Mobile micro-payments provider from

Top rated mobile micro-payments provider: Embracing the Future with ClickMicroPaymentCash – Mobile micro-payments are not just a trend; they represent the future of digital commerce. As the frequency and variety of these transactions continue to grow, platforms like ClickMicroPaymentCash will play an essential role in shaping the digital economy. The world is rapidly moving towards a mobile-first approach, where convenience, speed, and efficiency are valued above all. In this paradigm shift, micro-transactions emerge as the unsung heroes, facilitating a multitude of digital interactions. With 클릭소액결제현금화 or ClickMicroPaymentCash, you’re not just joining a platform; you’re embracing a vision – a vision where every small transaction is acknowledged, valued, and seamlessly transformed. Dive into the world of 소액결제현금화 with us, and let’s shape the future of digital commerce together. Read extra info at

Why Set Sail with ClickMicroPaymentCash? Guarded Voyages: Navigating the digital waters is not without its perils. ClickMicroPaymentCash acts as both compass and shield, ensuring every treasure, no matter how small, is secured against pirates and rough tides. Charting with Precision: Every sailor values a clear, intuitive map. Our platform offers just that – an easy-to-navigate interface, guiding you to your desired destination with ease and clarity. An Open Logbook: Trust is the anchor of any voyage. Our promise is to maintain an open logbook, detailing every journey, every discovery, with unwavering transparency.

The Digital Tapestry: Weaving Micro-Payments into Art with ClickMicroPaymentCash. Envision a vast tapestry, each thread representing the myriad digital interactions that span our connected world. Bold, colorful strokes symbolize those larger online transactions we often see. But then there are those delicate, almost ethereal strands weaving the background, subtle yet integral. These represent mobile micro-payments, understated yet forming the very fabric of our digital canvas. In this mesmerizing craft of intertwining interactions, “클릭소액결제현금화” or ClickMicroPaymentCash emerges as the master weaver, artfully turning the intricate design of 소액결제 현금화 into a masterpiece.

Elegance in Design: With a UI mirroring the grace of a prima ballerina, every step, every move on our platform is designed for elegance, simplicity, and ease. Clarity in the Shadows: Our commitment is to shine a spotlight on every nuance, every turn, ensuring complete transparency in all transactions and conversions. Dancing Towards a Mobile-First Tomorrow – The tempo of our digital ballet is only set to increase. As we pirouette into an era dominated by mobile interactions, platforms like ClickMicroPaymentCash will be at the forefront, directing the choreography of the digital dance.

For our Korean readers:

소액결제 현금화와 그 중요성 – 디지털 결제 시대, 소액결제 현금화는 우리 생활의 중심에 섰습니다. 사용자들은 편리한 결제 방식을 통해 빠르게 현금화 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다. 비용의 숨은 함정 및 경제적 고려사항 – 소액결제 현금화 서비스 선택 시, 숨겨진 수수료나 추가 비용에 주의해야 합니다. 다양한 서비스를 비교하면서 최적의 수수료와 혜택을 확인하도록 합니다. 불법 현금화 서비스의 위험성- 합법적인 소액결제 현금화 서비스를 선택하는 것은 중요합니다. 공식 인증 마크나 인증서로 서비스의 합법성을 확인하세요.

클릭 소액결제 현금화: 디지털 자산의 안전한 변환 – 소액결제 현금화 클릭은 디지털 시대의 필수 서비스로 부상하며, 휴대폰 정보이용료 변환의 리더입니다. 여러분의 디지털 자산을 안전하게, 그리고 효율적으로 현금으로 바꾸는 서비스를 제공합니다. 디지털 자산과 소액결제의 활성화 디지털 기술의 발전과 함께, 소액결제가 우리 생활의 중심에 섰습니다. 특히, 클릭 소액결제 현금화는 이 분야에서의 투명하고 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너입니다. 클릭 소액결제 현금화란? 휴대폰 결제의 변환: 사용자의 축적된 포인트, 쿠폰, 기프트카드 등의 디지털 자산을 현금으로 변환하는 중심적인 서비스입니다. 통신요금과의 연계: 사용자의 디지털 결제는 통신요금에 통합, 청구됩니다.

인증된 서비스 제공: 소액결제 현금화를 제공하는 인증된 업체로부터의 안전성이 보장됩니다. 고객의 신뢰 확보: 소액결제 현금화 서비스의 안정성을 통해 디지털 경제 내에서의 신뢰를 얻습니다. 디지털 경제 내에서 소액결제 현금화는 다양한 긍정적 가치와 기회를 제공하는 핵심 요소로 자리 잡고 있습니다. 이를 통해, 디지털 경제의 활성화, 개인의 금융적 자율성 향상, 그리고 서비스의 투명성 및 신뢰성이 강조되며, 현대 디지털 경제의 중심에서 큰 변화와 기회를 가져오게 됩니다. 클릭을 통한 소액결제 현금화 서비스 안내 소액결제현금화클릭은 디지털 결제 세상에서 소비자들의 디지털 자산을 안전하게 현금으로 전환하는 데 필요한 서비스를 제공합니다. 정보 여기 클릭소액결제 현금화.

신뢰성 있는 현금화 업체의 선택 – 사용자 리뷰와 평판: 신뢰성 있는 업체를 선택하는 첫걸음은 사용자의 리뷰와 평판을 확인하는 것입니다. 이를 통해 업체의 서비스 품질과 안전성을 평가할 수 있습니다. 거래 이력과 신뢰성: 오랜 거래 이력과 높은 신뢰도를 보유한 업체를 우선적으로 고려하는 것이 좋습니다. 다양한 현금화 방법에 대한 깊은 탐색 온라인 플랫폼: 인터넷 상에는 다양한 현금화 플랫폼이 있습니다. 각각의 플랫폼은 다른 현금화 방법, 수수료, 처리 시간을 제공하므로 주의 깊게 비교해야 합니다. P2P 거래: 개인 간의 직접 거래로, 중개 수수료를 절약할 수 있지만, 거래의 안전성에 대한 검증이 필요합니다.

긴급한 자금 필요: 생활비, 의료비, 갑작스러운 지출 등 긴급한 자금 필요 시 현금화는 큰 도움이 됩니다. 현금화 방법의 다양성과 선택 전략 온라인 플랫폼 활용: 다양한 온라인 플랫폼은 소액결제 현금화 서비스를 제공합니다. 사용자의 결제 이력, 포인트 누적 등을 기반으로 현금화 범위와 조건이 결정됩니다. P2P 거래: 이는 개인 간의 직접 거래를 의미합니다. 중개 수수료 절감의 장점이 있으나, 거래의 안전성에 대한 주의가 필요합니다. 현금화 서비스의 이용 시 주의점 수수료와 환전 비율: 서비스 제공 업체마다 다양한 수수료와 환전 비율을 적용하기 때문에 이를 잘 비교하여 선택해야 합니다.

