Lifestyle groups on What’sApp

Searching for What’sApp groups on topics that you like discussing about ? There are a lot groups on What’sApp but finding them is quite hard, especially since many of them are not very known. We will give a few tips on who are the most popular WhatsApp groups by topics and also introduce you to a website that will make finding groups much easier. is a website that makes finding travel & tourism groups on WhatsApp very easy. Feeling lonely? Wanting to talk ? This website can help you connect to groups where you will be able to talk about your favorite subject. Let’s see who are the most popular What’sApp groups, on multiple topics.

Helloumi gathers all the messages you receive, turns them into pending tickets and sorts them in its’ desktop app. This way you won’t miss any questions and you’ll be able to answer them directly from your computer, which saves time. If you have a customer support team, a ticketing system will make it easier for them to stay organized and in sync. Stay Wow whatsapp group is a group for fitness. Lots of things to learn about fitness and nutrition. How to live life healthy way. There are fitness experts in the group who are ready to help anytime. Group consists of people from all the fields in daily life. Group has an expert who is acsm certified. Discussions are always welcomed in the group. Great group for motivation.

What’sApp groups are not only good for talking, it can also help your business. And why not? In today’s omnichannel world of texts, chats, posts, and tweets, consumers increasingly want to interact with businesses the same way they connect with their family and friends. It turns out that messaging apps—like WhatsApp, LINE, and Facebook messenger—are taking the lead as the preferred communication channels in use today. In fact, as the world’s most popular messaging channel, WhatsApp owns the leadership position with users in over 180 countries, unleashing over 60 billion messages every day. That’s why progressive businesses worldwide are excited about the potential of the WhatsApp platform. The WhatsApp Business API allows developers to build new experiences that reach even more people in even more parts of the world and result in even more effective customer engagements.

Do be patient: Initially whenever a group is formed there will be a lot of pings, but be patient. After the initial excitement fades away, that’s when the conversations will become limited. Remember you are dealing with different people here. There will be some in the group who would frequently try to create conversations, while there will be some others who will be silent observers. If your purpose of creating the group is good, don’t give up, keep investing in it. Discover more info on

Website designer in Abbottabad

Web development provider in Abbottabad ? The answer is SA Web Design & Development, a top provider of web design and SEO services. Here are some 2019 web design tips from one of the best web designers in India.

Web design trend of 2019: Glitch art: No trends list would be complete without some form of retro design making its comeback. In the case of glitch art, it’s retro gone wrong—those moments when crinkled film or a slow dial-up connection led to a distorted, if unintentionally striking, image. Glitches are significant in our modern times when computers are so pervasive. We fear the machines taking over, but we also don’t know what we’d do without them. Hence, the breakdown of technology makes for appealing subject matter both as an idea and in its design execution, where it can draw the viewer’s eye to those parts of the site that are warped, double exposed and glitchy. It’s a strange, futuristic time we live in, and no one is quite sure where it is all heading. Glitch art amplifies this feeling of disorientation by giving websites a distinctly psychedelic look.

Recognized by both our colleagues and our clients, as a leading force in web design, we create a website for you that define your vision and your message. We staff the top professionals in our field to ensure that our websites are visually striking as well as models of usability and functionality. We will take a look at your target market, who your potential customers are, as well as who your competition is. We will take into account your current brand and your personal preferences and create a look for your website that you will be truly happy with. We build every website with custom design and code, never from templates or pre coded or pre designed techniques. We have developed websites for individuals, educational institutions, companies of all sizes, and non-profit organizations. If you are in search for a small informative website or a large website with a content management system and e-commerce website, we have the experience to build a site that fits your needs. We always exceed our client’s expectations. Read extra details at Best website designer in Abbottabad Pakistan.

We called out the renaissance in serif fonts in 2018, but it seems that 2019 might be putting its quirkier, more nostalgic foot forward — at least in the headlines. Each of the retro-ish faces above feature full weight ranges, making them perfect for the flexibility that editorial work demands. Many lines have already been written about the importance of accessibility, but rebrand it as “Inclusive Design” and you’ve got a whole new unclaimed buzzword to write books and essays about! All kidding aside, thinking about the needs of a diverse set of users is never a bad thing, and if it takes a trendy concept to help us do it, I’ll take it.

