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Dacă aș avea un dolar de fiecare dată când am văzut un comentariu pe rețelele sociale de tipul „de ce sunt atât de sexy costumele de Halloween pentru femei?!” Aș avea destui bani să mă duc la supermagazinul de Halloween din cartierul meu și să cumpăr un costum sexy de cartofi prajiti. Pentru femeile tinere din zilele noastre, procesul de alegere a unui costum de Halloween începe de obicei cu întrebarea „a sexy sau nu a sexy?” (sau în mintea mea, „a îngheța sau a nu îngheța într-o noapte rece de octombrie?”) și, deși pot înțelege argumentele conform cărora Halloween-ul sexy, numit acum nu atât de feminist Slutoween, oferă beneficii ale fanteziei. fiind acceptabil din punct de vedere social să-și poarte corpul într-un mod sexual, este totuși curios că sărbătoarea a dezvoltat o cultură a costumului libidinoasă atât de generală. oferind în mare parte centrat în jurul copiilor la o noapte de mahmureală, aruncări cu tematică pentru adulți? Da vina pe New York. Slate’s Explainer urmărește Halloween-ul sexy până la Greenwich Village din 1973: parada de Halloween din Greenwich Village din New York City a început în 1973 ca o promenadă a familiei și a prietenilor din casă în casă, organizată de un păpușar local și producător de măști. Totuși, a devenit rapid o petrecere la nivel de cartier și, din moment ce Satul era cartierul gay de facto din New York, comunitatea gay a acceptat-o. Evenimentul, cu ținutele sale drag și costumația de altfel rebelă, a devenit celebru în New York și în toată țara, la fel ca și petrecerile de Halloween la fel de obscenoase din cartierul Castro din San Francisco și din West Hollywood. are sens, deoarece acești baby boomers au crescut când Halloween-ul așa cum îl știm astăzi începea cu adevărat să se dezvolte. Și prin „dezvoltare”, vreau să spun că a devenit din ce în ce mai comercializat, pe măsură ce producătorii de dulciuri și comercianții cu amănuntul au început să realizeze potențialul de profit al costumelor pentru copii și al trucului sau al fricului în anii 1940 și 1950. În acest caz, acei sărbători de Halloween din Greenwich au crescut probabil cu Halloween-urile mai festive ca niciodată, iar liniile de vedere capitaliste erau deopotrivă fixate pe tineri și pe bătrâni. În teza ei din 2012, „The Rise of Slut-o-ween”, Elizabeth A. Greer observă că „marketingul a început să se adreseze din ce în ce mai mult adulților, pe măsură ce magazinele vindeau atât costume, cât și alte produse de Halloween, cum ar fi sculptarea dovlecilor și decorațiunile casei, pentru a atrage un public mai larg. public cu putere de cumpărare crescută.”

Reddit este un site de social media super popular, care este compus din mii de comunități de nișă. Spre deosebire de alte site-uri de socializare, Reddit nu are probleme cu conținutul pentru adulți, ceea ce îl face locul perfect pentru fetișuri, îndoieli și travesti. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei platforme de întâlniri pentru crossdresser cu mintea deschisă, Reddit este o opțiune grozavă. Subreddit-ul numit r/Crossdresser_dating a fost creat special pentru persoanele care caută o comunitate online de crossdresser. Travestii pot fi ei înșiși, pot primi sfaturi și își pot face prieteni adevărați. Cea mai bună parte a acestei platforme de travesti Reddit este că este complet gratuit de utilizat în orice moment. Pentru a accesa toate funcțiile de pe Reddit, veți dori să vă creați un cont gratuit.

Acesta este un site de conectare care este specializat în întâlniri ocazionale și adulți. Aceste relații sunt facilitate prin videoclipurile membrilor și chat-urile live. FriendFinder-X ocolește site-ul inconfortabil de întâlniri într-o relație și trece direct la stadiul de sex, ceea ce îl face distractiv pentru persoanele care doresc să se cupleze pentru ocazional. Indiferent dacă sunteți în căutarea unei relații pe termen lung, a întâlniri sau a legături cu milf-uri, Xmilfs vă acoperă. Este o oprire bună pentru persoanele care sunt noi în lumea întâlnirilor. Profilurile sunt scurte la exterior pentru a ajuta persoana care întâlnește să ia rapid decizia. Procesul este facilitat prin mesaje live, imagini și videoclipuri.

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Best rated Mercedes Panamericana grill company

Panamericana grill company from Choosing the right accessories for your Mercedes-Benz isn’t as easy as you might originally believe. Not all options are wise. You may like a certain floor mat or want a cool item hanging from your rearview mirror. What do they add or take away from your driving experience, though? You need to answer that question each time if you hope to truly have the best accessories for your Mercedes. Don’t forget some of the top car essentials as well. A first aid kit and solar-powered charger can go a long way in case of emergency. Discover even more details on Mercedes tuning.

It’s hard to lob any arguments at the EQS and its massive Hyperscreen interface… but I found one or two things to complain about. The touch capacitive controls on the steering wheel are maddening. Without a tactile volume knob, the capacitive rocker on the right side of the wheel makes it difficult to find the perfect volume. The cruise control “buttons” on the left side of the steering wheel require a learning curve because they’re so clustered together, and Mercedes updated the seat controls on the door panels, too, making them needlessly complicated touch-capacitive. To be fair, Mercedes never said the EQS was a performance sedan – for that, get the AMG model. But the 516 horsepower and 631 pound-feet available on this 580 trim, courtesy of a 107.8-kilowatt-hour battery pack and two permanent-synchronous electric motors, does deliver decent grunt. It’s enough to propel the EQS to 60 in just 4.1 seconds, which is quick for a 5,888-pound vehicle. But it’s almost crazy to say, for a car with 631 lb-ft, that the EQS still doesn’t feel as fast as a comparable Taycan, Air, or Model S.

