Kensi Gounden and the climb of a science information professional

Get to know Kensi Gounden and some of his thoughts? Light microscopy allows for the examination of optical and structural properties of a variety of samples. Optical properties such as polarization and birefringence help to differentiate between fibers, minerals, ceramics, biological materials and opaque materials including paints, coatings and metallic particles. This allows a wide range of particles to be quickly and effectively identified and quantified by an experienced analyst.

Kensi Gounden on the cryptocurrency boom : Once you’ve decided on a broker, got familiar with your platform and funded your account, it’s time to start trading. You’ll need to utilise an effective strategy in line with an efficient money management system to make a profit. Below is an example of a straightforward cryptocurrency strategy. This straightforward strategy simply requires vigilance. The idea is you keep a close eye out for a correction in a trend and then catch the ‘swing’ out of the correction and back into the trend. A correction is simply when candles or price bars overlap. You’ll find trending prices move quickly, but corrections, on the other hand, will not. Let’s say on your cryptocurrency chart at 250-minute candles, you see 25 candles where the price stays within a 100 point range. If the price contracted to a daily move of just 20 points, you’d be seriously interested and alert. You should see lots of overlap. This tells you there is a substantial chance the price is going to continue into the trend.

For the most part, this is helpful. Smartphones organize our days, keep us updated on the news, and allow us to communicate with people out of our physical reach. But when it comes to growing and developing our memories, is technology helping or hurting us? Unfortunately, when it comes to your memory, it’s often the latter. Smartphones have been shown to harm the brain’s ability to retain important details, according to one review from Oxford, King’s College London, Harvard, and Western Sydney University. In short, the research says that when people rely on devices to remember things, they often fail to actually learn them. This explains why, despite having visited your favorite restaurant several times, you might still rely on Google maps to get you there. You are not training your memory to recall information. Rather, you are training it to rely on external tools that can do so for you.

Take in nutrients which are good for your brain. Foods that have antioxidants like vitamin C, E, B, etc. are good for the brain. Consuming almonds and apple juice is also good for sharpening the brain. There is strong indication that education and learning yield positive changes in the brain. If you continue to learn and experiment, your brain continues to grow, whether it is knitting, baking, or computer programming, marketing, etc. Learn something you’ve always wanted to learn, but have never found the time for because of your daily concerns. Absorb a little information slowly each day.

Latest chemistry news: As a polysaccharide, gellan gum is a long chain of carbohydrate-based molecules. Chemically, this makes it similar to other food products that are used to bind ingredients together, including flour or starch. You’ll find gellan gum in a range of common food products, including dairy-free milk alternatives, chocolate milks, yogurts, desserts, vegan products, whipped toppings, spreads or purees, and noodles — all of which depend on gellan gum or other stabilizers to keep ingredients from separating. (5) One of the reasons this additive has gained notoriety in food manufacturing is that it only needs to be used in small amounts and can withstand higher temperatures while keeping a consistent viscosity compared to other thickeners. Replacing the additive called agar is one of the most common uses for gellan gum, since it has similar effects with roughly half the amount used. See even more details on Kenseelan Gounden.

MicroVision Laboratories’ analytical experts were able to meet with the QC Engineers and develop an analytical plan as to which solder joints to cross section and inspect. The client not only wanted to determine if there were any significant issues with the solder joint but also determine that there was a good intermetallic bond between the tin/lead solder and the copper wires of the chip packages.

The climb of a science expert : Kensi Gounden

The growth of a science information professional : Kensi Gounden? Solving previous year question papers are like giving previous board exams. Take each and every year question paper seriously and start solving them and feel like you are sitting in the examination hall of board exam. Do not go for answers directly without solving the question paper on your own completely, and after solving the question paper, look for the answers and be a checker for yourself. If you score 90+ marks in very first question paper then congo you are already a genius. But if not then look for the mistakes and repeat the third point above, Solving 10 such papers before the board exams will make you 10 times stronger to face the board exams.