We have over 12 years experience working with top rank School and our application i.e. School Management System is error free and mature . Over 100 schools and colleges already installed successfully our SMS and are happy using our services and product . Following are the main features of our School Management system. Branch creation wizard helps to create a new branch and helps to set the branch up by creating classes, setting up fee and other branch information. This allows the school to create new branches whenever required in just a few steps. See extra info on School management system Pakistan.

SEO tip of the day from SA Web Design & Development : If your website or blog is interactive and has information’s which are useful. Additionally, if the website or application is user-friendly, which means that viewers are going to stay on your website or blog for longer durations and will look for other relevant pages. When evaluating a website, Google is not only looking at the relevance of the content and SEO signals from external sources, but also analyzing at the website’s architecture and evaluating how easy it is to navigate, browse, and retrieve vital information.

Our team of excellent Web and graphics designer is also experts in employing various frameworks created for the development of static and dynamic websites keeping in mind your budget provisions. Our team also is well equipped to refurbish your existing website and provide website maintenance services. If you are a business man and in search of best web Design Company in Pakistan, we have the experience and expertise to help you achieve your online business goals with eye-catching design, affordable development and productive website with excellent position of your website on Google search engine. The main characteristics that define and distinguish us are Creativity, Quality, Innovation, Affordability, and Usability.

Company Name: SA Web Design & Development
Company Address: Zaib Centre, Jinnahabad Road, Mandian Abbottabad KPK, Pakistan.
Website Address:
Tel:+92 315 8570057
Tel:+92 315 8570057

Java online courses

Meet Visual.School , the next generation online learning provider. The world is moving, time is advancing and all things in the world evolve. Even when, at a first glance, there is no need for change you are pleasantly impressed with a new approach to an established product or service. The internet is full of tutorials and online courses and you may think that there is no room for new ideas, thinking out of the box, to develop even further the online learning methods.

Visual.School is a new online learning provider aiming to hugely improve the user experience. Today’s online tutorials are good but they can be improved and i will go through some of the key points of VisualSchool’s learning methods.

So why redesign the online course? Because traditional online courses have a critical flaw: tons of wasted time. The result is a blog post or video that is inherently difficult to assimilate and to put to good use. We fixed that, and more.

Today’s online learning material is structured in a linear fashion, you go though static lessons, reading/learning them 1 by 1. VisualSchool approach is different , allowing the student to set his own goals and offering paths to this goals. There is no point to learn 10 things in succession if you really need 1 to accomplish your professional goal target.

I’m sure everyone trying to learn something online has encountered this situation : you read and read more and after a few pages there are a lot of terms/words that are unfamiliar, that require you to go search in other courses to know what are those about. VisualSchool will provide nano-lessons, small short minilessons, embedded in the reading, that will allow you to quickly learn the basics of anything that you don’t know. Mark and the short explanation is 1 click away.

“As I realized up to now, we need an application with more visuals and to teach people by images not texts, yeah you know? If there was something hard that all people can’t learn it, you can teach them easily by images, even one image. I have experience in this regard and I would like to share it with you.” – Ali Torki

Another problem of the current format of e-guides is that they don’t place weights for each component of a course. Let’s say you need to learn A,B,C and D targets. But A,B and C only will give you small benefits towards your overall goal while D while give you a huge progress. Instead of going through a course of 10 pages for each A,B,C,D goals VisualSchool will focus to deliver your knowledge for the most important part (D) while offering a minimal effort path for the less important targets. Read extra details at Study and Learning Platform.

Visual learning (or speed learning according to VisualSchool) is a faster way to learn. Instead of reading 100 words (like most of the online courses) the focus is on using less words but more schematics , examples, videos, slideshows and images. The goal is to learn more in less time.

The main concepts are :

1. Study according to your own experience. This saves time but also it’s making sure you don’t skip vital knowledge required to achieve your learning targets.
2. Fast focused learning. Less words, more examples, on point, combined with the next main concept, filling the knowledge gaps on the spot.
3. Get missing concepts on the spot. This one is the most important, no need to go search, find, browse through an entire e-book to learn a concept that you don’t know. Nano-lessons are a 1 click short lessons, on the spot, without losing focus and time, to learn the missing bits required to advance further.