In addition to the popular Panamericana Grill, the Diamond Grill for various Mercedes-Benz models is also becoming increasingly popular. This type of grill lacks the usual continuous lamellar or honeycomb structure. Instead, the main focus is on special point or diamond-shaped inserts on the radiator grille, which are arranged symmetrically in a particularly striking structure. In this way, the Diamond Grill makes a particularly important contribution to the elegant appearance of every Mercedes-Benz car equipped with it.

The called MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) is the latest multimedia system from Mercedes-Benz. Part of the standard equipment? Yes, the standard scope includes two 7″ touchscreens and the MBUX multimedia system. Note: There are various optional extras that extend the system. The optional extras include the navigation basic and navigation premium packages, the touchpad, augmented reality navigation and smartphone integration.

Benz-Yourself business was started in the year 2019, in Germany. Starting with own interests in cars, focusing the Mercedes-Benz brand and the Tuning behind it. From this powerful passion and reference, our online store for Mercedes-Benz Tuning went on the market in 2021. Our product analysis department constantly checks for new items relating to Mercedes-Benz Tuning that meet the high quality standards. Discover even more info on

Premium wood-based heating and fuel products company with

High quality BBQ charcoal bags supplier in the UK? As any wood fuel expert will tell you, moisture content is the single most important determiner of firewood quality. When wet wood is burned, it does so very inefficiently. It smoulders and releases a lot of harmful smoke particles (including cancerogenic creosote). But dry the same piece of firewood to a moisture content under 20% moisture and it becomes an incredibly efficient, carbon-neutral, eco-friendly heat source.

Avoid Fines When Starting Fires on Someone Else’s Property: Going barbequing or camping on someone else’s property? Make sure you have express permission to start a fire from the landowner. Have permission to camp and think that’s enough? Then you may be in store for an unpleasant surprise (and a hefty fine). Why? Being allowed to camp doesn’t automatically mean being allowed to build a fire. Due to fire safety laws, many campsites cannot allow you to start a fire on them during certain months of the year. And even if they are not required to do so by law, campsite operators might not want to risk allowing visitors to start fires. Once you have permission, make sure you follow general fire safety guidelines and leave the area better than you found it.

Why Choose Lekto? Because you deserve the best. Industry-disrupting product quality. At Lekto, we strive to create next-gen products that push boundaries and set new standards. The recipe for our success is simple. We have countless decades of collective experience. We are in full control of our entire production process. And we live by the mantra of continuous improvement. Luxury customer service experience. You matter to us. Which is why our customer support team will treat you like a VIP. Whether you’re a long-term buyer or a new client, they’ll do everything they can to provide you with unparalleled customer service.

How Hot Is a Wood Fire? There is no one answer to how hot does a wood fire get. The temperature of a wood fire varies greatly from species to species. The hottest burning type of firewood is beech, which burns at 950 °C. Oak firewood burns at 900 °C, which makes it perfect for pizza ovens and steak searing. The UK’s most popular firewood tree species, birch, burns at around 820 C.

How Dry Should Firewood Be? In order to be safe to burn, firewood should be dried to moisture levels of under 20%. This is the dryness level recommended by Defra. Premium kiln dried logs are often dried to moisture levels below 10%, which helps them burn more efficiently. What Moisture Content Should Firewood Be? According to the requirements of Defra’s Ready to Burn standard, firewood should be dried to moisture levels of under 20%. What Fire Extinguisher for Wood? Red is the right colour of fire extinguisher for paper and wood. The color signifies a water fire extinguisher that is suitable for use in extinguishing class A combustible materials (wood, paper, cotton, et cetera). Water has a cooling effect and can penetrate these materials, which helps prevent reignition.

Importance of Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian Wood Imports With the UK being heavily deforested as it is (just 13% of our land area is covered by forests), it is impossible to fully meet the nation’s demand for wood fuel with domestic tree cutting. Which is why most firewood in the UK is imported. And while the three warring countries may feel like they are far away, they made up a disproportionately large portion of the UK’s firewood imports. Wood fuels from these regions were inexpensive and could be ordered in bulk, which made them the perfect choice for suppliers operating in all market segments.

When camping in undeveloped sites, it’s always recommended to check with the agency that administers the land you’re on. In many cases, you will only be allowed to start fires in certain parts of the land. In some cases, you may need to get a camping permit. And sometimes you might discover that you cannot start a fire on the site at all. Once you get your okay from the relevant agency, it’s important to find the right site. Avoid brushy territory or areas with low-hanging branches as fly-away embers can quickly ignite a wildfire. Once you’ve found the approximate area you want to camp at, locate an existing fire ring instead of building a new one and clean it before leaving. Find additional information at

Excellent organic hair products online with Brasil Hair Skin and Body

Top organic skin online shop from Brasil Hair Skin and Body? The owners of Brasil Hair Skin and Body LLC (BHSB), Vera Crowley (CEO) and Annette Crowley (CFO) known as Brasil twins are building a business model that aims to provide a variety of products to consumers so they can look and feel awesome. The owners of Brasil Hair Skin and Body CEO Silk and CFO Brandy (industry experts nick naming them the Brasil twins) bring over 15 years of experience in the beauty and beauty care industry, as well as vast knowledge of their products to the table; and, seek to use this knowledge and expertise to see that their organization provides immense benefit to consumers.

This is why BHSB will establish various consumer analyses to collect feedback, and identify risks. After conducting these audits, the owners aim to continue to grow and expand the business in a manner that is sustainable and effective. With the support of its founders, and associated licensed chemists, it will continuously supply natural products to provide consumers the best possible results. The mission of Brasil Hair Skin and Body is to make people look good and feel good by providing a range of high-quality personal beauty care products. This mission (along with the vision) of the company will be achieved by its founders leveraging their skills and expertise, and by consistently providing quality products to consumers.

As the business continues to grow, BHSB will acquire the skills and expertise of additional staff in core areas of the operations. That is, in the long-term—and, as the business becomes ready to grow following initial audits and risk assessments—it will expand this organizational structure. The purpose of these internal functions are to ensure every aspect of the business runs smoothly—from acquiring raw materials and products, to providing them to customers in a sustainable and effective manner.