다단계 인증 프로세스: 2FA, OTP 등의 다단계 인증 프로세스를 통해 거래의 안전성을 높일 수 있습니다. 암호화 기술의 활용: 데이터 전송과 저장 과정에서의 암호화 기술의 활용은 개인 정보의 보호를 보장합니다. 소액결제와 그것을 현금화하는 과정은 디지털 시대의 핵심적인 부분입니다.

디지털 시대의 소액결제 현금화 전략: 완벽한 안전성과 최적의 현금화 방법 디지털 환경이 복잡해짐에 따라, ‘소액결제 현금화’는 이제 우리 생활의 핵심 부분이 되었습니다. 온라인 상거래, 앱 내 결제, 디지털 콘텐츠 구매; 이 모든 분야에서 소액결제의 중요성은 더욱 강조되고 있습니다. 그렇다면 이러한 디지털 트렌드에서 안전하고 효율적인 소액결제 현금화 전략은 어떻게 세울 수 있을까? 신뢰성 있는 현금화 업체의 선정: 첫 번째 단계는 항상 신뢰성입니다. 시장에는 다양한 현금화 업체가 존재하며, 그 중 일부는 불법 행위 또는 사기 행위의 위험을 내포하고 있습니다. 이를 방지하기 위해 업체의 리뷰, 거래 이력, 인증 정보 등을 철저히 확인해야 합니다.

디지털 숲 속의 길잡이, ‘클릭소액결제현금화’ 넓은 디지털 숲을 상상해보세요. 이 숲에는 크고 작은 나무들이 무수히 서 있습니다. 그 중 거대한 나무들은 우리의 큰 디지털 거래를 상징합니다. 그러나 그 사이사이에 자라난 작은 나무나 덩굴, 그리고 꽃들처럼, 일상에서 자주 마주치지만 눈에 띄지 않는 그것들이 바로 소액결제의 세계를 대변합니다. 이러한 무한한 디지털 숲을 안내하는 나침반 역할을 하는 것이 바로 ‘클릭소액결제현금화’입니다. 소액결제, 숲의 속삭임 디지털 숲의 깊은 곳에서, 이 작은 나무와 꽃들은 조용한 노래를 부릅니다. 그것은 가벼운 게임 아이템 구매, 또는 음악 스트리밍 서비스의 일시적인 이용권 같은 것들입니다. 각각의 거래는 작을지라도, 그것들이 모여 숲의 생명력을 형성합니다.

Venmo purchase fee calculator 2023 from FeeCalculatorBuzz

Excellent Fiverr fees calculator today: How do products sold and services provided differ in an invoice? Products sold in an invoice refer to tangible items such as products or equipment that have been sold to a customer. Services provided in an invoice refer to intangible items such as consulting or labor that have been provided to a customer. The main difference is that products are physical items that can be shipped or delivered to the customer, while services are actions or tasks that are performed for the customer. Find extra info fiverr fees calculator.

How many times does Stripe retry failed payment? Stripe will automatically try to make a payment up to three times if it fails, with a 15-minute break between each try. If the payment still doesn’t go through after three tries, it will be marked as failed and no more attempts will be made. Why is Stripe payment incomplete? A Stripe payment that doesn’t go through can be caused by a number of things, like a lost internet connection, a timeout while the payment is being processed, or a problem with the customer’s payment method. You can fix the problem by asking the customer to try to pay again or to check their payment method for mistakes.

When you use Direct Deposit to pay vendors, you don’t have to write and mail paper checks or start electronic payments by hand. This can speed up the payment process. This can save businesses time and money and make it less likely that payments will be late or wrong. Businesses that use Direct Deposit can build stronger relationships with their vendors by always making payments on time and making as few mistakes as possible. Automatic payments are reliable and save time for vendors, so they may be more willing to work with companies that use Direct Deposit.

When you pay for goods or services with Venmo, you pay a small fee. The fee changes based on the type of transaction and whether or not a credit or debit card is used to pay. Most of the time, Venmo’s fees are lower than those of other mobile payment apps and old-fashioned ways to pay. This makes Venmo a good choice for businesses, especially small and medium-sized businesses, because it saves them money. If a customer isn’t happy with a Venmo purchase, they can either ask for a refund or dispute the charge. The customer service team at Venmo will look at the request and decide what to do based on the information given. The goal of this process is to be fair and clear for both the customer and the business.

To sign up your employees for Direct Deposit, you may log on to online banking and will need to give your financial institution each employee’s name, address, bank account number, and routing number in direct deposit form. You might also need to give them their Social Security number and check with them how much they get paid and when. How to set up automatic payments for your employees: Once you have signed up and given your employees the information they need, you can set up automatic payments for them. Usually, this means giving your bank or other financial institution a list of your employees, along with their pay rates and when they get paid. Then, you can set up a recurring payment for each employee. On the date you choose, their pay will be automatically sent to their bank account on their payday.

Stripe Checkout is a pre-made payment form that lets customers enter their payment information right on your website. Sign up for a Stripe account and add a few lines of code to your website to add Stripe Checkout. With this code, a button will be made that customers can click to bring up the Stripe Checkout form. If you want more control over the payment process, you can also use the Stripe API to add a custom payment flow. This will let you make your own payment form and handle the payment process on your own server. To do this, you will need to know how to programme and be used to working with APIs.

There are three kinds of bills that can help you keep track of your spending: The bill you send to the company for the work you did; You get a bill for your expenses from your bank. You can get your bill online. Let’s talk briefly about each of them: Bill that you send to the company for your services: This is the most common type of bill, and almost every business uses it to keep track of their spending. In this situation, you will have to pay for the services you got. Bill that you get through your bank for your expenses: If you have a checking account, this type of bill can be used to keep track of your transactions. The bill you get from your bank will help you keep track of how much you spend. Bill that you get online: If you don’t have a checking account but have a credit card, you can use this bill to keep track of your spending. Your credit card bill can help you keep track of how much you spend. See additional information on

Best in-app micro-payments solutions

Phone micro-payments services right now: Embracing the Future with ClickMicroPaymentCash – Mobile micro-payments are not just a trend; they represent the future of digital commerce. As the frequency and variety of these transactions continue to grow, platforms like ClickMicroPaymentCash will play an essential role in shaping the digital economy. The world is rapidly moving towards a mobile-first approach, where convenience, speed, and efficiency are valued above all. In this paradigm shift, micro-transactions emerge as the unsung heroes, facilitating a multitude of digital interactions. With 클릭소액결제현금화 or ClickMicroPaymentCash, you’re not just joining a platform; you’re embracing a vision – a vision where every small transaction is acknowledged, valued, and seamlessly transformed. Dive into the world of 소액결제현금화 with us, and let’s shape the future of digital commerce together. Discover more information on

Why Set Sail with ClickMicroPaymentCash? Guarded Voyages: Navigating the digital waters is not without its perils. ClickMicroPaymentCash acts as both compass and shield, ensuring every treasure, no matter how small, is secured against pirates and rough tides. Charting with Precision: Every sailor values a clear, intuitive map. Our platform offers just that – an easy-to-navigate interface, guiding you to your desired destination with ease and clarity. An Open Logbook: Trust is the anchor of any voyage. Our promise is to maintain an open logbook, detailing every journey, every discovery, with unwavering transparency.