Kensi Gounden on the cryptocurrency boom : You should then sell when the first candle moved below the contracting range of the previous several candles, and you could place a stop at the most recent minor swing high. It’s simple, straightforward and effective. Even with the right broker, software, capital and strategy, there are a number of general tips that can help increase your profit margin and minimise losses. Below are some useful cryptocurrency tips to bear in mind. Short-term cryptocurrencies are extremely sensitive to relevant news. When news such as government regulations or the hacking of a cryptocurrency exchange comes through, prices tend to plummet. On the flip side, if a big company announces they’ll be incorporating the use of a currency into their business, prices can climb quickly. If you’re aware of any news and can react rapidly, you’ll have an edge over the rest of the market.

Latest chemistry news: As a bulking agent, it was found that consuming gellan gum caused increased transit time in about half of the volunteers but decreased transmit time in the other half. Faecal bile acid concentrations also increased, but gellan gum had no significant effects on factors like blood glucose, insulin concentrations, or HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Overall, the study found that consuming gellan gum, even in high amounts above what would be typical in someone’s diet, caused no adverse dietary or physiological effects, but it may have positive effects on symptoms like constipation or diarrhea due to how it bulks stool.

Laughter is the best medicine for human health. Humor increases dopamine, and it improves memory and health. If you have a habit of smoking too much, drinking alcohol too much, spending too much time online, or a different habit that’s hurting your confidence, take steps to eradicate them. Study books, watch good films, play games, watch dances, and listen to songs; do the things that make you feel relaxed. Many studies suggest that watching TV and using a computer late at night is bad for your health. Read even more info at Kensi Gounden.

I can speak to this because it is a challenge I face daily. As president and CEO of Sotheby’s International Realty, the power of recall has been key to building and sustaining a business that hinges on relationships — you can’t succeed in real estate without showing people that they matter to you. By making sure I can show the people around me that I value and remember them, I’ve been able to stay connected with agents in more than 1,000 offices in 72 countries. I needed my memory to keep my business running before the pandemic. Now, it is essential.

Microscopy and elemental mapping company in US

Xrf analysis and elemental mapping providers by Approach: MicroVision Labs’ staff consulted with the client, and determined that, unfortunately, there could be a number of potential sources of a white material. Even before the bottle with the suspended material arrived, it was determined that there was less than 50 mL of water remaining, and likely less than a gram of material suspended in the water. The client was aware that this material could represent precipitated minerals from the source water, a polymer residue from the bottles, some form of biological tissue that might have formed despite sterilization procedures, or could very well represent some completely unforeseen foreign material. The issue facing the client is how to have the material tested, as most tests that they might request for one or the other of these known potential sources would destroy or alter the sample. Choosing a test was therefore something of a gamble, because if they tested for calcium (mineral precipitate) and it came up negative – that didn’t actually tell them what the powder was, just that it didn’t have any calcium. Based on this conversation, the non-destructive, specialized testing at MicroVision Laboratories was chosen as the best choice.

Translucent or transparent coatings on metallic or semi-conductor substrates are very difficult to image due to their reflective nature. Nomarski/DIC imaging is an effective method for accentuating differences in thickness, density or the optical index in these cases. This analysis enhances and highlights subtle features with brilliant color gradients and captures them with a high resolution digital imaging system. Let us bring out your sample’s hidden features.

Do you give lab tours? Yes, we routinely give lab tours to our clients and potential clients. Please call and we would be happy to schedule a tour for you and your co-workers. Do you have other locations around the country? We do work for companies all across the United States, with one laboratory which is located in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Did MicroVision Labs ever operate under a different company name? No, we have always been MicroVision Laboratories, Inc. Our founder, John Knowles, used to work for another laboratory that underwent several name changes (Eastern Analytical Laboratories, Industrial Environmental Analysts, American Environmental Network, Severn Trent Laboratories, and EMLab P&K Billeria) and was located nearby in Billerica. When that laboratory was closed in 2008, John hired a few of the remaining analysts and acquired its equipment, client list and phone number. Find additional details on website link.

The desired chip packages were sectioned from the larger board, and placed in an epoxy mounting cup. The epoxy was mixed and allowed to harden. The resulting epoxy puck was cross sectioned and polished. The epoxy mounting and cross sectioning process gave precise, perfectly preserved cross sectional surfaces through the desired components and their solder bonds.