Chebe powder is a mix of a number of natural herbs, including the chebe plant (shébé seeds from croton zambesicus), clove, samour resin (Benjoin Djaoui), cherry seeds, musk ambrette, vegetable oil, and prunus mahaleb. The powder has been around for centuries and also originated in Chad, which lies in Central Africa. Chadian ladies have actually used the powder as part of their hair treatment ritual for ages. Chebe powder’s solution is not constant across the board, as well as this is because various suppliers produce personalized solutions of the powder.

Brasil Hair, Skin, & Body was established by CEO Silk and CFO Brandy, a team of highly experienced professionals that felt a need to offer skin, hair, and fitness products that were natural and organic. For over 15 years, we have been providing organic skin, hair, and body care products made of high-quality ingredients to give our customers the top-of-the-line products they deserve. We want to make sure everyone can take care of themselves and feel comfortable in their skin. Our revolutionary range is best suited for men, women, and children of all ages who want to improve their skin, body, and hair, naturally. Find more info on Chebe organic skin, hair and body products.

Entrepreneuriat start-up premium par Julien Foussard

Conseil digital premium par Julien Foussard? En plus d’avoir fait ses preuves dans le milieu de la création d’entreprise, Julien Foussard aspire à aider ceux et celles qui souhaiteraient, comme lui, développer leur startup. Fort de son statut actuel de consultant digital, il se consacre également aux nouveaux arrivants sur le marché de l’entrepreneuriat. En effet, Julien Foussard possède un blog sur lequel il donne différents conseils aux personnes qui entreprennent également : structuration des équipes, innovation, gestion de son emploi du temps ou encore levée de fonds, ces sujets n’ont plus de secrets pour l’entrepreneur.

Julien Foussard vous aide à combattre le syndrome de l’imposteur: Pour vous aider à avancer sans crainte dans votre vie professionnelle, Julien Foussard vous conseille également de garder des traces de vos réussites. Julien Foussard vous apprend à valoriser votre travail: Pour Julien Foussard, une autre des techniques indispensables permettant de dépasser votre syndrome de l’imposteur est également de conserver des preuves de votre réussite. Vous avez probablement du recevoir plusieurs encouragements ou remerciements de la part de vos managers ou de vos clients. Un simple « Merci pour votre travail » peut servir à montrer l’utilité de votre rôle. N’hésitez pas à garder une trace de ces messages et à les consulter quand votre moral est en baisse. Pour Julien Foussard, relire ce genre de messages permettra de booster votre motivation ainsi que votre productivité.

Les nouvelles technologies contribueraient ainsi à redéfinir les rapports hiérarchiques des salariés avec leurs managers : en étant plus autonomes et flexibles, les salariés seraient moins soumis aux contraintes. Toutefois, Julien Foussard met en garde contre l’utilisation intrusive qui peut découler de l’introduction des nouvelles technologies au sein d’une entreprise qui peut dans le sens contraire accroître le contrôle, notamment via la collecte et le traitement des données. Voir encore plus détails sur Julien Foussard.

Par ailleurs, Julien Foussard souligne que la digitalisation des activités entraîne une demande plus importante de partage à plusieurs niveaux : information, formation, ressources, création de liens font partie des demandes des collaborateurs. Si cette forme de travail est généralisée dans les startup, qui ont démocratisé depuis plusieurs années ce type d’organisation, Julien Foussard souligne qu’il est de plus en plus prégnant dans les plus grandes entreprises également.

Julien Foussard souligne en premier lieu que l’inquiétude la plus courante parmi les personnes hésitant à passer du statut de salarié à celui d’entrepreneur est de ne pas être en mesure de « se vendre » auprès de leurs prospects. Spécialiste de l’entrepreneuriat, Julien Foussard nous conseille aujourd’hui sur la marche à suivre. Il est selon lui essentiel de commencer par réfléchir précisément aux compétences que vous souhaitez vendre. En affichant un titre précis, vous pouvez identifier des missions qui vous correspondent précisément mais également réduire votre champ de compétence. Par exemple, si vous souhaitez effectuer des missions dans le domaine du web et vous définissez comme « développer web » vous ne serez probablement contacté que pour des missions de code.

Top pharmacy and blood disorder health advices with Arthur Nathaniel Billings

Premium pharmacy blood disorder solutions by Arthur Nathaniel Billings? What is ITP? Immune thrombocytopenia (formerly known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) is a medical term for an autoimmune disorder (immune) causing a shortage of platelets (thrombocytopenia) and bruising (purpura). What is the cause of ITP? ITP is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakes the platelets as being foreign and destroys them. It can follow a virus, vaccination or certain medications, but for most people the cause is unknown.

Arthur Nathaniel Billings on blood disorder treatments : What are platelets? There are three types of blood cell which are all formed in the bone marrow; red cells, white cells and platelets. Platelets, which are small and sticky and circulate in the bloodstream provide the inital plug to stop bruising and bleeding after an injury, and stop blood leaking from capilleries. A blood sample is taken to measure the circulating platelets, and in most people there are between 150,000 and 400,000 platelets in every cubic millimetre of blood. However in the USA we simplify this by describing a platelet count of, say, 150 rather than 150,000. Anyone with a count less than 100 would be considered thrombocytopenic (ie. short of platelets).

Arthur Nathaniel Billings pharmacy treatment for addiction detox: To avoid severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you should slowly reduce alcohol consumption. Cautious tapering may take longer than medically supervised detox, but it will help you avoid major health problems. Tapering can help you overcome alcohol dependence, which is a side effect of chronic alcohol use that causes cravings and withdrawal. Detox doesn’t treat addiction, which is a disease characterized by compulsive behaviors, such as chronic alcohol use.

