help you to increase your profits over time. Employees that undergo this sort of training tend to become more efficient and skilled at their jobs. Numerous studies have concluded that corporate training can actually help lower the employee turnover rate of a business, which is certainly a good thing. If you don’t want to worry about constantly needing to bring in new people, this is one option you should seriously consider taking advantage of.

I am Natalie Rivera, owner and founder of Well Within Coaching. I am dedicated to supporting you being the leader of your life. Approached your crossroads with curiosity and calm. What opportunities are being presented to you? What are all the facts? What do you really want? Your CHOICES are made from AWARENESS, CLARITY AND COURAGE. Source:

Expand my consciousness teachers

Heart centered learning guides today, a trendy topic, and we will bring this up again as an awesome personal health course is starting in December 2019, i’m discussing about Body Bedrock course.

A study conducted at the University of Utah suggested that “mindfulness may be linked to self-regulation throughout the day, and that this may be an important way that mindfulness contributes to better emotional and physical well-being.” According to Maria Camara, PhD, a psychotherapist who is also a qualified mindfulness teacher, meditation helps us connect with our true qualities. Once we’ve accepted who we are and learn to work with our thoughts directly, we reveal a loving capacity that has always been present within us. It’s no wonder that mindfulness increases happiness, enhances clarity and gives peace of mind.

Studies on mild and major depressive individuals showed that introducing an adjunct of meditation to their regular depression management strategies reduced the symptoms of loneliness and general low mood. A study by Filip Raes on 400 adolescent students in Belgium showed that when they participated in mindful meditation programs, they had a noticeable reduction in depression, negative thinking, and stress for up to six months after the training (Ramel, Goldin, Carmona, and McQuaid, 2004). Read more details at Expand my consciousness.

Want to strengthen your relationships? Meditation has been shown to better your ability to relate to others. How? It improves your ability to empathize, and it hones your ability to pick up on cues indicating how others are feeling. Meditation also increases your emotional stability, making you less likely to be influenced by any negative people in your life.

Body Bedrock distills traditional medicine into basic health habits. We use ancient wisdom and modern science to drill down into the core of what makes you healthy and we unearth the solid foundations you can always fall back on to create health. Source:

Europe attractions – Expats stories

Expats stories to select the best travel attractions in Europe. Longing for a shower is common to many people. That Ulysses really existed – this is unknown. But his return home is told by Homer as a wandering, being an important cultural treasure left new heritage from antiquity. Perhaps this is the expression of a healthy skepticism, opposed to the longing and euphoria of traveling. Many shades of longing: Columbus, Marco Polo or Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco da Gama, Magellan, Alexander von Humboldt – they were all explorers who traveled on a mission or were driven by their thirst for knowledge and who did great service to mankind.

Florence – Ponte Vecchio: Florence, Italy is home to the medieval stone arched bridge called Ponte Vecchio. Overlooking Arno River, the bridge is the oldest in the city dating back to 1218. Today visitors consider the bridge to be a romantic place to take an evening stroll while overlooking the river. Helsinki – Helsinki Cathedral: The magnificent green dome and white neoclassical design of the Lutheran Cathedral of Helsinki is a must visit attraction in Finland. Built in 1830 to commemorate Tsar Nicholas I of Russia, the cathedral is also called St. Nicholas’ Church. If you are traveling to Helsinki in Christmas, you’ll be on hand to experience the glorious procession of Lucia, which is a major Finnish holiday tradition.

For many people, shopping is an important part of a vacation. If you are visiting Turkey, then spending time at the Grand Bazaar is an experience like no other. It is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world. As many as 400,000 people visit this market every single day and it was listed as the most visited tourist attraction of 2014 when it had over 91 million visitors. The market is often described as one of the earliest shopping malls in the world. It is located in the Faith district of the Walled city of Istanbul and the core of the market was constructed between 1455 and 1456. The market sells an eclectic mix of items, from fresh produce to handmade arts and crafts items.

Expats in Europe advice of the day : As in, like, don’t feel obligated to jump into a weird sex party just because you’re lonely and nobody back home will answer your Skype calls. (Unless you’re already into weird sex parties.) The day-in, day-out challenges of living in a different country, dealing with different cultural norms, and speaking a difficult language will wear you down. So, be prepared. But there’s a big difference between being willing to try a new experience and being the one American dude who’s waaaaay too into Japanese drumming. Don’t lose yourself in the name of integrating, but be open to the differences a host culture can offer. Read more info on We Be Trippin.

Mingle with other expats. While you don’t want your whole social circle to be those who have migrated from other countries, it’s often helpful to have individuals who are going through the same situation as you around. Additionally, these individuals may be able to offer great insight on where to find good international services like international health insurance.