The Digital Tapestry: Weaving Micro-Payments into Art with ClickMicroPaymentCash. Envision a vast tapestry, each thread representing the myriad digital interactions that span our connected world. Bold, colorful strokes symbolize those larger online transactions we often see. But then there are those delicate, almost ethereal strands weaving the background, subtle yet integral. These represent mobile micro-payments, understated yet forming the very fabric of our digital canvas. In this mesmerizing craft of intertwining interactions, “클릭소액결제현금화” or ClickMicroPaymentCash emerges as the master weaver, artfully turning the intricate design of 소액결제 현금화 into a masterpiece.

The Whispers of Mobile Micro-Payments – Just like the soft murmurs in a bustling marketplace, mobile micro-payments are easy to miss but form the very essence of our digital exchanges. They’re the virtual coffee you buy for a friend, the e-book chapter you can’t wait to read, or the bonus life in a game that’s just too engrossing to put down. These seemingly insignificant acts, when amplified, compose a powerful and melodic narrative of our digital lives.

For our Korean visitors:

안전한 이용을 위한 조언 – 서비스 선택 시, 신뢰도와 이용 약관, 개인정보 보호 방침 등에 주의를 기울이는 것이 중요합니다. 소액결제현금화클릭은 이 모든 요소를 고려하여 최상의 서비스를 제공하고자 합니다. 이렇게 독창적이면서도 내용의 주요 포인트를 살린 원고를 제작하였습니다. 내용과 구조에 맞게 필요한 부분을 추가하거나 수정하여 사용하시기 바랍니다. 소액결제 현금화의 필수 안내 – 디지털 시대의 급속한 발전 속에서 소액결제 현금화는 많은 사람들의 관심을 받는 핵심 서비스가 되었습니다. 이 글에서는 소액결제 현금화의 중요성, 이용 시 주의사항, 그리고 최적의 서비스 선택 방법에 대해 자세히 알아봅니다.

다양한 투자 기회: 소액결제 현금화는 디지털 경제에서의 새로운 투자 옵션을 탐색하게 합니다. 디지털 경제의 확장과 소액결제 현금화 디지털 경제의 연결성 강화: 소액결제 현금화는 디지털 및 전통적 시장 간의 연계를 강화합니다. 글로벌 시장과의 시너지: 소액결제 현금화를 통한 국제 시장 접근은 더 큰 비즈니스 기회를 제공합니다. 개인의 금융적 자율성과 소액결제 현금화. 자산 관리의 자유: 소액결제 현금화를 통한 디지털 경제에서의 금융 자산 관리가 가능하게 됩니다. 긴급한 자금 필요 시 대응: 소액결제 현금화를 활용하면 디지털 경제 내에서의 긴급 자금 확보가 용이합니다. 소액결제 현금화의 투명성 및 안전성

소액결제 현금화: 깊은 이해와 전략적 접근 디지털 기술의 폭발적인 성장은 ‘소액결제’를 더욱 중요한 플랫폼으로 만들었습니다. 스마트폰의 보급, 앱의 다양화, 온라인 콘텐츠의 증가; 이 모든 변화의 중심에서 소액결제현금화의 역할은 더욱 크게 늘어나고 있습니다. 그렇다면 디지털 환경에서 소액결제 현금화의 깊은 이해와 그것을 위한 전략은 어떻게 구성되어야 할까? 왜 소액결제 현금화가 중요한가?: 디지털 상품과 서비스의 구매는 소액결제를 통해 이루어집니다. 이렇게 쌓인 포인트나 금액을 현금으로 변환하면, 사용자는 실생활에서 더 큰 경제적 유연성을 얻을 수 있습니다. 세부 이 웹사이트에서 소액결제 현금화.

디지털 시대의 소액결제 현금화: 깊은 이해와 전략적 접근을 위한 포괄적 가이드 디지털 환경은 우리의 생활 양식을 변화시켰습니다. 소액결제는 그 변화의 중심에 있으며, 이제 ‘소액결제 현금화’는 거의 모든 사람에게 익숙한 용어가 되었습니다. 디지털 쇼핑, 앱 구독, 온라인 서비스 이용; 이 모든 분야에서 소액결제는 필수입니다. 그렇다면 이런 패러다임 속에서 어떻게 최적의 현금화 전략을 세울 수 있을까? 왜 소액결제 현금화가 필요한가? 기술의 발전과 디지털 환경: 스마트폰과 온라인 서비스의 확산은 소액결제의 증가를 주도하였습니다. 사용자들은 이제 다양한 서비스를 소액으로 즐길 수 있게 되었고, 이로 인해 현금화의 필요성이 점차 증가하였습니다.

거래 안전성: 안전하지 않은 플랫폼이나 개인 거래에서는 사기 위험이 있으므로, 항상 신뢰할 수 있는 플랫폼과 거래자를 선택해야 합니다. 미래의 소액결제 현금화 트렌드와 전망 블록체인과 암호화폐의 활용: 블록체인 기술은 거래의 투명성과 안전성을 높여줍니다. 암호화폐의 활용은 전세계적인 소액결제 현금화를 더욱 디지털 시대의 소액결제 현금화: 깊은 이해와 전략적 접근을 위한 포괄적 가이드 디지털 환경은 우리의 생활 양식을 변화시켰습니다. 소액결제현금화는 그 변화의 중심에 있으며, 이제 ‘소액결제 현금화’는 거의 모든 사람에게 익숙한 용어가 되었습니다. 디지털 쇼핑, 앱 구독, 온라인 서비스 이용; 이 모든 분야에서 소액결제는 필수입니다. 그렇다면 이런 패러다임 속에서 어떻게 최적의 현금화 전략을 세울 수 있을까?