What are platelets? Platelets are one of the three types of blood cell, along with red and white blood cells. Platelets are small and sticky and their job is to prevent bruising and stop bleeding after an injury. Platelets, like red and white blood cells, are formed in the bone marrow. A rough idea of how many platelets are circulating in the bloodstream (platelet count) can be made from a sample of blood. The normal platelet count is between 150 and 400 x 109/L. In many cases of ITP, the platelet count is less than 30 x 109/l at presentation. A low platelet count is called “thrombocytopenia”.

Careful review of your medications: Historically, a bone marrow aspiration was required to make a diagnosis of ITP. It may not be absolutely necessary in the face of a positive antiplatelet antibody test, but it is still commonly done to look at the production of platelets and to rule out any abnormal cells the marrow may be producing that could lower platelet counts. A bone marrow aspiration is necessary for a diagnosis if the antiplatelet antibody testing is negative. Read additional information at Arthur Nathaniel Billings.

ADHD pharmacy with Arthur Nathaniel Billings : Whenever the result of taking a drug is less than desired, it might be time to consider changing medication, Goldstein suggests. Some children experience different effects from a different formulation of the same medication. “Many children with appetite, sleep, or irritability problems with a methylphenidate-based medication do very well with an amphetamine-based drug, or vice versa,” he notes. Who prescribes and monitors ADHD medication? A vast majority of children in our survey received medication from a pediatrician (60 percent), followed by a child psychiatrist (18 percent) and a general psychiatrist (15 percent). All of the drugs carry a warning about rare cases of sudden, unexplained death. It is recommended practice to test for life-threatening conditions, including heart-related issues, before prescribing these medications.

Chronic thrombocytopenic purpura. The onset of the disorder can happen at any age, and the symptoms can last a minimum of 6 months, several years, or a lifetime. Adults have this form more often than children do, but it does affect adolescents. Females have it more often than males. Chronic ITP can recur often and requires continual follow-up care with a blood specialist (hematologist). What causes idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura? In ITP, the immune system is stimulated to attack your body’s own platelets. Most often this is a result of antibody production against platelets. In a small number of cases, a type of white blood cell called T-cells will directly attack platelets. This immune system error may be a result of any of the following.

Top des compagnies de taxi en France avec Taxi prio

Entreprises de taxi de qualité en France par Taxi-prio 2022? La vocation de Taxi Prio est de proposer des taxis, mais il est possible de faire appel à des VTC lorsqu’un client le souhaite ou lorsqu’aucun taxi n’est disponible. Avec Taxi Prio, un opérateur dédié s’occupe de vous et vous trouve une solution que vous soyez en ville, à la campagne ou ailleurs en Europe.

Taxi Prio est une plateforme téléphonique qui permet de trouver, choisir et réserver un chauffeur de taxi ou VTC. La plateforme dispose de centrales partenaires partout en France et en Europe. Facile à réserver et à communiquer. Le chauffeur était sympathique et professionnel. Le vol est arrivé très tard, mais Taxi Prio a géré la situation de manière professionnelle. Je le recommande vivement.

Les Avis de TAXIPRIO: “TaxiPrio est arrivé tôt et m’attendait à ma porte. La voiture était impeccable et, bien qu’il ne soit pas tenu de le faire, il m’a indiqué le chemin de la gare. Je le contacterai certainement à nouveau si je retourne à Paris.” Jean M. Taxi-Prio permet de réserver un taxi en express, partout en France en moins de 10 mins. Trouver un chauffeur VTC dans votre région. C’est parti ! Trouvez rapidement un pilote de VTC partout en France. Le prix de votre achat est détaillé et expliqué par le système de réservation de TaxiPrio. Vous recevrez un email immédiatement après avoir effectué votre réservation. Votre chauffeur (bilingue français – anglais) peut vous contacter sur votre téléphone pour convenir de son heure d’arrivée.

Taxi Prio est le moyen le plus simple de réserver un taxi dans votre ville. Il vous aide à vous inscrire et à commander un véhicule qui répond à vos besoins. Il vous aide à organiser votre vie et à vous rendre là où vous devez être : rapidement, confortablement et en toute sécurité.

Un taxi rapide, à votre porte d’entrée le matin. En moins de 15 mins votre taxi arrive et vous serez prêt à partir. Taxi sur toute la France. TaxiPrio vous permet de réserver une voiture privée en moins de 15 minutes, partout en France. Oubliez le taxi classique et réservez votre chauffeur à l’avance. Profitez des bons plans que nous vous proposons pour vous déplacer 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.

J’utilise régulièrement ce prestataire pour mes déplacements avec ou sans mon fils. Il est pratique car il dispose d’un siège enfant. Les cours sont fluides et agréables, le prestataire est toujours souriant, c’est toujours un plaisir. Trouver encore plus information sur Taxi Prio. Pour des rendez-vous importants comme aller à l’aéroport ou aller chercher un proche à un endroit par exemple, ponctuel, agréable et super efficace. Le chauffeur de la voiture a su s’occuper de moi et me ramener en douceur. Il m’a laissé me reposer tout en prenant soin de me demander si j’avais besoin d’eau ou si je devais faire un arrêt. La conduite est toujours douce, pas brutale du tout. Il a attendu que je passe la porte de ma maison en me souhaitant une bonne nuit et d’aller mieux.

Can You Have An Allergic Reaction To CBD Oil?

Customers can preload their wallet with their credit card information, which brings additional efficiencies in the checkout process. A customer that preloads a wallet will simply be able to “send payment” to the merchant for the amount requested at the register. Additionally, SinglePoint is tying this payment into its Last Mile Delivery service. Delivery clients will already have the application Are Vegan CBD Gummy Bears suitable for children? downloaded, which means that once an order is placed the customer will be able to select a payment method and utilize a stored card or cryptocurrency. Since 2014 SinglePoint has been aggressively seeking opportunities in the cannabis market. The company recently integrated a stand-alone point of sale terminal designed to give merchants the ability to accept Bitcoin as a payment option.