Source: and also you can check Visual School Kickstarted project here

Top Pittsburgh tree removal companies

Tree trimming tricks and we also offer a suggestion on how to search the best tree trimming companies, to avoid home disasters and huge costs. When planting a tree, you need to make sure that its root system is able to settle and expand appropriately. Too much new soil around the base of a tree can cause roots to tangle or strangle the trunk of the tree. If you need additional guidance in this area, don’t hesitate to contact our team. Use the three-cut technique for stems that are too long – Make a notch on the side of the stem that faces away from the branch that’s being held; make the second cut inside the crotch of the branch and above the branch ridge; the third cut will remove the stub by cutting through the stem parallel to the branch bark ridge.

The city of Minneapolis recognizes 81 unmistakable neighborhoods, 11 networks, and four mechanical territories inside its limits. The focal noteworthy milestone of Minneapolis is Bridge Square, the detect that denotes the establishing of the city. The city is situated on both the east and west banks of the Mississippi River, with the bigger part found west of the stream. This makes it easy for local Minneapolis tree service companies to get to homeowners in the Twin Cities areas. Nicollet Avenue is home to the real downtown shopping area, Nicollet Mall, which is shut to all vehicles aside from transports and taxicabs. The city’s budgetary area is situated on Marquette Avenue. The University of Minnesota grounds is generally situated on the east bank of the waterway. The Lake of the Isles territory houses an upscale private neighborhood. Partitioned between both stream banks, between two scaffolds, is the grain-processing region. See additional info at Minneapolis tree trimming.

A qualified tree service will have an answer to this question right away. Protecting the things around your tree is an important part of the job. They should be able to explain the precautions they take while working in your yard. If they say, “we will just fill in our tire tracks with dirt” that may not be a good sign. At a minimum, plywood should be used to protect your lawn from equipment.

Local residents in Salt Lake City are good about taking care of their trees, they realize disregarding a tree with enormous branches hanging over electrical cables or property, this could lead to a dangerous situation. It takes less than 60 seconds on our site to get up to 3 FREE quotes on tree service or do a quick search to contact tree service companies in Salt Lake City. Begin now and give a few details as to where you are located, how many trees are involved, how soon you want the job done, and we’ll match you to reputable tree service companies in Salt Lake City. See more info on Salt Lake City tree service.

This is a very valuable Tree care tip to improve you tree health. Some plants effects your tree’s health so please, keep English ivy and some other invasive plants away from trees, which will get weaken or die as ivy spreads around the crowns. Even if you will keep invasive vines off the trunk, presence of invasive vines above the roots can damage your tree, so you need to remove invasive plants to improve your tree growth and health. Break or cut off dead limbs as you climb. Never use dead, weak, or split branches for support. Place your feet and hands on separate limbs as you climb and only move one step at a time. While climbing, always work with another person who stays on the ground. If the tree is unsafe to climb, an aerial lift may be necessary. Always get training before operating or using an aerial lift. But i think you are better hiring a professional tree service company.

A giant among trees, the bald cypress is an imposing sight. Unlike its relative the pond cypress, it prefers growing along water in motion, such as rivers, streams, and sluggish swamps. Black mangroves have shiny leaves and dark round seed cases. Their most distinguishing feature is their pnuemataphores, finger-like protrusions around the tree like slender, miniature cypress knees. Find extra details on Methuen tree service.

How to obtain more Youtube views for free

You want to improve your Youtube channel or to raise the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are a few methods on how to obtain more Youtube viewers and subscribers.

Make Playlists To Grow Views: By creating a playlist, you will enable users to watch several of your videos in a row, without the need of doing anything. This is very convenient for the users but is also good for the YouTuber. Why? Because it helps to boost the views on all the videos in the playlist! In order to make the list viral, you need to pick the videos wisely. Pro Tip: In the best-case scenario, the list would contain the videos that, when put together, create a story. Basically, this means that each consequent video in the playlist must relate to the previous!

Create search-friendly (but still human-friendly) titles and descriptions: Before people can watch your videos, they’ve got to find them. That means your SEO strategies have got to be up to scratch. When writing titles and descriptions, Cochrane recommends typing potential keywords into the search bar to see what comes up in the autocomplete. You might get ideas for related search terms you might not have thought of. If they’re relevant to the video you’ve created, include them when appropriate. If not, you may have uncovered an idea for an entirely new video. You can also click on the auto-completed search terms to see what kinds of videos (and how many) already exist for those keywords to get a sense of the competition. Google Trends and the Google Adwords Keyword Planner will also help you uncover powerful keywords to include in your title and description. But don’t include keywords that are not relevant to your video—YouTube will penalize you for doing so. You can also include up to 15 hashtags in your video description. See more info at Free YouTube views.