?We partner with companies in all phases of product development and sales, including R&D, manufacturing, QC, advertising and failure analysis. Our laboratory offers a highly-trained and experienced staff utilizing a powerful set of analytical tools (SEM with EDS and backscatter detectors, Bruker X-Flash elemental mapping, X-Ray imaging, Micro-FTIR spectroscopy, Micro-XRF, light microscopy, cross sectioning/precision polishing and microhardness testing).

The data indicated that a significant portion of the dust was from the insulation in the attic. The contractor had replaced a portion of duct work running to the master bedroom. During this replacement, fiberglass insulation was knocked into the ducting. The small glass insulation fibers were spread through the AC ducts and settling out of the air throughout the house. The client was relieved to know what was causing their skin irritation and the significant dust build up. Using the results garnered from the analysis from MicroVision Labs they were able to have the contractor clean out the duct work and act to prevent further spread of the insulation fibers and properly clean up the settled dust in the house that was the cause of the homeowner’s skin irritation. Find extra info on here.

Privat Lernen mit zertifizierten Lehrern

Professionell eins zu eins Nachhilfe? Beseitigung geografischer Einschränkungen – Tutoren und Studenten können sich von überall auf der Welt aus finden. Dies bedeutet, dass die Schüler mit den besten Tutoren zusammengebracht werden können, die ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechen, ohne durch das Gebiet, in dem sie leben, eingeschränkt zu werden. Der Unterricht kann von jedem globalen Ort aus und zu flexibleren / ungünstigeren Zeiten (z. B. später in der Nacht) erfolgen. Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist ein Gerät wie ein Computer oder Tablet und eine Internetverbindung – etwas, das heutzutage fast jeder in der westlichen Welt hat. Für Tutoren eröffnet dies zu jeder Tageszeit einen größeren potenziellen Kundenstamm.

Laut Audrey Waters, Mitarbeiterin von KQED, gibt es mehrere Gründe, warum Online-Nachhilfe die beste Nachhilfeoption für Schüler ist. “Da Nachhilfe online und zu einem weitaus günstigeren Preis als einige der Offline-Optionen angeboten werden kann, können sich Kinder und Eltern möglicherweise um Hilfe bemühen, die dies sonst nicht tun würde”, stellte sie in einem Artikel aus dem Jahr 2011 fest. “Es gibt keine Lernzentren, die Sie als Schüler mit Schwierigkeiten identifizieren. Eltern können sich wohl fühlen, wenn sie die Nachhilfesitzungen überwachen. Und die Studenten, die Nachhilfe geben, können ihre eigenen Preise und Stunden festlegen. “ Onlernschool ist eine neue Online-Nachhilfe-Plattform, auf welcher man günstig und unkompliziert Online-Nachhilfeunterricht in allen Schulfächern wie Mathe, Englisch, Deutsch, Chemie, Physik, Biologie und mehr buchen kann. Die Onlinenachhilfe findet per Videogespräch statt. Lesen extra einzelheiten auf Online Nachhilfe.

Kinder haben aus allen möglichen Gründen Schwierigkeiten im Unterricht, und leider ist es nicht ungewöhnlich, dass ein persönliches Problem schuld ist. Unabhängig davon, ob Ihr Kind den Unterrichtsstil des Lehrers nicht mag oder der Lehrer die Einstellung Ihres Kindes nicht mag, führen diese Probleme manchmal zu einer Unterbrechung der Kommunikation. Kinder fühlen sich nicht wohl, wenn sie Fragen stellen, und Lehrer haben nicht die Geduld, nach dem Unterricht zu helfen. Eltern können ihre Kinder ermutigen, schlechte Beziehungen zu bewältigen, aber es liegt nicht immer an den Kindern, und es kann wenig gegen einen schlechten Lehrer unternommen werden, außer dass sie Ende des Jahres eine Beschwerde einreichen.