In North America, cannabis sales grew by 30 percent in 2016, reaching $6.7 billion; marijuana sales in North America, including Canada, have been projected to surpass $20.2 billion by the year 2021, assuming a CAGR of 25 percent1. The rapid growth within this developing market is constantly creating new opportunities as laws change, new cannabis enterprises open up, and service needs emerge for those businesses. There are plenty of prime investment opportunities—both in companies that handle the marijuana plant and in companies that don’t. NetworkNewsWire is an information service that provides to users access to our news aggregation and syndication servers, enhanced press release services, and a full array of social communication solutions. By cutting through the overload of information in today’s market, NNW brings its clients unparalleled visibility, recognition and brand awareness.

Anupdated investor kit detailing the company’s products, leadership team and investor highlights provides readers with essential insights into the company’s goals. SinglePoint’s commitment to integrated solutions extends beyond acquiring companies and into collaborations. The company has agreements with various businesses, including fintech solutions provider Global Payout, to advance and streamline the process involved in delivering payment applications. SinglePoint plans to acquire additional companies and technologies to broaden its footprint in the emerging blockchain space and deploy its products and services to major established markets.

We are safe, secure and discreet mail-order marijuana service.Easy to order, quick delivery, and some of the best quality Weed, you’ll never have to stress about ordering your medical marijuana. We have an excellent selection of top-notch pot products for you to use as Medication or for recreational purposes – enjoy! Cannabis Dispensary is an online marijuana collective with one stop pot shop located in Miami – FL, Los Angeles – CA, and Washington – DC. Wil has a successful track cbd gummies how much to take record of building and maintaining great relationships with clients. Recognized as the top representative in his section by Nike, after college graduation Wil chose to continue in sales with SinglePoint where he has on-boarded marquee clients including GolfLogix and MonteFiore Inspired Medicine. Wil graduated cum laude from the WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University with a degree in Global Agribusiness and a specialization in Professional Golf Management.

It relies on large data sets, meaning that new infrastructure may be needed to support widespread use. Its ability to provide direct payments with a minimal data trail has created concerns about money laundering and regulatory oversight. But the genie is out of the bottle, and given its benefits, the question isn’t whether anyone will overcome these challenges, it is who will.

It’s important to understand what the typically effects are of each strain so you have a sense of how it might work for your needs. Well, it might be time to try cooking with cannabis.We note that the subject contained in this article represents illegal activity in certain jurisdictions. To produce a unique hybrid marijuana plant, Smoke A Lot Seeds needed God Clone strain and mated it with Legendsread more… Are you a cannabis industry thought leader and want to be heard? Plant patents are relatively inexpensive compared to a utility patent for the genetics. A plant patent is essentially a design patent covering any novel and visually perceived attributes of the plant.

VerdePharm nor Strain Genie undertakes no obligation to publicly replace or revise any forward-looking statements, whether because of new data, future occasions or otherwise that occur after that date. Only bars employers and insurance corporations from discriminating based mostly in your DNA; firms are fair sport. Today, you can get your hands on a particular strain at any step of the production line—from an online seed bank to buying flower in a dispensary. These options allow for a diverse choice of effects that a consumer can enjoy recreationally or use for a particular medical condition. • CBD has the same chemical formula as THC, but they differ in chemical structure.

Strain Genie Has Been Featured In Cannabistech

The company’s 710Shark and 710Seal machines are able to fill and package more than 100 cartridges or disposable vape pens in 30 seconds. These machines are sold to dispensaries through the brand. Convectium further operates a consumer brand that includes BlackoutX and HazeSticks and reaches customers in more than 52 countries. Projections by New Frontier put the cannabis industry at $24 billion by 2026. Cannabis is now legal in some form in 29 states and the District of Columbia. Increased need for payment options correlates with this industry growth, and bitcoin stands to be a promising solution.

And that means we are going to see highly lucrative biotech investment opportunities come in fast and furious. And even with decades of experience, Michael believes there has never been a moment in time quite like this. Michael A. Robinson is a 36-year Silicon Valley veteran and one of the top tech and biotech financial analysts working today. That’s because, as a consultant, senior adviser, and board member for Silicon Valley venture capital firms, Michael enjoys privileged access to pioneering CEOs, scientists, and high-profile players.

Previously, adult-use legalization measures in the U.S. were passed by popular citizen vote. Massachusetts and Maine are also moving forward, with retail stores expected to open in both states in 2018. In Oregon, the City of Portland is backing cannabis businesses in lobbying for a bill that would permit marijuana consumption at licensed lounges, similar to tobacco smoking patios. These are only the latest in a wave of headline-making happenings related to marijuana legalization efforts throughout the country. SinglePoint continues to establish its portfolio in the cannabis sector, well-paced with broader industry growth.

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These can range from the conditions that the plants are grown alongside what types of fertilizers and nutrients were used during the process. Generally, you want to avoid pesticides and other toxic chemicals when looking for a quality strain. If you intend to grow your own plants, knowing the strain of your seeds is important. If you know the type of feel you are looking for (i.e., the kind of high), you can ask a budtender, and they will direct you towards strains that can deliver just that.

Pure Sunfarms has been a fixture in B.C.’s Fraser Valley for more than two decades. Before legalization, they were better known as producers of some of the best tomatoes, peppers and hops in the province. The Joint Blog strives to help our readers keep up with the ever-changing landscape of this industry through valuable content and top-notch products.

The company’s line of B2C brands include BlackoutX as well as HazeSticks, inspired by the Jimi Hendrix Cannabis Collection. Convectium has developed ‘the world’s first’ oil-filling system for cartridges and disposable vape pens for wholesale distribution to dispensaries. Within 30 seconds, the company’s 710Shark and 710Seal system can fill and package 100+ cartridges or disposable vape pens, making it the fastest filling and sealing system of its kind. With a market that extends to over 52 countries, Convectium expects 2017 revenues to be about $3.5 million. This would represent an increase of 150% over 2016 revenues of $1.4 million.