No one likes to click on a title that masks different content. Words that stir strong emotions attract a lot of attention. Do not abuse these emotions. It is important that that emotion matches what you convey in the clip. The numbers offer a very precise value. Therefore, these are very specific elements that visitors can click on. I know, sometimes it’s hard to include numbers in a title. But how could you include a number in a music clip? Post the video to a YouTube channel: The next step is to post the video. Normally, you need to make some adjustments when uploading the clip to YouTube. Basically, post, add the 5000 character description and add the tags.

Searching for a customer service phone number?

Upset about a specific company customer support? Looking minutes on a utility bill to find a customer support phone number? Here is something to help you. What are the best support departments of Fortune 500 companies ? How can you reach them ? This American retailing company was founded in 1883 in Ohio and is the second largest U.S. general retailer based on revenue. A Fortune 100 company, Kroger has over 2,424 stores around the world and maintains its markets in 31 states. Its employees are represented by bargaining agreements and are known to deliver excellent services to their customers. Currently, it holds a 34.8% excellent customer service rating. A major airline based in the United States, Southwest Airlines is recognized as the largest low-cost carrier in the world. It is headquartered in Dallas, Texas and has over 46,000 employees as of August 2012. This airline company was established in 1967 but only adopted its current name in 1971. It has scheduled flights in over 89 destinations in the United States and one in Puerto Rico. Currently, it holds a 34.8% excellent customer service rating.

Whether they’re for-profits or nonprofits, hospitals today have got to keep their clients (aka patients) happy, in order to keep their doors open, in a highly competitive climate. Revered for its high standards in research, the Mayo Clinic is also known for treating patients like people and putting compassion ahead of the bottom line. Laurie Richards, who teaches customer service courses, gives the Clinic five stars for helpful personal service at every level—and she would know, her father was a patient there, off and on, for two years. “Any time we asked an employee where something was, (Mayo consists of a maze of tunnels and walkways covering several blocks) the employee, be it a nurse, phlebotomist, or a candy striper, would walk us directly to the place—whether it was a coffee shop or the labs. And never a complaint, sigh of frustration, or lack of a smile,” she recalls. “Our entire experience was filled with wonderful customer service, surrounding a terrible health experience,” she explains.

Going the extra mile will not only result in an indebted and happy customer, it can also go a long way in terms of keeping yourself on their radar for future business. A three year old named Lily Robinson wrote a letter to Sainsbury’s, a UK grocery store, a letter asking why ‘tiger bread was called tiger bread and not giraffe bread?’. To Lily’s surprise, Chris King, the customer service manager of Sainsbury’s responded with “I think renaming it to giraffe bread is a brilliant idea!”. Several months later, the bread was renamed to giraffe bread.

For customers, finding a company’s contact details is step one to getting their problem solved. However, 41% of all companies do not have contact information visible on their website (Tweet this!). Every single company that made it to the best in class list had an email address or phone number clearly visible on the home page of their website, making it very easy to contact them, as opposed to hiding it down somewhere inside the website. Making the email address or phone number visible also adds an element of trust, as the best in class companies show the customer that they are not afraid to hear from them. Adding to this, a B2B web usability report by KoMarketing Associates found that 79% of B2B buyers will leave a website if contact information is not visible. So, not only will you frustrate existing customers, but you also risk losing new business by omitting it.

Phone numbers for all big companes! This website focuses on providing very fast access to info related to any big firm client support section, with a lot of additional information, like phone contacts, email, live chat addresses and so on. Read more info about Customer service phone number.

SEO audit packages

SEO laws and white hat practices are modified every year so here are some SEO tips for best results in 2019. Does your audience prefer text? Images? Video? Audio. Knowing this will all be more important than ever in 2019, according to our experts. “You need to understand what someone is expecting to find when they query a word or phrase and you need to give them the answer in the simplest way possible,” said Mindy Weinstein CEO of Market Mindshift. Motoko Hunt, president of AJPR, agreed, adding that the interests, tastes, and preferences of your audience can change more quickly than you think.