Wie funktioniert Online-Nachhilfe? Über einen Link, den du per E-Mail erhältst, gelangst du zu dem Videogespräch mit deinem Lehrer. Parallel zum Videogespräch arbeitet ihr auf einer digitalen Tafel, auf der ihr schreiben, zeichnen und abfotografierte Aufgaben bearbeiten könnt. Alle Aufzeichnungen der Nachhilfestunde werden online abgespeichert, sodass du sie jederzeit im Nachhinein nochmal anschauen und wiederholen kannst.

Die Eins-zu-Eins Online Nachhilfe findet in optimaler Video und Audioqualität statt. Zudem garantiert eine interaktive multifunktionsfähige Tafel eine bestmögliche Nachhilfeerfahrung und maximalen Erfolg. Alle unsere Lehrer wurden auf ihre Qualitäten überprüft und haben bereits langjährige Nachhilfeerfahrung. Buche Nachhilfestunden wann und wo du willst.

Unsere Nachhilfe kostet oft weniger als die Hälfte als die eines herkömmlichen Nachhilfeinstituts. Trotzdem garantieren wir professionellen Nachhilfeunterricht von qualifizierten Lehrern. Unsere Online Nachhilfe ist kinderleicht. Du brauchst weder besonderes Zubehör, noch musst du ein Computerspezialist sein. Alles was du für die Nachhilfe brauchst ist ein Computer oder ein Tablet. Welche technischen Vorraussetzungen benötige ich für den Unterricht? Alles, was du für die Nachhilfe brauchst, ist einen Computer, einen Laptop oder ein Tablet. Wichtig ist, dass das Gerät ein Mikrofon und eine Webcam besitzt. Ausserdem solltest du eine stabile Internetverbindung haben.

The rise of a science and innovation expert : Kensi Gounden

Who is Kensi Gounden and some of his achievements? Yes, I am talking about the time management here, this is one of the big factor responsible for marks. You are not a kid, every student knows the definition of time management, but only a few of them take it seriously while preparing for board exams. It is your class 12th. You will never see the school again in your life and, believe me, you will never study again with such enthusiasm as you are doing right now. So, why not make this preparation more beautiful and smart by applying time management on it? So, overall, you have to study at least 8 hours a day and make it 9 to 10 hours on holidays like Sunday. This feels like crazy, studying with such madness, but the 90+ achievers did that and made their percentage possible.

Kensi Gounden on the cryptocurrency boom : Embrace volatility – Cryptocurrencies are famously volatile. The price of Bitcoin, for example, went from $3,000 down to $2,000 and then leapt up to nearly $5,000, all within three months in 2017. Whilst this means risk is high, it also means the potential for profit is great too. It’s always sensible to check the volatility of the exchange you decide to go with. Understand blockchain – You don’t need to understand the technical complexities, but a basic understanding will help you respond to news and announcements that may help you predict future price movements. It is essentially a continuously growing list of secure records (blocks). Cryptography secures the interactions and then stores them publicly. They serve as a public ledger, cutting out intermediaries such as banks.

Latest chemistry news: Since its discovery more than three decades ago, gellan gum has become a common additive in the food, beverage, personal care, industrial cleaners and paper-production markets, especially over the past 15 years. According to KP Celco, today the leading global producer of gellan gum, some of its primary functions and uses include: (1) What Is Gellan Gum? It’s a food additive produced through bacterial fermentation using a sugar source, which provides a source of energy for the bacteria to consume. Gellan gum is considered to be valuable and unique in manufacturing due to its capability of creating fluid, gel solutions that have weak structures, a characteristic that’s important for structuring and adding “creaminess.”

Spend some time to examine which kinds of foods bring you up and which foods bring down. Creating a diet plan can make you feel good, and gives you a sense of self-development. This will boost your sense of success. Get as much sleep as you need, around seven or eight hours, every night. While sleeping well does not guarantee good health, it does help you to maintain many vital functions. Perhaps most importantly, sleep helps you recover from the wear and tear of daily life. Major healing functions in the body such as tissue repair, muscle and mental growth occur almost exclusively during sleep. See more details on Kensi Gounden.