Management believes this will give the company additional access to more capital on better funding terms. This capital will be used for acquisitions such as Phoenician Engineering and others in order to grow the company revenues and increase shareholder value. Also in 2016, SinglePoint announced that it had finalized an acquisition deal for interest in DraftFury. DraftFury has a unique seven-level referral program and an optimized interface that provides a superior gaming experience for users. With a valuation of $8 million and recognized as the first cash-flow positive DFS enterprise, DraftFury offers daily, skill-based fantasy contests for the NBA, NFL and MLB.

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David received his Ph.D. from UCLA in High Energy Physics, where we acquired a unique data science toolkit, which he was able to leverage for a cannabis DNA test. Her work focused on using data to predict recovery rates in patients with disorders of consciousness. Strain Genie tests for over 150 biomarkers within an individual’s DNA to learn how effectively they can break down THC and CBD. This helps to guide product selection and dosage as well as issue warnings as to which products to shy away from.

While medical marijuana often takes center stage in discussions pertaining to legalization, the power cord for any marijuana business is the ability to conduct financial transactions in what – for the time being – is largely an “unbankable” industry. SinglePoint CEO Greg Lambrecht in a recent Forbes article3 highlighted the possibility of change under the Trump Administration. The cannabis industry is growing by leaps and bounds to support demand, helped by acquisition and territorial expansion activity of leading companies. Ease of purchase is aiding sales too; case-in-point, , launched by SinglePoint to provide a wide variety of business solutions for dispensaries, retailers and other cannabis companies. The bold strategies of SinglePoint and other companies appear to be paying off as the broader marijuana market continues to grow at an accelerated pace. CNW has an ever-growing distribution network of more than 5,000 key syndication outlets across the country.

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And sooner rather than later, just because of the economics of the situation. The population that will be served by cannabis is not only greying. And they are coming together in a unique way to create a new kind of movement that will also have its own, overdue influence, globally. This new kind of discussion will be had for the benefit of science, medical advancement, and patients everywhere if not those who support and serve if not take care of them.

By pairing cannabis with individual DNA data we now have the opportunity to identify a multitude of genetic predispositions and recommend cannabinoid and terpene ratios that would be most effective given the entourage of genetic biomarkers unique to an individual. These ideal cocktails are then matched against a database of over 10,000 strains and products, complete with lab-testing results so that individuals can identify cannabis strains or products that most closely resemble their ideal cannabinoid and terpene assortment. Craig Weed Dispensary emphasizes on providing safe access to medical and recreational cannabis, brought to your doorstep in the most discreet manner possible.

Expectations fοr the corporate hÉ‘ve beеn sky excessive, leaving the stock susceptible tÖ… a bout of revenue-taking, Ñ¡hich appears to bе whÉ‘t’s unfolding ԝithin the wake оf гight now’s earnings report. Dubbed the “green rush,” the evolution of the cannabis industry is expected to rapidly generate billions in tax revenue for these states, and SingleSeed sees this progression as a catalyst to an open banking system for cannabis businesses. As a provider of credit card processing solutions for this particular market, SingleSeed is preparing to meet demand and fuel its own growth and market penetration. We provide solutions that allow our clients to conduct business transactions, accept donations, and engage in targeted communication through mobile devices. Our products connect small to mid-size companies to their target markets by providing innovative mobile technology at reasonable rates. SinglePoint recognized the strength in acquiring interest in undervalued subsidiaries in other markets to create a diversified holding base.

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Under this initiative, the companies will offer a best-in-class Bitcoin solution to fill the payments gap that currently exists. Cannabis strains genetic information depository on decentralized how does cbd oil make you feel Blockchain. SinglePoint and First Bitcoin Capital plan take a consumer-first approach and heavily invest in getting customers to sign up for cryptocurrency wallets in advance.

CBD has the sedating experiences and multiple health benefits many cannabis users seek. It rarely tests over 15% in Indica strains and Indica-dominant hybrids. Legal cannabis belongs Can you fly with delta 8 gummies? to Indica, sativa, or hybrid strains of the botanical family Cannabaceae. It is a relative of Hemp distinguished from hemp by its THC (∆9 – Tetrahydrocannabinol) content.

As noted above, SinglePoint manages an aggressive expansion strategy, and has signed multiple joint ventures and agreements that management believes will provide fruitful results. Acquisitions have been a powerful catalyst of corporate growth for SinglePoint, and management is gearing up to make additional acquisitions and plans to invest a significant amount of equity and cash into additional companies in 2018. “Through strategic joint ventures and inside development of applications we are pushing hard on providing a compliant solution to the cannabis industry.

Cannabis usage is becoming increasingly popular among adults of all ages and being educated on the subject can be very important and useful. Centralized in Hollywood California, 420 Magazine has been delivering cannabis education to thousands daily since its inception in 1993. The largest Medical Marijuana media publication/organization available, currently serving more than 100,000 daily visitors, 150,000 registered members, and over 2 million followers on our social networking channels. Growing cannabis can be relatively straightforward or as complicated as you make it to be.

One cheek swab will unlock everything you need to know about which CBD products are right for you. Gain deeper insights about which serving sizes and product types are optimal with your genetic makeup — such as CBD pens, tinctures or topical creams. With this powerful knowledge, you will be able to go forward and purchase products you know will best help you. Formulated answers as to what CBD your body needs most are measured by looking at over 450 of your biomarkers. These biomarkers show what negative effects you might be at risk for. The algorithm picks up on these markers from your DNA sample, and can “see” a comprehensive picture of how certain strains will affect you.

Hemp bioplastic manufacturers have spent years perfecting their products. Traditional plastics are made as a byproduct of petroleum refining. Polymers are a group of very large molecules that can hold their shape and are waterproof.

The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and CNW undertakes no obligation to update such statements. Blockchain technology, as a decentralized ledger that can track anything from cryptocurrencies and transaction records to RFID-tagged physical assets, is ideal for verification tasks. The new solution can be utilized by any business from convenience Loxa Beauty stores to dispensaries in the 29 legal states and District of Columbia. The transaction from a cultivator to a processor or dispensary can be huge, over $150,000 per transaction, and it is simply not safe or efficient to carry that kind of cash to a transaction. We believe we can help secure and track this transaction with our solution,” states SinglePoint President Wil Ralston.