The importance of voice search for SEO in 2019 should come as no surprise. If you review the search data put out by Google, we can see that over half of all search queries now come from mobile devices, and around 20 percent of queries made on mobile apps are now voice-based. And with voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Home becoming more popular, we expect this growth to be consistent for a while. Backlinko researched voice queries and SEO, and came up with some good advice on how to get ahead in this arena: Optimize your content to align with the type of queries you’d hear in voice searches. We all know that Google gives ranking points to websites with high user retention, longer time spent on-page, and lower bounce rates. Ipso facto, if you engage your viewers, you will rank better in the SERPs. This applies to every page on your site, but here, we’re recommending a particular tactic: Incorporating video in your landing pages. Research suggests that video on landing pages can increase conversions by as much as 80 percent by engaging viewers directly, building trust, and holding their attention for longer than other mediums. Naturally, these benefits translate to longer time spent on-site and increased engagement with your content.

WordPress SEO tip : If your website takes a millennium to load, you’re losing prospects left, right and center. Further, you’re flushing SEO points down the drain, and they’re hard to come by. Slow pages lead to higher bounce rates, loss of traffic and customer trust, so decrease your page load time already. The post I’ve linked in the foregoing statement will show you everything you need to do to improve the speed of your WordPress site. If you wanted to do a quick site speed check on your site to see how fast it is you can use the Google Page Insights tool to check your website and see what sort of recommendations Google has for you to increase your site speed (it’s important to note that page insights is focused on many micro-optimizations which sometimes don’t make a lot of sense for your site to do or it won’t affect your site as much as simply getting a better hosting plan, the most important factor is your actual loading time, so you should compare your loading time with your top competitors and make sure your site is faster). While HTTPS is not a major ranking signal, Google is still conducting tests and might decide to strengthen it in the near future. Just the other day, they published an article on securing your site with HTTPS. The post outlines the importance of site security, best practices when setting up HTTPS and how to set up HTTPS on your HTTP site. You should be in good hands.

So in 2019, you should increasingly ask yourself what your target group wants to know when searching the web or what they want to cover with their search. The more you meet this need with your content, the better your ranking chances will be. With the evolution of SERPs, Google is accessing more and more data material. Today, Google is also able to create its own meaningful meta-descriptions from existing content. In addition, the search engine giant uses structured data to create rich snippets. Since the available space has become smaller due to a change in the arrangement of the advertisements, you should make sure to create eye-catching snippets. Note that homepages cannot get review snippets, only inner pages do. Rich snippets can significantly increase the click-through rate (CTR) for your website. Some sources say this can increase by up to 30%, but we have never seen such high changes on all websites in our care.

Always Stay Advanced: We continuously updating ourselves with the change in Google’s policy for SEO. We keep all the websites up to date in competence with Google’s rules for pbn building service. Well, Organize: We have set of procedures and quality policy that encourage us to work within time with maintaining the highest level of quality. Experienced Team: We have a team of professionals who have adequate knowledge of SEO, website design and development, and maintenance. They know the finest ways to achieve the desired ranking on any keywords and niches. Read more info at Ecommerce SEO audit.

How to buy a domain name for your WordPress website

Blogging is something everyone talks about right now, many persons are looking to start a blog. Here are some things you need to know regarding what is a good blog site to start. 1st we talk about free blogging websites and after that we discuss about self hosted blogging solutions.

Firstly, it is important to know how to evaluate the speed of your website. Generally, websites load in 7 seconds on average, but your goal should be less than 3 seconds. This ensures users are satisfied with a snappy website. There are a number of great tools out there for testing website speed, with the best options being GTmetrix and Pingdom. These free-to-use tools provide overall performance scores, page details, and in-depth speed reports. In other words, they are just the sort of tools that help you to determine where to focus your website speed optimization efforts. I usually use GTmetrix for evaluation due to the clear information and clean user interface provided. Just register a free GTMetrix account to access more functionality e.g. different test server region. More on optimize wordpress speed. is a blog hosting service from the same company, Automattic, that’s behind It’s free to launch your blog on, but you have to pay for extra features like storage and your own domain name. Like Wix and Weebly, to remove the logo you need to upgrade to a paid plan, which start from $4 a month. works in the same way as drag-and-drop builders. You construct your blog by selecting and moving elements around on your screen must be doing something right as it claims to power 30% of the internet. SEO is one of’s big strengths, with sites loading quickly and backed up by powerful infrastructure. Set up is fast and the platform is straightforward to get to grips with. On the downside, customization opportunities are limited – especially when compared to You can’t edit the code and you don’t have complete control over your blog.