This practice has proven to be particularly helpful when it comes to remembering people. When I first began running my business, I had 130 agents in one location. I had recruited and hired them — I couldn’t just forget their names. I wanted them to feel like they were valued and appreciated. Shouting, “Hey, buddy!” every time I walked by an agent I didn’t know would have turned me into an “out-of-touch CEO” — the kind of leader people feel they can’t have a relationship with and don’t really want to work for. We all know that bad bosses are one of the biggest factors of underperformance. This is why I made a point of remembering, and therefore appreciating, my newest contacts first.

Bifurcation analysis teaching and other scholar details

Bioinformatics guides and other scholar info? Combinatorial complexity is a central problem when modeling biochemical reaction networks, since the association of a few components can give rise to a large variation of protein complexes. Available classical modeling approaches are often insufficient for the analysis of very large and complex networks in detail. Recently, we developed a new rule-based modeling approach that facilitates the analysis of spatial and combinatorially complex problems. Here, we explore for the first time how this approach can be applied to a specific biological system, the human kinetochore, which is a multi-protein complex involving over 100 proteins.

BackgroundThe Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (MSAC) is an evolutionary conserved mechanism that ensures the correct segregation of chromosomes by restraining cell cycle progression from entering anaphase until all chromosomes have made proper bipolar attachments to the mitotic spindle. Its malfunction can lead to cancer.Principle FindingsWe have constructed and validated for the human MSAC mechanism an in silico dynamical model, integrating 11 proteins and complexes. The model incorporates the perspectives of three central control pathways, namely Mad1/Mad2 induced Cdc20 sequestering based on the Template Model, MCC formation, and APC inhibition. Originating from the biochemical reactions for the underlying molecular processes, non-linear ordinary differential equations for the concentrations of 11 proteins and complexes of the MSAC are derived.

Budding yeast asymmetric cell division relies upon the precise coordination of spindle orientation and cell cycle progression. The spindle position checkpoint (SPOC) is a surveillance mechanism that prevents cells with misoriented spindles from exiting mitosis. The cortical kinase Kin4 acts near the top of this network. How Kin4 kinase activity is regulated and maintained in respect to spindle positional cues remains to be established. Here, we show that the bud neck–associated kinase Elm1 participates in Kin4 activation and SPOC signaling by phosphorylating a conserved residue within the activation loop of Kin4. Blocking Elm1 function abolishes Kin4 kinase activity in vivo and eliminates the SPOC response to spindle misalignment. These findings establish a novel function for Elm1 in the coordination of spindle positioning with cell cycle progression via its control of Kin4. Read more details at Multiscale modeling by Bashar Ibrahim.

Cycles are abundant in most kinds of networks, especially in biological ones. Here, we investigate their role in the evolution of a chemical reaction system from one self-sustaining composition of molecular species to another and their influence on the stability of these compositions. While it is accepted that, from a topological standpoint, they enhance network robustness, the consequence of cycles to the dynamics are not well understood. In a former study, we developed a necessary criterion for the existence of a fixed point, which is purely based on topological properties of the network. The structures of interest we identified were a generalization of closed autocatalytic sets, called chemical organizations.

All on erosion, a full guide

What is erosion plus erosion control strategies? What is soil erosion and soil degradation? Although soil erosion is a natural process, human activities over the past decades have greatly accelerated it. In fact, according to the UNESCO, land degradation is undermining the well-being of two-fifths of humanity, driving species extinct and intensifying climate change. According to a senior UN official, all of the world’s topsoil could be gone within 60 years.

Every year, rivers deposit millions of tons of sediment into the oceans. Without the erosive forces of water, wind, and ice, rock debris would simply pile up where it forms and obscure from view nature’s weathered sculptures. Although erosion is a natural process, abusive land-use practices such as deforestation and overgrazing can expedite erosion and strip the land of soils needed for food to grow.

Glacial erosion occurs in two principal ways: through the abrasion of surface materials as the ice grinds over the ground (much of the abrasive action being attributable to the debris embedded in the ice along its base); and by the quarrying or plucking of rock from the glacier bed. The eroded material is transported until it is deposited or until the glacier melts. In some arid and desert tracts, wind has an important effect in bringing about the erosion of rocks by driving sand, and the surface of sand dunes not held together and protected by vegetation is subject to erosion and change by the drifting of blown sand. This action erodes material by deflation—the removal of small loose particles—and by sandblasting of landforms by wind-transported material. Find additional details on website.