소액결제의 성장 배경 프론트리어의 탐색: 초기 인터넷 시대부터 시작된 소액결제는 디지털 컨텐츠의 성장과 함께 그 중요성을 높여왔습니다. 사용자 경험의 중요성: 사용자는 빠르고 간편한 결제를 선호합니다. 이러한 트렌드는 소액결제의 성장을 가속화시켰습니다. 신뢰성 있는 현금화 업체 선정의 깊은 고려사항 거래 이력과 거래량: 오랜 거래 이력과 높은 거래량은 업체의 안정성과 신뢰성을 나타냅니다. 사용자 커뮤니티와 피드백: 실제 사용자들의 피드백과 업체와의 상호작용은 해당 업체의 서비스 품질을 가늠할 수 있는 중요한 지표입니다. 다양한 현금화 경로의 탐색과 분석

효율적인 현금화 방법의 탐색: 현금화의 방법은 다양합니다. 온라인 플랫폼을 통한 현금화, P2P 거래, 다양한 플랫폼과의 파트너십을 이용한 현금화 등 다양한 방법을 연구하고, 자신의 상황과 가장 맞는 방법을 선택해야 합니다. 수수료와 처리 시간의 검토: 소액결제 현금화의 또 다른 중요한 요소는 수수료와 처리 시간입니다. 가능한 낮은 수수료와 빠른 처리 시간을 제공하는 업체를 선택하는 것이 경제적으로 이롭습니다. 현금화의 안전성 확보: 업체의 선택 뿐만 아니라, 거래 과정에서의 안전성도 중요합니다. 개인 정보의 유출, 사기 거래 등의 위험을 최소화하기 위해 안전한 플랫폼을 이용하고, 거래 시에는 항상 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 디지털 환경에서의 소액결제는 계속해서 성장하는 추세이며, 이에 따른 현금화의 수요도 함께 증가하고 있습니다. 이러한 환경에서는 안전하고 효율적인 현금화 전략을 세우는 것이 중요합니다. 위의 안내를 통해 소액결제 현금화에 대한 깊은 이해와 최적의 전략을 세울 수 있을 것입니다.

왜 ‘클릭소액결제현금화’와 함께 숲을 거닐까요? 숲의 전문가: 디지털 숲의 복잡함을 깊이 이해하는 ‘클릭소액결제현금화’는 사용자가 숲 속에서 길을 잃지 않도록 안내합니다. 안전한 여정: 디지털 숲에는 예측할 수 없는 위험이 도사리고 있습니다. ‘클릭소액결제현금화’는 여러분의 안전한 길잡이가 되어 위험에서 보호합니다. 명료한 지도: 모든 탐험가는 분명하고 직관적인 지도를 중요시합니다. 우리의 플랫폼은 사용자가 원하는 목적지로 명확하게 안내합니다. 투명한 기록: 숲에서의 모든 경험과 발견은 투명하게 기록되어, 사용자와의 신뢰 관계를 더욱 견고하게 합니다.

Top real estate market solutions Istanbul, Turkey

Top property investments solutions Istanbul, Turkey: Focus first on legal information, followed by specific areas. Do not accept any real estate consultant who asks how many rooms you want and then starts sending dozens of random offers. Choose your sources and advisors based on the valuable information they provide, and do not be swayed by the attractive facade of someone who speaks with you without offering useful information. In the end, your successful investment is your goal. The presence of an active blog section on the website of the real estate consultant you are dealing with is an indication that the experiences of this company are genuine, and you can assess their depth through the depth of the content you read. See more information on best place to buy property in Istanbul.

Beware of scams that are often designed not to steal your money directly but to make unrealistic promises that cannot be fulfilled in reality, such as a guaranteed 10% permanent rental return or profits of up to 300% within two years, and so on. Be cautious of offers that come with a gift wrap, as they are often (but not always) a deception, such as a guarantee of renting apartments for three years in regular apartments. What happens after those three years? Or offers like buying land near the Istanbul Canal and selling it at double the current price after two years. Be aware that if the square meter price actually increases, the abundance of such offers will prevent you from achieving the desired profit. Or offers like buying two apartments for $400,000 in total, claiming they are suitable for Turkish citizenship.

The right choice for the real estate company to deal with when buying the property in Turkey is important. Many owners who had a bad experience with real estate companies think that all real estate companies are similar and that the quality of their services is similar and this is not true, which makes many people wishing to own property choose the inappropriate company. The large number of ads on the social networks that encounter owners of interest in Turkish real estate and the huge amount of incorrect information spread about real estate in Turkey.

Growing neighbourhoods like Kucukcekmece and Beylikduzu offer all the benefits of city life with easy access to shopping, nightlife and transport links. Yet they eliminate all the hustle and bustle by sitting on the outskirts, therefore providing more of a suburban feel than city dwelling. While the shores of the Bosphorus and areas like Sisli still remain the elite of Istanbul real estate markets, neighbourhoods like Esenyurt and Buyukcekmece with these new branded lifestyle projects are enabling the growing middle class to become real estate investors for less than £100,000 for properties in Istanbul, especially now with the current exchange rate between the Turkish lira and dollar that edges everything to a buyers advantage.

Istanbul, Turkey tourism is one of the top reasons to invest in Turkey. If you just want easy access to Istanbul’s top attractions without a guide, then another option would be to go on a Big Bus Tour. For me, there’s no better way to become acquainted with a new city than these Hop On Hop Off Tours. Double decker buses ply set routes that take you to many of the top attractions in Istanbul, and you can hop on and off as many times as you want for the duration of your pass. Very convenient indeed. The Grand and Egyptian Spice Bazaars are Istanbul’s most popular bazaars. One of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world with over 3,000 shops, you can buy all sorts of things at the Grand Bazaar like leather goods, jewelry, carpets, clothing, furniture, ceramics, and souvenirs.

The result is that one of Right Home’s clients received an investment with a profit rate of 110% in just two years, and this in investment science is symbolized by ROI = 55%, which is a really high percentage, especially if we know that this percentage was calculated for the US dollar and not for the Turkish lira. The investment was the purchase of an apartment under construction in an investment project in Sisli two years before the date of writing the article, equivalent to $ 150.000, and today the value of this same apartment is about $ 315.000, two years after the start of this investment. The good news is that this project is constructing a new tower with the same specifications as the first investment tower, in which opportunities can be seized now.

Right Home is a leading company specializing in real estate consultancy and brokerage. We help buyers to buy and sellers to sell. We provide luxury apartments, smart homes, elegantly designed offices, modern constructions and all consultancy services. Our head office located in Istanbul, Turkey. Our goal is to earn your trust and make sure you are comfortable with the process of buying a home in Turkey from start to finish. In Eminonu neighborhood of Istanbul, near the Topkapi Palace, you can find the complex of The Istanbul Archaeology Museums, one of the most famous Istanbul points of interest. The museum consists of three buildings; each of them houses different theme of collections. The first one is the Museum of the Ancient Orient. This part of the museum displays pre Islamic artifacts obtained during the expansion of the Ottoman Empire. The second part of the museum is the Archaeology Museum. You can see traditional statues and sarcophagi in this part of the museum. The last part of the Istanbul Archeology Museums is the Tiled Pavilion. Mehmet The Conqueror ordered the construction of this pavilion back in 1472.