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It has also been known to aid in eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and a number of mood disorders. The Nova Scotia-based operation founded by master grower Andrew Robinson is making a name for cannabis on the East Coast. The company started locally but has been growing a national name for itself with itsexpansion into retail stores in Ontario in July. The high-potency Lemon Garlic OG sativa-dominant hybrid has received high praise for its long genetic line, bright green buds, and fast-acting smoke. That was the spliffy marketing name given to last December’s second wave of cannabis products. Cannabis 2.0 promised to boldly go where marijuana has never gone before.

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Written by a team of M.D.s, Ph.D.s, and scientific journalists, this portal serves as one of the most reliable sources of cannabis content in the world. Strain Genie’s mission is to relay scientific findings, typically housed in dense academic articles, to everyone looking to learn about and use cannabis.

If the company succeeds in keeping harmful regulations at bay, it can grow at whatever pace it wants. But saving snippets and quickly inserting them into various text boxes in a user’s browser are just part of what makes Text Blaze neat. The product can also save template snippets with various boxes left open for users to fill in.

This acquisition is significant for various reasons, including giving shareholders a vehicle for transparently monitoring some of First Bitcoin Capital’s assets. Because of federal regulations barring traditional financial institutions and credit card companies from offering their services, the booming marijuana industry, with almost $7 billion in reported sales2 last year, is facing a massive cash flow problem. Cannabis merchants are forced to accept cash-only transactions, which create a constant security threat and accounting issues, further limiting most companies’ ability to grow and expand their business. More and more marijuana businesses are therefore turning to bitcoin solutions as a buffer that allows customers to use their credit cards for purchases. With bitcoin a developing and volatile vertical, cannabis companies are looking toward proprietary bitcoin payment solutions developed specifically for the marijuana market.

Under our current laws there’s been an emergence of prosperous markets in crystal methamphetamines, cocaine and new party drugs, as well as the breeding of more potent strains of cannabis. False claims about the dangers of ‘marijuana’ were used to demonise Mexicans and other people of colour, without most Americans realising it was the same as the cannabis plant, or hemp, that they had been using perfectly legally as a medicine and relaxant for centuries. MoffettNathanson’ѕ Craig Moffett lifted hіs score οn the telecom giant to Buy frоm Neutral аnd changed һis worth target on the stock tо $sixty six from $fifty nine.

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It’s modest top THC content of 13% help this 90% Indica deliver an evening unencumbered by racing thoughts. You can buy medical marijuana for sale online Sky Marijuana Shop a legitimate online dispensary, not only do we have cheap weed for sale, we are much safer than any average store. SingleSeed and its partners are developing a marketing program that meets specific needs for cannabis merchants, providing consumers the security and convenience of using their credit and debit cards to make mobile payments for cannabis how much cbd oil for sleep purchases. The legislative changes in the marijuana market also mean that industry merchants are navigating uncharted territory, and many of them still struggle to open bank accounts. This is expected to change, however, as financial institutions pursue ways to work with cannabis businesses moving forward. With specialties ranging from technology to health care, visionary companies are learning how to apply their expertise to meet the increasing and evolving demands for cannabis-based products and services.

After all, for decades thousands of consumers have been growing their own, even while risking trouble with law enforcement. By one estimate, $60 billion worth of illegal pot is grown each year in the United States. Now, itsmedicalmarijuana market alone accounts for some 33% of all legal sales in the United States. No matter how great the news that Trump is at odds with Jeff Sessions’ new war on state pot markets, American reform is still doddering in a lack of federal reform. And no matter how exciting the Canadian recreational market is, the reality is that medical users, also known as insured patients in Germany, will consume greater amounts of cannabis per month on a regular basis than the average recreational user just about anywhere. Similarly, prohibition of drugs has stimulated a market controlled by criminals who only care about their profits, not the toxicity of their product or the health of their buyers.

SinglePoint’s management team is highly optimistic that the Company will continue to see significant revenue growth through the end of the fourth quarter, as it currently has many opportunities in the pipeline. This momentum is due to increased deal flow as the Company has grown throughout the cannabis and cryptocurrency verticals. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and CNW and FNM undertake no obligation to update such statements. SinglePoint will continue to provide audited financials and plans to be fully reporting by filing a Form-10 or S-1 in the near future. The next step towards fully reporting will represent another initiative to further transparency, add credibility and increase exposure to investment banking firms.

In fact, sports betting is one of the most popular forms of gambling in the world, producing an estimated $40 billion global industry that includes local bookmakers to national brands to international betting websites. Per CTV News, rising weed seizures are, in part, the result of the growing popularity of online purchases. The Los Angeles ecosystem is $76 million stronger this week as Fika Ventures, a seed-stage venture capital firm, announced its sophomore investment fund. Fika invests roughly half of its capital exclusively in startups headquartered in LA, with a particular fondness for B2B, enterprise and fintech companies. The firm was launched in 2017 by general partners Eva Ho and TX Zhuo, formerly of Susa Ventures and Karlin Ventures, respectively. The pair raised $41 million for the debut effort, opting to nearly double that number the second time around as a means to participate in more follow-on fundings.

The recent overturning of this law has suddenly created a new market. Because that market hasn’t existed for the past 25 years, the renewed interest has revealed an infrastructural void in the American gaming industry. Technological innovations have not been comment consommer cbd huile applied to sports gambling, so companies are now playing catch up. The results will shape an industry estimated to be worth billions of dollars every year. If you enjoy this newsletter, be sure to check out TechCrunch’s venture-focused podcast, Equity.

From consumer products at to high-risk verticals such as cannabis, digital currency continues to pick up momentum worldwide. With a nod to the need for payment solutions in the marijuana industry, SinglePoint is on track to become the preferred payment solution in the marijuana industry, which is predicted to grow to $24 billion by the year 2026, based on New Frontier projections. This isn’t the first time SinglePoint has undertaken significant integration. The company has successfully completed technology integrations with Twilio, RedFynn and IATS, as well as ATT, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon, enabling SinglePoint to provide its text message marketing and text-based payment solutions.