Describing itself as a “blogging platform designed to help you think”, Svbtle is fairly similar to Medium in approach. Like Medium, it strips everything right back, resulting in a bold, stylish experience that pushes words to the fore. It could easily become your favourite blogging platform for the act of writing, but it again relies on you also wanting something extremely simple and not caring a jot about customisation.

Ghost is an open source blogging platform that provides a simple, clean interface that makes it very easy to use. It also provides a live preview of your post while you are writing it, so you can easily correct any writing or coding mistakes as you go along. This platform can be great for beginners because of its ease of use, but expert bloggers may also prefer it because of its interface compared to other blogging services. The downside to Ghost is that it can be difficult to install at first but once it is, it can be a great tool for any blogger.

There are two main benefits to using a self-hosted format, as opposed to the free version at Self-hosted blogs have much more freedom when it comes to customizing the look and feel of your website. You can use any template you like and you’ll use your own domain name, for a more professional feel. Self-hosted blogs also allow for advertising, which can help off-set the costs associated with blogging. You can’t run ads on a free blog from, which is why I eventually had to transfer my blog from free hosting to self-hosting. Transferring is such a hassle, I wish I had just started with self-hosting in the first place! If you’ve once decided to have a blog, but have been putting it off because you assumed making a blog will be difficult or time-consuming, you have probably missed the most recent developments. Thanks to current user-friendly tools, it just takes about 15 minutes to build a blog and running it only costs a few dollars a month ($3-4 per month in total) -cheaper than your favorite cup of coffee. (All information in this site is FREE.)

One of the major benefits of WordPress is its great list of free plugins, many of which can be found at the WordPress plugin repo. There are also many premium plugins that are available at varying costs. Technically, as a new blogger wanting to start your blog with minimal investment, you may not need any premium services or plugins. But if you don’t have an investment issue, you can grab some of the premium plugins to help you increase your site’s functionality (like boosting your on-page SEO optimization).

Website should not be a special thing nowadays, in fact it is a common tool that I think every business / or even an individual should have one. We are in the age of information, every information should be delivered digitally without the borders. Hence, this blog is about sharing my experience and providing guidance for any beginner or even non-tech guy to easily build a website for themselves. In my complete solution, I include the factors of website performance, building cost, building difficulty, search ranking when writing the blog. With these guidance, you can easily build a WordPress website yourself which is low cost, fast and rank higher in search engine. More information about click here.

How to: upgrading to Drupal 8

Upgrading a website script version is one of the highest risk procedure a webmaster has to deal with when managing a website. Migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8? Here is a small guide with various details. Let’s start with basic info : Note that you don’t need to know anything about PHP to build a site in Drupal. When you search (preferably on Google) for a solution to your latest Drupal problem, a lot of the pages that come up will be providing snippets of PHP code. This is not the correct help information for you, the Drupal newbie. This is for technically competent people who are able to build their own modules and stuff like that. If you look at the other pages thrown up by your search, you will probably find an answer to your problem which involves working within the existing Drupal core and modules. That means, a solution you can implement using menus and tickboxes and whatnot, without needing to mess around with code.

The very first thing you should do is to make a local version of the website. This is an essential step because making changes to a live website is very risky and is never a recommended practice. This way, if anything does go awry, your actual website will remain safe and functional. After clicking Continue, you will be brought to the screen in the following screenshot. Enter all the required details such as your existing website’s credentials, the database location and the location of your website files.

Upgrading is the process of moving your site from a previous major version of Drupal to a newer version, for example from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. This consists of upgrading the codebase to the appropriate version and then migrating the data from your old site into the new one. Drupal 8 core contains two modules to help facilitate this process: Migrate Drupal and Migrate Drupal UI.