It is worth noting that this process is usually expensive, especially if the lawyer is fluent in a language other than Turkish and has experience with topics of interest to the foreign investor exclusively in Turkey, but at Right Home we do not charge any fees for legal advice. As for the transaction of Turkish citizenship through investment, usually the costs of the lawyer who will prepare the papers and submit the application are about 4 or 5 thousand dollars, but at Right Home we have a valid offer until the date of writing this blog as we fully cover the fees of lawyers for clients who bought through our company and want to obtain Turkish citizenship. Discover more details at

Quality advantages to hire a flexible CFO from Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance today

Excellent advantages to hire a interim Chief Financial Officer by Sam McQuade today: How Is the CFO Role Fractionable? Fractional CFOs help manage a wide range of situations related to the financial operations of a business. A CFO’s role can be misconstrued as just a pure numbers person performing accounting tasks. The modern CFO is much more than that. A CFO, whether full-time or fractional, is a multi-disciplined asset that: Builds financial processes and teams; Works with frontline team strategy to correctly understand and price revenue opportunities; Oversees change situations such as turnarounds or management reorganizations.

CFOs focus on financial operations, management, and strategic planning to aid founders in decision-making. At many companies, a CFO is a full-time, salaried employee, working solely on advising one business. For early-stage startups carefully managing their funds, this likely is not an option due to the high salaries associated with a CFOs years of experience. But if you’re in this scenario, you still need someone to play that vital role in order to move your startup towards growth. Fractional CFO services may be the answer! Discover even more details on Sam McQuade.

Do you want to hire your first CFO or need interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for urgent very short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with clear pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to get into a potentially bad solution and costly full time hire. The Fractional CFO and Interim CFO experiences gained by the executives assigned to these positions throughout Panterra Finance offers them a broad perspective of the dynamic changes in international markets. The part time CFO executives at Panterra Finance have access to worldwide teams that are proficient in and have initiated innovative strategies in projects centered on DeFi, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto, Tokenization, ICO, IDO, and STO services.

CFOs may also help set technology direction, especially fintech, and make recommendations on everything from supply chain to marketing based on their fiscal insights and industry knowledge. The most-valued CFOs are visionaries — they have an eye toward the future, work closely with top leadership and aren’t shy about recommending strategic moves. The chief executive officer (CEO) is a company’s highest-ranking executive. Depending on corporate structure, the CEO may be responsible for all aspects of a company’s operational and fiscal health, or a president may share some duties. The CEO is the official face and voice of the company to press and analysts, the general public and, if applicable, the board of directors.

Forecasting: Importantly, CFOs don’t only report what is — a significant part of their value to an organization is their ability to accurately predict likely future outcomes. That includes financial forecasting and modeling based not only on the company’s past performance but on internal and external factors that may affect revenue and expenses. The CFO is tasked with making sense of the various departmental level forecasts to create profit projections for the CEO and shareholders.

The main goal of a DAO is to decentralize power. In a traditional organization, the power is concentrated in the hands of a few people. This can lead to corruption and cronyism. With a DAO, the power is decentralized, and it is distributed among all the members of the organization. This makes it much more difficult for any one person or group of people to abuse their power. A better real-life example is Ukraine DAO, which is a fundraising effort to help the people of Ukraine in the current war against Russia. It collects and distributes funds to various Ukrainian charities. The funds are collected through Ethereum’s smart contracts, and they are then distributed to the charities according to the code that governs the DAO.

We are your ally in managing business risks. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

The CFO is responsible for effective and efficient financial operations including accounting, financial reporting, cash management, budgeting, maintaining controls and issues such as capital structure, investor relations, and financing. The CFO is also involved with strategic planning and financial analysis related to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, as well as providing expert financial and operational guidance to business owners to maximize cash flow, minimize business risk, and increase the value of the enterprise.

The CFO function is evolving at lightspeed. With digital transformation and societal changes, the CFO role is rapidly turning into one of a “Chief Fiduciary Officer”, which is going beyond the traditional financials to look towards the future and lead long term value creation in a world of many unknown risks. Storytelling is a very powerful tool to engage and energize teams about value creation and potential pitfall areas. The traditional path of CFO usually starts with a solid foundation based on technical knowledge and then after about 15 years, the great leaders earn the coveted title.

In these early years of creating innovations in the corporate C-Suite, Sam McQuade nurtured and created a maverick approach to new finance operations for Stryker as it broke through to the lucrative emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)). While approaching the markets in the growing economies of Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Romania, Sam McQuade was recognizing the need for Interim and Fractional CFO’s for the avalanche of incubators and startup companies in these underdeveloped economies that were on the cusp of being integrated into modern International Finance systems and markets. Read more info at Sam McQuade CFO.

A fractional CFO is an experienced CFO who provides services for organizations in a part-time, retainer, or contract arrangement. This offers a company the experience and expertise of a high-end CFO without the in-house cost—salary, benefits, and bonuses—of a full-time CFO. Unlike a full-time CFO who oversees and maintains all general financial strategy or an interim CFO who performs CFO duties before or between CFO hires, a fractional CFO’s duties are typically on a project basis and specifically tuned to the company’s particular challenges or goals.

Best rated benefits to hire a interim CFO from Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance

Sam McQuade about flexible Chief Financial Officer benefits for IT in 2023: External Perspective On Financial Strategy: Internal teams can sometimes be biased when it comes to making decisions. A fractional CFO can provide an external perspective on your financial strategy and help you make sure that all financial decisions are made through verified research and data. Access To Industry Best Practices: A fractional CFO brings a wealth of knowledge to your team, which can be invaluable when making strategic financial decisions. Due to their flexibility, fractional CFOs have experience in many different verticals and industries. On the other hand, traditional CFOs tend to stick to a single industry and don’t move as often. Discover extra info at

What to Look for in the Profile of a Fractional CFO? A fractional CFO’s job description can be as varied as that of their full-time equivalents. For interim project roles, there will be a strong emphasis on expertise within the task of focus. Usually, fractional CFOs will have: Served as a CFO previously – perhaps at three or four different companies. Worked in different areas within the same industry – for example, a startup fractional CFO may usually be a former VC investor who began cooperating with the company as a fundraising consultant before advising on growth and strategic financial issues. Experience across companies of different sizes – from entrepreneurial endeavors to blue-chip firms. Soft skills for mentoring and leveling up teams to meet the expectations of a larger business.

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop detailed short-, mid-, and long-term financial forecasts; Prepare budgets based on forecasts; Analyze potential future products, services, markets, and customer segments. Helping Manage Growth: Fractional CFOs are also helpful in scaling a business, ensuring profitable growth as the business becomes more complex. This work involves reinventing the tools, processes, and vendor relationships the business uses to deliver value to an ever-growing and increasingly diverse set of customers. This is often called “bridging the chasm”, as most companies start to see declining margins and increasing headaches as they grow revenue past a certain threshold.

Searching to hire your first CFO or need interim coverage? We provide CFOs for immediate short term projects and longer term engagements. Flexible with clear pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and costly full time hire. In disrupting the traditional contracted title of CFO, Panterra Finance innovatively offers all its clients thought leadership based on international financial market experiences. Panterra Finance offers a unified international approach to businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eight centrally located offices in the USA, Switzerland, the Middle East, and the emerging African Continent, offers global enterprises Fractional and Interim CFO services backed by a team with a grasp of dynamic world trends.