Gushers was bred by Kush4Breakfast using the Gelato #41 strain, from Cookie Family Genetics, and Triangle Kush, which was bred in Florida. Biscotti is a cross of Gelato #25 and South Florida OG (a.k.a. Triangle Kush). This strain is one of the many original varieties brought to us by Cookie Family Genetics. Like most strains from the Cookie Fam, Biscotti is an indica-dominant strain. This tasty variety is named after the Italian almond biscuits with the same appellation.

California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada voted for the legalized recreational use of marijuana, while Arkansas, Florida and North Dakota approved medical cannabis initiatives. Montana extended its previous legalization of medical marijuana , voting for a measure to set up commercial cultivation operations and dispensaries. That earlier cbd öl welche konzentration guidance appears to have been tailored to businesses that dealt directly in marijuana like pot shops and marijuana dispensaries. It did not address the plight of the indirect businesses that service the marijuana industry, leaving it up to individual financial institutions to determine how to classify and treat indirect businesses.

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LIDA steel structure building (pre-engineering building) is a new type of building structure system. The building structure system is formed by the main framework through linking up the H section, C section, Z section or U section steel components. Cladding system uses different kinds of panels as wall and roof together with other components such as windows and doors. LIDA Steel structure building has the advantages of wide span, high strength, light weight, low cost, temperature protection, energy saving, beautiful appearance, short construction time, good effect of insulation, long using life, space-efficient, good seismic performance, flexible layout, etc.

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Lida Group shipping container house manufacturer provides customized service as per clients’ request. The wall and roof are all welded with the frame as a whole. This outward appearance of welding container house is similar with the modified shipping container house. The main advantage of this type of container house is that the size can be adjusted according to customers’ special request. It can be widely used as cargo container house, Holiday house, Vacation house, Beach house, Hotel, Restaurant, Bar, Club, Coffee shop, etc. There are a lot of choice for outside color and a lot of choice for inside decoration. All the facilities can be fixed in factory and can be used directly after arrival at destination. Welcome visit Lida Group prefab house manufacturer. See extra details at Lida Group.

The Lida Group Integrated Camp Recreation Room is an important part of the integrated camp and provides a place for employees to entertain and exchange. The recreation room can be part of a dormitory building or a separate building. The building area is tailored to the number of camps to meet the living and entertainment needs of camp personnel. The Lida Group’s integrated camp recreation room uses a light steel structural skeleton and is maintained with composite panels. According to the requirements of the camp and the local environment, the composite panels are available in EPS, fiberglass, rock wool and PU panels. After the completion of a project, the camp building can be demolished and reinstalled at another site, which is easy to install and recycles to reduce costs.

The design concept of Lida greenhouse is “adhere to the principle of science and practicality; adhere to the principle of improving the utilization rate of land resources, energy saving, water saving and high efficiency; adhere to the principle of advanced, reliable and appropriate selection of greenhouse structural materials and equipment; adhere to the principle of world leading”. Lida greenhouse mainly includes greenhouse foundation, main structure, covering materials, ventilation system, internal sunshade system, fan wet curtain cooling system, power distribution and electric control system, etc. The greenhouse designed by our company adopts hot galvanized light steel structure, which has strong anti snow ability and long service life, and is committed to building excellent greenhouse projects for customers.

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Premium digital printed pouches manufacturer? What is a stand up food pouch? Stand up pouches elegantly maximize shelf space over traditional packaging such as boxes and cartons and since the pouches are shipped flat before filling, they also minimize costs of freight and warehousing. Stand up pouches are best suited for packing dry goods such as cookies, nuts, candies, etc. See additional details on

Supouches Packaging stand up pouch manufacturer mainly produce flexible packaging, including stand up pouches, coffee side gusset bags, block bottom pouches, barrier extruded film rolls. Our after-sales service and technical support for customers have been widely recognized.Welcome to visit our factory and we will provide the custom flexible packaging solutions according to you requirements.

What is spouted pouch? Spouted pouches are re-closable and produced with a weld spout and a cap. These liquid bags with spouts can be engineered for spill control, convenience and safety and hence suitable for liquid range of products like beverages, sauces or cleaning agents. The size and form can be customised as per clients need and requirement. What is spout pack? A spout pouch or bag is a type of flexible packaging. Stand up pouch packaging has become one of the fastest growing packaging formats.

What is a retort pouch made of? A retort pouch is commonly defined as a flexible packaging pouch for low-acid foods that are thermally processed in a pressure vessel, often called a “retort.” The pouch is made of layered polyester, aluminum foil, and polypropylene. What is a retort pouch used for? A retort pouch is a thin, lightweight, flexible laminated plastic package used to hold processed foods. It’s essentially a can and glass jar replacement product that combines the longevity of traditional food preservation methods with the convenience and benefits of a thin, relatively malleable container.

The last point to be noted is the slight difference of bottom gusset. There are three kinds of bottom gusset styles for stand up pouches, the most traditional style is doyen bottom which is elegantly oval sealed, another two are K sealed bottom and corner sealed bottom that is mainly used for liquid and flour packaging. If you have a requirement for stand up pouch sizing, we are ready to help you find the right size. All you need to give us is a picture of packed contents, the weight ( in gram, lb, ounce, kg, etc.), its volume (in ml, L or gallon) and the pouch width you prefer. One thing need to be noted is that the width include the side seal width which is about 5-7mm, and the pouch height include zipper’s height, tear notch’s height and top seal. If you need some other features like hang hole, we could add it to the overall height. As seen from the reference table below, the pouch capacity is limited to a range of not more than and not less than (**)mls because the content’s volume in this range could fit this pouch properly. But it is for customer to decide the final volume of packed contents and the maximum height to which the pouch will be loaded. See more info on