The steps above outline how to get a distribution minimally installed on an existing site. But you’ll still have a lot of work to do to reconcile your existing site content and structure with what has been created by the distribution. Here are a few tips to get you started–but you should begin with the assumption that there will be lots more you’ll discover and need to fix. Roles. Many distributions will create one or more custom roles. Examples include contributor, editor, and administrator. If any of these roughly correspond to existing roles on your site, delete the roles created by the distribution and rename the existing ones to use the distribution role names. For example, if your site has a role called “site administrator” and the distribution has created a role called “administrator”, delete the newly created “administrator” role and rename “site administrator” to “administrator”. After adjusting the role names, visit admin/config/people/accounts, ensure the “administrator” role is selected as the “Administrator role”, and save the form. Consolidating the roles in this way will get you the functionality of the distribution’s roles and permissions while maintaining your existing users’ role allocations.

If you already have a Drupal website that has a considerable amount of content or a large number of users or has custom functionality you want to keep, though, you might want to try directly upgrading the site to use the distribution. Doing so could save you a lot of time in migrating content. But it will also raise a number of challenges. Upgrading to a distribution is probably something you should try only if you have the skills and time needed to do troubleshooting and some custom data work.

There are several tips and best practices to follow to help you prepare for the upgrade. Still, since this is such a complex process, we highly recommend getting members of your development team involved from the beginning, which will help ensure the upgrade goes as smoothly as possible. Upgrading to Drupal 8 is more similar to building a new website than previous Drupal updates were, meaning that you should never perform the upgrade to Drupal 8 on a live site. It’s also strongly recommended that you create a backup of your live site so that if anything goes awry, you can quickly roll the site back to an earlier version while you figure out what the issue is. Read extra info at Drupal 8 Migration.

Catalog of Websites for Cleaning and Home Improvement Businesses

If you own a cleaning business or a home improvement business you might want to include your business website to CleaningAds.Online , a new online directory and market for home improvement businesses.

Before you submit your website to directories, you should first know the actual benefits of directory submission. There are number of benefits of directory submission. One of the main benefits of directory submission is highly quality back links. All the search engines consider the number of back links you have.

Business owners and SEO experts alike recognize the importance of directory submissions for increased traffic and sales. It is one of the most affordable SEO options available and offers great opportunities for business promotion. In fact, it is one of the most important factors to consider when developing your business’s internet marketing strategy. When you use directory submissions to increase traffic to your site, you will notice that your search engine ranking increases; and as your ranking increases, so will the amount of traffic on your site. As you can see, directory submission is a win-win prospect that you simply can’t afford to ignore. Here are the top 5 benefits of directory submission for you online business website.

1. One-way links. Search engines place a premium on one-way links rather than reciprocal links, and directories are a great way to obtain those valuable one-way links. Search engines also place great value on links from sites that are well-established and are relevant to your market niche. Since directories allow you to place your listing in the categories that most closely fit with your product or service, you can rest assured that search engines will consider these links relevant. And you have the option of choosing older, more well-established directories that will show search engines that your links come from authoritative websites.

2. Search engine listings. Once you submit your site to a directory and your site is listed, it will only be a matter of days before the major search engines begin listing your URL as well. Robots are constantly searching for new websites and will find your website fast if it is listed in a directory.

3. Keyword relevance. Having your site listed in a web directory can help build keyword relevance, which in turn results in more traffic to your website.

4. Brand awareness. Directory submission is essential for increasing brand awareness.

5. Affordability. Directory submission is one of the most affordable SEO strategies you can find. Many directories will list your site for free, and even those sites that charge to list your site don’t charge a prohibitive amount. Directory submission is easily one of the most economically reasonable ways to address link popularity, brand awareness, and keyword targeting for your website.

One of the drawbacks to directory submission is that is a tedious process. SEO experts and internet marketing professionals have discovered that manual submission to directories is the most efficacious way to complete the directory submission task since each directory has its own rules and regulations for submission. Using submission software runs a great risk of rejection since such software is unable to customize your listing for each directory and can’t choose appropriate categories and subcategories as accurately as a human can. But manual submission can take a lot of time and effort.

If you’re truly committed to using directory submission as an integral part of your overall internet marketing strategy, you may consider utilizing the service of an internet marketing expert. Not only can an internet marketing expert help you determine how best to use directory submissions within your strategy, but he can also tell you which directories to pursue and which to avoid. He will know which niche directories most closely match your product or service, and he can even take care of the directory submission task on your behalf.

Whether you choose to take on the task of directory submissions yourself or hire a professional to do it for you, be sure to take advantage of the benefits of directory submissions. You’ll be glad you did when you see the increased traffic to your site and when you watch your visitors turn into loyal customers!