The CFO function is evolving at lightspeed. With digital transformation and societal changes, the CFO role is rapidly turning into one of a “Chief Fiduciary Officer”, which is going beyond the traditional financials to look towards the future and lead long term value creation in a world of many unknown risks. Storytelling is a very powerful tool to engage and energize teams about value creation and potential pitfall areas. The traditional path of CFO usually starts with a solid foundation based on technical knowledge and then after about 15 years, the great leaders earn the coveted title.

The CFO is the top ranking executive related to managing a company’s finances. This includes managing all aspects of financial and cash flow planning, as well as analyzing its financial position. A CFO is comparable to a treasurer or controller. However, unlike a controller or accountant, a CFO is responsible for financial planning, while the other two are in charge of bookkeeping and the company’s financial statements. Big public companies may have defined the CFO role, but the chief financial officer position is becoming increasingly common in midsize and even small firms. Recent postings for full-time CFOs on job-search sites include an emerging air mobility design and manufacturing company in Massachusetts with fewer than 20 employees and a 94-bed community hospital in Hawaii.

Internal factors include sales trends, labor and HR-related costs, the price of raw materials and more, while external data inputs could include opportunity cost for capital, shifts in market demand, emerging competitors and advances in technology. To monitor the external environment, CFOs may rely on government data, analyst firms and business and general media, supplemented with insights gleaned through trade and association memberships and the input of board members, lenders and others.

To make you understand it in simple words, let me explain it with an example. Suppose there is a website that allows people to buy and sell products. This website has a smart contract that governs how the transactions will take place. When someone wants to buy a product, they will send a request to the smart contract. The smart contract will then check if the person has enough money to buy the product. If they do, then the transaction will take place, and the product will be sent to the buyer. If the person doesn’t have enough money, then the transaction will not take place.

Selling your business or looking to buy others? Our experts can lead the deal and make sure that you have a thoughtful ownership transition. We are happy to provide second opinions on valuations as well so you have another perspective and feel better before your close the deal.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

Includes producing accurate and timely financial statements, management reports and projections, forecasts, budgets and cost models that are all based in economic reality. Such tools enhance management insight and promote proactive management. By identifying the levers that drive performance they can be calibrated to maximize efficiency, lower costs and optimize profit and cash flow. Appropriate financial controls can provide many benefits including accurate financial statements, improved control of company assets and the reduced risk of fraud.

While surveying the landscape of the 21st Century economic climate, Sam McQuade, CFO, CEO and Financial maverick realized that the benefits of the gig economy and off-site personnel had hit the preverbally glass ceiling at the executive floor. Large established companies, corporations and organizations were captive of contracted executives. These executives could be effective and efficient however they could also be playing the game of international finance with obsolete rules, models, and ideas. Discover more information at Sam McQuade CFO.

AI technology startups advantages when hiring a fractional Chief Financial Officer with Sam McQuade CFO

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance about flexible Chief Financial Officer advantages for AI today: Running out of cash is one of the top reasons why startups fail. Besides having a tight grip on company finances and cash flow management, a growing company will need capital injections to grow or to sustain operations in a downturn. Fractional CFOs can assist with fundraising (typically starting at Series B) or with debt (e.g., negotiating bank loan terms). Because of their blend of financial acumen and strategic insight, they can expertly parse the numbers being negotiated and help plan where the investment can take the business.

Gain A Better Understanding Of Financial Health: Running a business means monitoring all the numbers for accuracy and compliance.. A fractional CFO clarifies complicated financial data and constructs different types of financial projections based on the data. For example, CFOs use cash flow projections to help founders understand how much money is coming in and out of the business and where it is coming from. Strategize For Long-Term Goals: A fractional CFO can help you look to the future by strategizing toward long-term goals. They can help you develop strategies to ensure your business is on track for success and pursuing its ultimate ambitions. For example, by creating financial objectives and meticulously tracking performance KPIs, founders are better positioned for growth and expansion. If you know you need to purchase updated equipment as your business grows, a fractional CFO will help you build a plan to fund the needed purchases. See more details on Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

Looking to hire your very first CFO or need interim coverage? We provide CFOs for urgent short term projects and longer term engagements. Adaptable with clear pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and costly full time hire. Sam McQuade CFO is the Founder and CEO of Panterra Finance. This worldwide Financial Partner Solution services is a leading innovator in the new economy of scale offering a new executive suite model with the Fractional CFO and Interim CFO. The Panterra Finance team with expert Interim CFO executives and Fractional CFO services brings with it a global financial leadership team to the new world economy. Describing Panterra Finance in his own words, CFO Sam McQuade stated : As Founder/CEO of Panterra Finance, I am on mission to help guide businesses to achieve success through thoughtful strategic financial collaboration.

What Is a Chief Financial Officer (CFO)? The term chief financial officer (CFO) refers to a senior executive responsible for managing the financial actions of a company. The CFO’s duties include tracking cash flow and financial planning as well as analyzing the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective actions. The role of a CFO is similar to a treasurer or controller because they are responsible for managing the finance and accounting divisions and for ensuring that the company’s financial reports are accurate and completed in a timely manner.

The key duties of the CFO position vary depending on the size of the organization, its industry and whether it’s a public or private company but generally fall into three broad functional areas: controller, treasury and strategy and forecasting. Organizations may have professionals overseeing some or all of these roles and reporting to the CFO. Controllers run day-to-day accounting and financial operations and often hold a CPA or MBA. They are responsible for creating reports that provide insights into a company’s financial standing, including accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory and payroll.

To make you understand it in simple words, let me explain it with an example. Suppose there is a website that allows people to buy and sell products. This website has a smart contract that governs how the transactions will take place. When someone wants to buy a product, they will send a request to the smart contract. The smart contract will then check if the person has enough money to buy the product. If they do, then the transaction will take place, and the product will be sent to the buyer. If the person doesn’t have enough money, then the transaction will not take place.

We are your ally in managing business risks. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

Understanding DAO: Now, suppose the same transaction happens on a decentralized network like the Bitcoin network. There is no central entity here. Both parties can interact with each other directly. The product is transferred from A to B, and $100 is transferred from B to A. This transaction is then recorded on a digital ledger which is available to everyone in the network. So there is complete transparency, and everyone knows that the transaction has taken place. This process of recording transactions on a digital ledger is what we call ‘blockchain technology.’ This is not limited to just financial transactions; it can be used to record any kind of transaction. Now that we know what blockchain is, let’s get back to DAO.

By utilizing a fractional CFO, support levels can be varied and customized to the evolving needs of the organization with the CFO’s work schedule tailored as such. Increased support can be provided at critical times reverting to a more consistent level when appropriate. A fractional CFO can bring substantially all the benefits in terms of skills and knowledge of a full- time resource, at significantly less cost. Services are provided on-site which is convenient for meetings and to perform critical work. The CFO becomes embedded and acts as part of the management team. When not on-site, the CFO can be ‘virtually’ available via modern communication tools.