The cover-management factor (C-factor) within the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is used as an indicator of soil protection by different land-uses and management options (Renard et al. 1991). Yet, few studies have addressed its potential as a dynamic tool for erosion control (Panagos et al. 2015b). Experimentally determined values for the C-factor for most land uses and management systems are easily found in the literature (e.g., Pimenta 1998a). Moreover, both remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) techniques can be efficiently used to estimate the C-factor at landscape level (Wang et al. 2003; Lu et al. 2004; Durigon et al. 2014). Nevertheless, the literature does not report the use of the C-factor to address impacts of vegetation density changes over time under the same land use or management type. This provided the motivation for this research.

Why Is Erosion Control Important? Without erosion control, your topsoil may lose its ability to hold nutrients, regulate water flow, and combat pollutants. In addition to affecting the ecosystem of nearby wildlife, residential properties and transportation systems can suffer long term damage. To combat the environmental problem of both erosion and sedimentation, certain methods must be practiced by construction companies.

Stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy

Stem cells are an important area of ??current medicine due to their potential for regeneration and repair of the affected tissues. Some current therapies, such as bone marrow transplantation, are already using stem cells and their potential for regenerating damaged tissue. Other therapies are still under study and involve the transplantation of stem cells to an area of ??the body affected by the disease to direct them to develop and differentiate to create healthy tissue.

Prolonged inactivity of limbs, may result in severe spasticity leading to permanent deformities. These may eventually need surgical correction. These symptoms may arise especially at the joints resulting in bent wrist, closed fist, flexed elbow. These may or may not straighten when forcefully tried. Poor feeding could result in malnourishment, which leads to a poor immunity, and low body weight. Poor neck control leads to swallowing difficulties in children with cerebral palsy. Often, the food taken orally may enter the larynx and trachea(windpipe), instead of the pharynx and oesophagus(food pipe). This could also be a common cause of recurrent pneumonia and other respiratory infections in cerebral palsy kids. Such cases of cerebral palsy could need eventual ventilatory support. See more details Stem Cell Treatment For Cerebral Palsy

Considerations Before Starting Treatment: The needs of a child with cerebral palsy aren’t solely based on correcting their physical disabilities. There are also social and emotional aspects of living a more fulfilling life. These aspects shouldn’t be ignored when considering treatment and therapy. Many children are content with their disabilities. As a parent, it’s important to consider their feelings. Some treatments can be stressful and uncomfortable, and may not be in the best interest of the child. It’s important to discuss the physical and emotional impacts of all treatments with specialists and most importantly, the child.

To alleviate suffering & improve the quality of life of patients with incurable or intractable disorders & injury of the nervous system, by restoring functional abilities to a maximum possible, by extending a professional, holistic & caring manner, and to conduct basic & clinical research by constant work on innovation & development, so that the best therapeutic strategies can be evolved. See extra details on NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute.

A few tips to help your child with autism: Pay attention to your child’s sensory sensitivities. Many children with ASD are hypersensitive to light, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Some children with autism are “under-sensitive” to sensory stimuli. Figure out what sights, sounds, smells, movements, and tactile sensations trigger your kid’s “bad” or disruptive behaviors and what elicits a positive response. What does your child find stressful? Calming? Uncomfortable? Enjoyable? If you understand what affects your child, you’ll be better at troubleshooting problems, preventing situations that cause difficulties, and creating successful experiences.

Look for the best! Don’t define your child according to his problem – they grow up going through a cascade of problems, challenges that you can tackle together, carefully and deliberately. Do not make a goal of “normality”. People with autism can have extraordinary creativity and intuition, and your goal should be to encourage your child to enjoy his or her strengths and to strengthen the vulnerable. Awareness of what you can control and what you cannot control: The set of genes we are born with is the one we will have all our lives, but it does not mean that our future is precise. The power of genes is shaped by the environment in which we live. Therefore, your goal should be to create a supportive environment – for you and your child. Source:

The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference was a complete success

The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference was a complete success.