Yoga courses guides

Best yoga classes and some advices, this appears like a hot topic in 2019. Stress is up, life is complicated, big problems clouds our mind and yoga seems the best answer. What is Yoga? Yoga means union. Etymologically, it is connected to the English word, yoke. Yoga means union with God, or, union of the little, ego-self with the divine Self, the infinite Spirit. Most people in the West, and also many in India, confuse yoga with Hatha Yoga, the system of bodily postures. But yoga is primarily a spiritual discipline. Not that there’s anything wrong with practicing Hatha Yoga. The body is a part of our human nature, and must be kept fit so it doesn’t obstruct our spiritual efforts. However, those who are focused on self-realization do not necessarily have to practice it as much or at all. Hatha Yoga is the physical branch of Raja Yoga, the true science of yoga. Raja Yoga is a system of meditation techniques that help to harmonize human consciousness with the divine consciousness.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose): Fold a thick blanket or two into a firm support about six inches high. Sit close to one edge of this support and stretch your legs out in front of your torso on the floor in Dandasana (Staff Pose). Cross your shins, widen your knees, and slip each foot beneath the opposite knee as you bend your knees and fold the legs in toward your torso. Sukhasana is a Sanskrit word where sukh means “pleasure” or “happiness”, and asana means “pose”. Sit in dhyanaposition, and connect with the higher power or universal energy. Yes, this pose is physically easy but mentally challenging. At the beginning of your meditation practice, let the random thoughts flow in peace in order to let them go. Then, after clearing your head, you can finally focus on the questions and answers of the world.

The Crow yoga pose strengthens the wrists, forearms and abdomen while also stretching the hamstring. Balance is crucial for this pose. The Vayu mudra is good for diseases related to air imbalances, such as gas-related pain, flatulence, joint pain, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. This mudra helps regulate Vata-related issues, both mental and physical, relieving them by bringing your air element back into its proper flow. Method: At first glance, this mudra may seem very similar to the Gyan mudra. The difference is the Vayu has you connect the thumb to the knuckle or hump of the index finger, as opposed to the fingertip in Gyan. Press down on the index finger to your level of comfort; this gesture is intended to relax not strain the joint. For optimal results, do your Pranayama exercises while holding this mudra.

Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness): It is a Mudra of emptiness or heaven, which reduces the space element in the body. One hour of this Mudra, if done regularly, can reduce ear pain and watering of the eyes. It improves hearing, strengthens the bones, reduces heart diseases and throat problems. It heals thyroid diseases and fortifies the gums. It also opens the heart chakra and helps in meditation. All about Yoga Mudras with Their Benefits.

Types of Yoga: What are the four main types of yoga? Answer: karma, bhakti, jnana, and raja. Jivamukti was created in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life in New York City. ivamukti translates to “liberated being.” Class incorporates Sanskrit chanting, Pranayama, and movement (Asanas), with a theme or lesson for each class. This is a good blend of spiritual and physical exercise.

If you are not into too much hectic activity, then Yin yoga is just the practice for you. This slow-paced style lets you hold poses for a longer time—from 45 seconds to two minutes. There are also a lot of seated postures and a focus on spirituality, inner peace and relaxation. By holding poses for a longer time, you stretch your connective tissue and make it more elastic. You also improve blood circulation and the qi energy in your body. Props help you relax into the postures instead of keeping your muscles flexed and taut. This style is often practiced in a heated room to help your muscles become more elastic. You must not try this if you are super flexible (as you can get injuries if you over-stretch) or have any connective tissue disease.

Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it with flexibility. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of flexibility. Your head is like a bowling ball—big, round, and heavy. When it’s balanced directly over an erect spine, it takes much less work for your neck and back muscles to support it. Move it several inches forward, however, and you start to strain those muscles. Hold up that forward-leaning bowling ball for eight or 12 hours a day and it’s no wonder you’re tired. And fatigue might not be your only problem. Poor posture can cause back, neck, and other muscle and joint problems. As you slump, your body may compensate by flattening the normal inward curves in your neck and lower back. This can cause pain and degenerative arthritis of the spine.

How does it help build muscle? Most poses are held for five full breaths versus the usual one to three breaths. Muscles are challenged as the mind and body have to work together simultaneously to hold a position without giving up. Breathing, posing, moving, and increasing flexibility happen together at one time, which unearths a new level of discipline in your mind and body.