The CFO function is evolving at lightspeed. With digital transformation and societal changes, the CFO role is rapidly turning into one of a “Chief Fiduciary Officer”, which is going beyond the traditional financials to look towards the future and lead long term value creation in a world of many unknown risks. Storytelling is a very powerful tool to engage and energize teams about value creation and potential pitfall areas. The traditional path of CFO usually starts with a solid foundation based on technical knowledge and then after about 15 years, the great leaders earn the coveted title.

While surveying the landscape of the 21st Century economic climate, Sam McQuade, CFO, CEO and Financial maverick realized that the benefits of the gig economy and off-site personnel had hit the preverbally glass ceiling at the executive floor. Large established companies, corporations and organizations were captive of contracted executives. These executives could be effective and efficient however they could also be playing the game of international finance with obsolete rules, models, and ideas. Find even more info on

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop detailed short-, mid-, and long-term financial forecasts; Prepare budgets based on forecasts; Analyze potential future products, services, markets, and customer segments. Helping Manage Growth: Fractional CFOs are also helpful in scaling a business, ensuring profitable growth as the business becomes more complex. This work involves reinventing the tools, processes, and vendor relationships the business uses to deliver value to an ever-growing and increasingly diverse set of customers. This is often called “bridging the chasm”, as most companies start to see declining margins and increasing headaches as they grow revenue past a certain threshold.

High quality advantages to hire a fractional Chief Financial Officer by Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance in 2023

Excellent advantages when hiring fractional Chief Financial Officer by Sam McQuade today: Specialized Financial Services: A fractional CFO can provide specialized financial services to help you reach your goals. All startups are different. SaaS-based startups, for example, have different revenue recognition. Because of this, their focus is customer based. A CFO can monitor customer-specific KPIs to help assess future profitability. They can help with mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, strategic planning, budgeting and forecasting, as well. Find even more details on Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

Complex Budget Allocation Decision-making: High-growth companies often find themselves in the position of having to decide where cash is best spent. When evaluating whether to pursue an acquisition or change distribution channels from retail to digital, a company that does not yet have a full-time CFO can utilize a fractional one to evaluate the project and support decisions during intensive, time-sensitive sprints. Optimization of Internal Processes: Internal processes are the cohesive link between strategy, operations, and performance. A CFO is uniquely placed to understand each step’s cost and contribution and guide their optimization. CFO responsibilities include evaluating all processes and clearly understanding their financial contribution to profitability and cash flow. Doing this exercise keeps management abreast of the company’s actual performance and shareholder returns. Fractional CFOs can also build best practice processes to document these reviews to ensure ongoing continuity and time efficiency.

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop existing employees and hire new ones that bring essential knowledge and skills; Implement systems that will support sustainable growth; Improve visibility and analytical capabilities to convert large amounts of data into actionable information; Explore causes of revenue leakage, cost overruns, and operational friction in a growing business and develop potential solutions. A fractional CFO is also often brought into an organization to help achieve a particular goal, such as raising capital or preparing for a sale, merger, or acquisition. Most fractional CFOs have helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars of debt and equity funding for multiple companies, and have helped oversee a number of mergers and acquisitions.

Searching to hire your very first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We provide CFOs for immediate very short term projects and longer term engagements. Adaptable with clear pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially very bad and costly full time hire. In disrupting the traditional contracted title of CFO, Panterra Finance innovatively offers all its clients thought leadership based on international financial market experiences. Panterra Finance offers a unified international approach to businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eight centrally located offices in the USA, Switzerland, the Middle East, and the emerging African Continent, offers global enterprises Fractional and Interim CFO services backed by a team with a grasp of dynamic world trends.

With technological advances disrupting job descriptions, the organization will have its share of fear and resistance. Given the close collaboration between finance and information technology, the CFO is in a unique position to anticipate the future needs of organization and help mentor people with their reskilling into other growth areas. What else do you think CFOs can be doing now to adapt to the future? I’d be very grateful if you provide your comments and share your thoughts. Thank you!

A chief financial officer (CFO) is the highest-ranking financial professional in an organization and is responsible for the fiscal health of the business. The CFO’s responsibilities include, but aren’t limited to, building a top-notch finance and accounting team, ensuring revenues and expenses stay in balance, overseeing FP&A (financial planning & analysis) functions, making recommendations on mergers and acquisitions, obtaining funding, working with department heads to analyze financial data and craft budgets, attesting to the accuracy of reports and consulting with boards of directors and the CEO on strategy.

Financial reports including balance sheets and P&L and cash flow statements help both internal leaders and external stakeholders understand the financial state of the business, and it’s up to the CFO to attest that these statements are accurate and complete in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Although private companies are required to file financial reports with the SEC only if they have $10 million or more in assets and 500 or more shareholders, many businesses create these statements anyway so they’re available should the company seek a bank loan or venture capital or equity funding.

Friends With Benefits is a decentralized social network. It allows users to connect with each other and share content. It allows the users to collaborate and create new content. Users may connect with individuals who share their interests in other cities through city-specific hubs. The more FWB tokens a user has, the more opportunities to meet and interact with others develop. This is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that uses the power of the blockchain to adjudicate disputes. Kleros is a DAO because it is powered by smart contracts. The Kleros token (PNK) is used to incentive jurors to vote on disputes. When someone wants to submit a dispute to Kleros, they first have to deposit some PNK. If the jury rules in favor of the person who submitted the dispute, then they get their PNK back. If the jury rules against them, then they lose their PNK. Kleros can be used to adjudicate any kind of dispute. It has been used to adjudicate disputes in online markets, freelance platforms, and even in the sharing economy.

We are your ally in managing business risks. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that is run by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is an organization or company that is not centrally controlled by any one person or entity. Rather, it is governed by code that is written into the smart contracts. This code can be modified or updated by anyone who has access to the DAO’s GitHub repository. To put this into perspective, imagine a traditional company or organization. There is usually a board of directors or executive team that makes all the decisions about how the company will be run. With a DAO, there is no such thing. The code that governs the DAO is open source and available for anyone to view and audit. In this new scenario, an organization can be run by anyone in the world who has an internet connection.

Many small and mid-sized organizations employ a bookkeeper or controller who maintains the financial system and records transactions in an accurate and timely manner. The CPA produces the tax returns and some basic performance analysis quarterly and at year-end. However, this leaves a significant gap in terms of the information and management reporting available. Business owners and entrepreneurs may lack the critical financial information needed for informed decision making; and for external purposes such as presentations to lenders or investors.