On April 9, 2019, the “Hong Kong Medical Public Chain (MCHK) Global Conference” hosted by Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group was successfully held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Hong Kong. The conference invited government officials, international capital representatives, media representatives, representatives of private entrepreneurs, representatives of cooperative enterprises and other important guests to attend, as well as more than 5,000 people from all over the world who have witnessed the medical chain audio-visual feast of the conference.


The theme of the conference is “MCHK uses blockchain technology to subvert the medical system”, which means that Hong Kong Medicare Medical Group will create a new era of medical and blockchain integration after achieving traditional medical achievements! Realize the maximum convenience and value of medical technology and artificial intelligence!


At the conference, Mr. Danny Wong, Executive Chairman of Medisun Medical Group, gave a welcome speech and talked about the origin, value and significance of the Hong Kong medical public chain.


Ms. Sun Yaqi, Executive Vice President of Medisun Medical Group, then introduced the background of the group, technology research and development, expert team, and key regenerative Medisun products (vaccine, stem cell treatment, immune cell treatment).


Mr.Tan Genlai,technical director of blockchain and EOS core technology developer,explained MCHK medical public chain from national policy,group mission,industry enthusiasm,strategic layout and business modelto interpret.And also combined with group strength strategic deployment and the special services and products to show the software and hardware advantages of the Medisun Group,and expressed the great goals and the expectation of a bright future. P4090136

Medical expert Dr Albert shows that Medisun Medical Group develops stem cell regenerative technologies and products worldwide,focusing on heart disease and other diseases such as cancer,liver disease,lung disease,kidney disease,diabetes, autoimmune diseases,and nerves.Systemic diseases,strokes,and spinal injuries.He also said that the Group will vigorously explore the potential of regenerative technology for the treatment of human diseases and strive to promote it as the leader of future Medisun. P4090157

At the conference, the MCHK launching ceremony and the international capital signing ceremony were held. The world’s four famous capitals ( Lutpuce Capital, Cisco Capital, Beth Capital, and Yunhai International Capital) signed an on-site contract with MCHK.



After the signing ceremony of the international capital, Ms. Zhang Ke, a well-known blockchain expert, gave a detailed description of the MCHK node plan. The participants were enthusiastic and participated in the node plan.



The global launch of the Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) will be successfully completed. Based on the collection of 500 advanced medical institutions in Hong Kong, 5,000 medical institutions in the Greater Bay Area will be integrated within three years. The framework of blockchain technology will be used as a framework to unite with Medisun Medical Group’s rich clinical research and development technology and experience of regenerative technology, enhance the trust and consensus of children’s vaccine and cancer vaccine industry, promote the integration and upgrading of medical industry in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and realize the first 9+2 city medical service system in Dawan District to reach the international standard level.

Introduction to Medisun Medical Group

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Medisun Medical Group is a professional medical investment group dedicated to the research and development and commercialization of global regenerative Medisun product technology, as well as quality hospitals and treatment centers. The Medisun Regenerative Centre is located in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. It has an international GMP standard medical laboratory, cancer treatment center and anti-aging center. It provides immune cell therapy, a variety of stem cell health treatments, a number of child and adult vaccinations and a full range of biomedical products. Testing to provide customers with the most predictable health protection.

Medisun has long-term cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Life Science Center and the Harvard University Stem Cell Institute, working on the investment and research and development of new technologies in the field of regenerative worldwide, and conducting clinical trials in many well-known hospitals in mainland China and Hong Kong; In cooperation with Tsinghua University, Medisun established the “Medical Institute of Cell Technology of Tsinghua University” and “Medical University Tsinghua University Regenerative Medisun Industry Fund”.


Best Scientific Education Instruments from ArrEssPro Scientific

ArrEssPro offers a complete range of lab equipment, cleanroom … Shop our range of lab equipment and scientific instruments including fume hoods and more.

Below you’ll find some of our featured products from our wide selection of manufacturers. You’ll also see a couple featured categories. As well as be able to check on the latest News happening here at ArrEssPro, and the latest Blog articles.

