Best book publishing services by Pen Culture Solutions

Top printing and publishing books services with Pen Culture Solutions (former Golden Ink Media Services) is home to a professional team of creative publishers, marketers and distribution experts. We help independent authors from all over the world make their publishing dream a reality. With over thousands of book printing projects successfully delivered, we realize what authors, publishers and other book buyers need and demand from their book printers. Whether you need a small copy of 50 pages or a 1,000 page book, we will get the job done in no time.

Crafting wonderful books for authors around the world is at the heart of everything here at Pen Culture Solutions. We want to change the way books are published by giving authors and publishers the freedom to fully maximize their book’s potential and access to talented professionals, powerful tools and a huge marketing platform. Being able to sell your printed books in stores is good, but being able to sell them in the world’s largest bookstores is any writer’s aspiration. And that’s what we aim to deliver with our creative book delivery systems. We want every author, no matter where they are located in the world, to fulfill their dream of becoming the best-selling author around the globe. See additional info on book publishing services.

Get help, but do it yourself. When asked how she handles her workload, Jasina Wilder—a successful, self-published romance writer—told Heather C. Myers of the blog, Portside Wonderland I do it all. I hire a cover artist, but I work directly with her to create a cover that matches the book and my vision. I hire an editor, and work in the same capacity. But all the final work and final decisions are mine.

Look Out for Overly Expensive Services: There are a lot of self-publishing scams out there that will “publish” your book and never do a thing with it. There are also a lot of publishers that offer “turn-key” services. Be sure you do your research and utilize recommendations from trusted industry publications, self-publishing associations, and your fellow authors.

My name is Gay Le. I’m an Australian author specialising in a unique niche of ‘The Reincarnational Continuum.’ I am proud to be able to express the highest accolades for two of the most proficient support systems in the industry of publishing. After several debaucherous attempts with four accomplished publishing companies to achieve a final satisfactory product, Pen Culture Solutions recaptured the transcendental essence I was trying to portray. It is with immense gratitude and appreciation that I highly recommend the company and their teams for respecting and honouring my requests especially with my intricate preferences. As a result, their teams produced outcomes over and above all expectations. If you are looking for a team of ABSOLUTELY PERFECT professionals who genuinely have your interest at heart and will do their utmost to supply you with a final product you will be proud to put your name to, then it is with the greatest of pleasure that I introduce you to Pen Culture Solutions.

Pen Culture Solutions (former Golden Ink Media Services) offers you endless ways to publish, print, market and distribute your books to a worldwide audience. We have all professional skills and tools for authors, publishers and businesses to fulfill all their book publishing needs. Connect with us today to reach new global audiences through a distribution network of more than 38,000 online channels. Find even more info on Pen Culture Solutions.