Get ready for a life changing Yoga Journey experience at Spiritual Yoga Capital Rishikesh India at YTTI yoga school’s 200 hour yoga teacher training programme. Rishikesh’s holy destination situated near River Ganga’s bank our yoga school welcome you to explore new possibilities and observe the beauty of being human. Nature will do its magic and will throw away all your worries to discover a new pure soul in your balanced and healthy body. See extra details at

Watch buying advices

A small history of watches and a few advices for purchasing the perfect watch. Autavia Isograph, 42mm brushed and polished stainless steel case, dark brown calfskin strap. The Autavia has made brief appearances in Tag Heuer’s collection since it was officially discontinued in 1985, making more headlines as a collector curio than a novelty. The welcome return this year of the watch whose name is a portmanteau of “automotive” and “aviation” comes with the promise of lots of options, including a bronze-cased version, and a high-performance movement. The secret here is in the “Isograph” delineation, which points to the advanced engineering of the movement’s most delicate and important part: its hairspring. The Autavia’s is new and engineered from carbon-composite, a material that brings the benefits of anti-magnetism, resistance to gravity and shocks, and increased precision. In practice, that should make for a more reliable, more durable, and better watch.

Let’s move on to the under 1000 USD category. Cases made from solid titanium — loved for its lightweight, durable and hypoallergenic properties — are not such a common site on sub-$150 watches, which is what makes the young U.S. watch brand Bertucci an enticing option. Similarly enticing is the classic field watch dial design, the Japanese quartz movement inside, and a 100-meter depth rating. You’d be forgiven for thinking Citizen’s entire lineup is made up of its quartz Eco-Drive watches, but the brand does, in fact, make some mechanicals. The NH8350, for instance, packs a Miyota 8200 automatic movement into a clean-cut stainless steel case and comes adorned with a shimmering, sunray blue dial. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better mechanical dress watch for less.

Certina, founded in Grenchen, Switzerland in 1888, has always been a rather low-key brand. You may not know, but they were innovators in shock protection and water resistance, which is nearly weapons-grade on this watch. The rotating ceramic diving bezel on this 41mm beauty, usually a hallmark of much more expensive pieces, is scratch resistant and nearly indestructible, and the handsome strap features a deployment clasp. Shinola watches, assembled in Detroit, have sparked a renaissance in the Motor City and for American watch brands in general. One of their latest editions of their most popular design, the Runwell, is a subtle version of what can be a busy style. This is destined to become a classic design that will no doubt age well with it’s stainless steel case and durable leather strap. With a clean ivory-colored face and luminous hands, wearing this watch makes a statement that you value good design, but don’t need an overly expensive timepiece to speak for you.

WatchNerd is dedicated to giving watch enthusiasts access to hard facts and data, not just opinions, in a way that’s easy to understand, so that they can make well-informed, confident decisions. It exists to make your mechanical watch buying experience enjoyable and clear, giving you all the information you need to be confident in your decision without overwhelming you or pushing you in a particular direction. WatchNerd remains rooted in the watch enthusiast community, actively engaging with fellow watch nerds regularly so we can make sure we’re serving your needs. WatchNerd believes the watch-buying experience should be fun, not overwhelming or complicated, and always rooted in a passion for mechanical watches. We are completely open with our users when it comes to how we find our information, score watches, work with sellers, and make money. See extra details about

Well-designed life

Personal growth is very important in this 2019 world full of speed and stress. Let’s be honest, there are a ton of tasks that we all need to take care of during our day. Maybe you’re just getting started with your store, so you’ll need to take care of your design, find products to sell, and then come up with marketing campaigns so you can promote your business. And it doesn’t end once you’ve setup your store either. Maybe you’ll need to take care of some customer service issues, manage your social media accounts, or test out some new marketing channels. Like we said – tons of tasks. And if you wake up in the morning facing a huge list of stuff which you need to deal with, how do you know where to start? It’s just like the saying goes: “by failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.” Incorporate a slot into your morning routine just to plan out your daily tasks.

Sometimes the best way to have a productive morning is to get a head start on it the night before. Many productivity experts and successful people spend their evenings preparing for the next day because it makes their mornings free to get an early start on important work. American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault ends his evenings by writing down three things he wants to accomplish the next day. Planning the evening before is effective because we have a limited amount of willpower and decision-making ability every day. The thought of making too many decisions in the morning will slow you down and drain your brain for the rest of the day. If you can eliminate decision-making from your mornings, you’ll have more energy and time to have the most productive morning you can!

It`s important to give your mind and body a chance to get into a routine. Set a time that you want to wake up at (challenge yourself!) and stick to that. This will ensure your mind and body get into optimum mode sooner over a long period of time. There are much more benefits of waking up early, such as better concentration, increased problem-solving abilities or becoming more positive. See extra info at Confident style.