ArrEssPro LLC is a Texas based company specializing in online sales. We offer all kind of scientific equipment and supplies. Here are few of our latest products:

Benchmark Scientific Shaking Water Bath

The seamless, stainless steel chamber has a 12 liter capacity and includes an universal spring-loaded platform for securing 15 & 50ml test tubes, as well as Erlenmeyer flasks and media bottles up to 1 liter. A hinged and removable lid is also included to reduce energy waste, prevent splashing and divert condensation away from samples.

Easy to use controls allow the user to digitally select and monitor time, temperature and shaking speed, while a constant monitoring system ensures accuracy over each parameter.

Optional test tube racks are available for microtubes and custom-designed racks can also be made available by request.

Orbital shaking motion
Included spring platform accepts tubes, bottles and flasks
Digital control of time, temperature and speed
Compact design, conserves bench space

Temp. Range: Ambient +5 to 80C
Speed Range: 30 to 200 rpm
Orbit: 25mm / 1 in.
Temp. Accuracy:+/- 0.3C (at 37C)
Temp. Increments: 0.1C
Temp. Uniformity:+/- 0.2C (at 37C)
Capacity: 12L
Dimensions:(w x d x h) 12.2 x 13.5 x 12 in.31 x 34.5 x 30 cm )
Chamber: Stainless Steel
Chamber Dimensions: 5.3 x 9.4 x 5.5 in. / 13.5 x 24 x 14 cm
Timer: 1 min. to 48 hours, or continuous
Weight: 31 lbs / 14 kg)
Electrical:115V, 50-60Hz, 400W
Warranty:2 Years

Model 40AF Forced Air Convection Oven is designed to meet the laboratory needs of industry, research organizations and schools. It is well-crafted and versatile and can be used for drying, baking, sterilizing. evaporating, heat treating, annealing and testing.

Advanced Design
Cabinets are as attractive as they are durable. Exteriors are painted light gray and have a hard, scratch-resistant hammer finish. Doors open with high impact thermoplastic handles. Cabinets have heavy steel double-wall construction. Work space is insulated from the outer cabinet with one inch of high density mineral wool, and interiors are made of corrosive-resistant aluminized steel.

Quincy Lab uses quality UL and CSA recognized components in all ovens. The control panel is equipped with an illuminated ON-OFF rocker switch and a heat/cycle pilot light. Temperature is controlled by an automatic Hydraulic or a bi-metal thermostat.

Heating Elements
Energy efficient, low-watt density incoloy sheathed elements are engineered into a compact design for quick run-up and recovery times. Temperature uniformity is greatly improved by a perforated heat shield which absorbs radiant heat and distributes it more evenly. Models have temperature range to 225C (437F).

Major Science Digital Peristaltic Pump

The easy-to-use pump design allows for several different silicon tubing sizes to be fitted. This gives the user a wider variety of flow rates.

The MU-D series is also reversible providing better convenience and flexibility to the user. The digital control provides high accurate rpm performance.

MU-D01 pump is a digital controlled mode with a solid 50W brushless motor, and MU-D02 is designed with a higher horsepower, 100W for higher volume demands required.

MU-D03 pump is the most powerful pump in this series which packs with powerful pump head, allows the flow rate to up to 3.3 litre/min with thicker tubing (1.6mm).

Select the appropriate model for your lab with economical yet powerful enough peristaltic pump.


For MU-D01 and MU-D02:

Digital microprocessor control for accurate control
Compact size for easy transportation
High quality Watson Marlow Easy load pump head
Flow rate range from 1.2 to 1140 ml/min for MU-D01 and 0.3 to 2280 ml/min for MU-D02 for wide applications
Reversible for purging

For MU-D03:

Digital microprocessor control for accurate control
High quality Watson Marlow pump head
Speed range from 20 to 300 rpm with 1 rpm increment
Flow rates from 0.8 ml/min to 3.3 litre/min using 1.6 mm wall thickness tubing
Robust pumphead construction with PPS (polyphenylene sulphide) track and rotor and stainless steel rollers and bearings
High efficiency maintenance free brushless DC motor
Tubing size ranges from 0.5mm to 8.0 mm (I.D) for wider application and usage

Please visit our online store and contact us for any questions:
ArrEssPro LLC
PO Box 51663
Denton, TX 76206-1663