Get rid of clothes that make you feel bad. If your closet makes you feel bad about yourself whenever you open it, it’s time to do something about that: Throw out clothes that are too tight, don’t fit or that you wear to cover up or blend in. Be ruthless! And reserve your closet space for pieces that make you happy from now on. Need advice on how to detox your closet? Here you go. Rewrite your inner monologue. Pay attention to the things you say to yourself all-day in your head. Do you talk to yourself with respect and compassion, like you do with your closest friends? Or can you be a real bully? Notice what negative phrases you repeat all the time and train yourself to replace them with more positive and respectful self-talk. Expand your fashion comfort zone piece by piece. Think of your comfort zone as a muscle. You can train yourself to become more confident when it comes to fashion, by taking baby steps. Pair a single bolder piece with your basics for example, or wear a toned-down version of your goal look for a while. Take it step by step, until your comfort zone is big enough to cover all of the colors, silhouettes and looks that you love – no matter how daring they seem to you right now. For more tips on how to expand your comfort zone, check out this post.

Since we’re all living particularly busy lifestyles, having a place where you can stop for a second, take a deep breath and relax becomes almost mandatory. It’s important to remember that, aside from taking care of your physical well-being, you should pay close attention to your mental well-being as well. Even though exercises such as yoga and meditation can help truly put our minds at ease, if the environment you are surrounded with on a daily basis is hectic, these exercises won’t make a real difference. Therefore, in order to truly be abler to practice mindfulness, you should rethink your home’s design and see if there’s any room for improvement.

Most of us know that we should be practicing self-care, but when it comes to implementing it into our daily lives we struggle. While you may be juggling several priorities at once, it often leads to leaving your own needs at the bottom of your to-do list. Sure, your once-in-a-blue-moon social outings, salon appointments, and gym sessions might be considered self-care, but at its core self-care is about regular activities that help you recharge and make you feel good. If you’re not making time for daily self-care, you’re more likely to feel stressed, unfulfilled and overwhelmed. Read extra info at Lifestyle blog.

Do you want to lose weight ? Here are some guides

Extra weight is a big problem and people should watch it but also avoid dangerous diets. Here are some weight loss tips for safe weight loss. If slimming down is at the top of your to-do list, you may want to invest in some new flatware. Eating off plates in colors that contrast with your food can actually help you eat less, according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Good news, chocoholics: Your occasional indulgence might just be the key to staying slim. According to 2012 research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, individuals who regularly consume chocolate are thinner than those who abstain. If you want to feel good on the inside and the outside, stick to dark chocolate and you’ll enjoy a boost of inflammation-fighting antioxidants, too.

“It’s vital to take photos and measurements and keep a training diary that details not just moves you do and weights you lift, but also how the session felt,” says personal trainer and fitness model Olly Foster. “This will give you the insight to make smart changes to your programme to keep your body guessing so the fat keeps falling off.” “Writing down what you eat is a great way of tracking your eating habits,” says personal trainer Adam Jones. “Does your nutrition differ on weekends or under times of stress? To go one step further, you could do this with a training partner and show each other what you’re eating. No one wants to write down McDonald’s or Krispy Kremes if they’re in friendly competition.”

“Nutrient absorption through the gut is the key to successful fat loss,” says Matt Warner, head of personal training at Ultimate Performance Manchester. “Inflammation of the gut lining can prevent absorbing nutrients, which can make you more hungry and knock your hormones out of whack, encouraging fat storage. Avoid foods that you’ve found to cause gut discomfort and eat more fibre (veg) and omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D3 (oily fish), as well as taking a high-quality probiotic to replenish your gut with good bacteria.”

Ironman Foundation ambassador athlete Marcus Cook is proof that patience and perseverance wins every single time. Cook dropped from 489 pounds to 233 pounds in a year and a half after his close friend and boss died from cancer. “Before he died, he said, ‘I’m dying because I have an incurable disease, and you’re dying because you have a choice,'” Cook told INSIDER. “When he said that to me, I changed everything about what I was doing and made an about-face turn.” To get started, Cook committed to doing something new every day, a tip he often gives to others. “I realized that my weight didn’t appear overnight, so it wasn’t something that I could change in one day,” he said.

Want a slimmer body? Then start bringing the heat in the kitchen. Research published in 2013 in the journal PLoS One reveals that capsaicin—the component in chili peppers that gives them that trademark heat—increases a person’s ability to burn fat. Better yet, people tend to eat smaller portions of spicy food than they would a milder dish, so adding peppers to your meals may also help you cut back on portion sizes.

WW – formerly known as Weight Watchers – actually was tied with MIND of the best diet overall. But it did come first for the best diet for weight loss and best commercial diet. It assigns point values to food based on their calorie, sugar, saturated fat and protein content. The healthiest foods have zero points, meaning that you can eat as much of them as you like. You’re given a daily point total which you meet by keeping a food diary. See more info at How to lose weight tips.