In these early years of creating innovations in the corporate C-Suite, Sam McQuade nurtured and created a maverick approach to new finance operations for Stryker as it broke through to the lucrative emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)). While approaching the markets in the growing economies of Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Romania, Sam McQuade was recognizing the need for Interim and Fractional CFO’s for the avalanche of incubators and startup companies in these underdeveloped economies that were on the cusp of being integrated into modern International Finance systems and markets. Discover additional info at Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

Cash flow benefits employing a fractional Chief Financial Officer by Sam McQuade CFO

Benefits for startups hiring a flexible CFO by Sam McQuade: Navigate an audit or transaction: As businesses grow, internal audits become necessary to get a measure of the company’s financial health. In many cases, audits may also be mandatory by law. An audit may involve a microscopic inspection of not just a company’s cash flow but also procurement and purchasing systems, taxation, and every transaction involving the exchange of money. Due to the complex and very minute nature of audits, founders – especially first-time entrepreneurs – may not have the experience to navigate their firm through it. Having a fractional CFO on board means the founders can delegate all responsibilities related to the audit to someone who is experienced in the domain.

A fractional CFO helps determine how to get you from where you are to where you want to go. Growing a business requires strategic use of capital. For many fractional CFOs, one of their most important contributions will be providing a financial forecast that will act as a blueprint to achieve the growth in the most efficient, accelerated, and sustainable way possible. With a short-term (next 90 days), mid-term (rest of this year), and long-term (next 3-5 years) view of the business, a company can better anticipate its trajectory and cash position or requirements. It can make it easier to manage through the lean times, help determine when and how to secure loans or investments, anticipate future owner compensation, and help plan and prioritize future business decisions such as staffing, production, geographical expansion, etc. See more info at Sam McQuade.

The CFO function is evolving at lightspeed. With digital transformation and societal changes, the CFO role is rapidly turning into one of a “Chief Fiduciary Officer”, which is going beyond the traditional financials to look towards the future and lead long term value creation in a world of many unknown risks. Storytelling is a very powerful tool to engage and energize teams about value creation and potential pitfall areas. The traditional path of CFO usually starts with a solid foundation based on technical knowledge and then after about 15 years, the great leaders earn the coveted title.

Are a CEO and a CFO the Same Thing? No, a CEO and a CFO are not the same thing. However, CFOs are required to work closely with the other senior executives of a company, such as the CEO. These executives are sometimes referred to as the C-Suite of the company, representing the company’s highest level of decision-making. Although the CFO is typically subordinate to the CEO in the corporate hierarchy, CFOs will generally be the foremost decision-maker on all matters within the Finance department of their firm.

Strategy and forecasting involves using available data and reports, both internal and external, to advise on areas including product development, market expansion, human capital management, M&A and capital investments. It’s also where structured planning and forecasting exercises, like scenario planning and FP&A, fall. Controllers, treasurers and FP&A analysts are invaluable members of the team, but in all these areas, the buck stops at the CFO’s desk.

Before getting into how your business can benefit from a DAO, let’s take a look at some examples of real-life DAOs. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to trade tokens without the need for a centralized exchange. The Uniswap team has created a smart contract that governs the exchange. The smart contract automatically matches buyers and sellers and executes the trades. Anyone with a UNI token can participate in the governance of the Uniswap exchange.

Are you looking to expand your business overseas? Our experts are able to help you at any stage. We will first start by understanding your vision and global tax and cash strategy. Once aligned, we will help execute the financial, legal, compliance and talent solution activities to build your entity and team.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

To summarize, a fractional CFO brings all the benefits of a full-time resource, but at a fraction the cost. They work an agreed upon amount of time, and on an ongoing basis. The benefits are myriad, and range from improved reporting and decision-making, clearer insight into the business for planning and forecasting, and stronger financial management and controls. Perhaps the biggest benefit however, is how the CEO can transfer the financial and administrative burden to the CFO, and thus free themselves to work on other critical aspects of the business.

Do you want to hire your very first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer CFOs for urgent very short term objectives and longer term engagements. Customizable with transparent pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and expensive full time hire. Along with the core services of C-Suite Level Executives in Finance and a contingent of Fractional CFO talent and experienced Intermittent CFO innovators, Panterra Finance services include: international Business – Experts in Global Tax Liabilities and Cash Flow Strategies, investments and planning. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory – Providing valuations as well as independent perspectives on offers and options. Internal Audits – Independent internal auditors with in-depth reports highlighting risks and vulnerabilities. Risk Management – A worldwide footprint enables Panterra Finance to identify risks and opportunities in the new world economy. Compliance Review – Actionable understanding when entering markets with new rules, regulations, laws and international asset allocation decisions. Discover more info on Sam McQuade.

Developing the Interim and Fractional CFO Concept with Experience: From the inside looking out, Sam McQuade continued to sharpen his skills and nurture the ideas and mission of Panterra Finance. He spent time in the executive suites of Dell, as a Finance Manager and a Financial Planning and Analysis Manager where he achieved a 400% revenue growth in the Swiss market. Other stops in corporate suites, each of which shaped the final innovative services offered by Panterra Finance.

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance talking about innovation and valuation advantages when employing a fractional Chief Financial Officer these days

Sam McQuade talking about cash flow advantages hiring a flexible Chief Financial Officer in 2023: A fractional CFO brings in a wealth of experience across different domains without burdening a startup with exorbitant costs. In fact, hiring a fractional CFO is perhaps the only way a young startup can get access to best-in-the-business expertise without having to pay through the nose for it. Like all great business models, it’s an arrangement that suits both sides. Of course, once startups scale beyond a certain size, they may come to realize that having a full-time CFO makes better business sense. For those who are still finding their feet, though, there was never a better time to think about hiring a fractional CFO.

A fractional CFO is an experienced CFO who provides services for organizations in a part-time, retainer, or contract arrangement. This offers a company the experience and expertise of a high-end CFO without the in-house cost—salary, benefits, and bonuses—of a full-time CFO. Unlike a full-time CFO who oversees and maintains all general financial strategy or an interim CFO who performs CFO duties before or between CFO hires, a fractional CFO’s duties are typically on a project basis and specifically tuned to the company’s particular challenges or goals.

Developing the Interim and Fractional CFO Concept with Experience: From the inside looking out, Sam McQuade continued to sharpen his skills and nurture the ideas and mission of Panterra Finance. He spent time in the executive suites of Dell, as a Finance Manager and a Financial Planning and Analysis Manager where he achieved a 400% revenue growth in the Swiss market. Other stops in corporate suites, each of which shaped the final innovative services offered by Panterra Finance. Read even more details at Sam McQuade CFO.

Vision, Roadmaps and Business Plans are typically good collaboration processes, however alignment on meaningful strategy is driven by relationships and the CFO cannot over-communicate in this area. In an era of “greenwashing”, the CFO has a real opportunity to lead since success will ultimately be measured with scorecards and transparency. Sharing the Sustainable Story with financial support is the most credible way for stakeholders to see progress.

A chief financial officer (CFO) is the highest-ranking financial professional in an organization and is responsible for the fiscal health of the business. The CFO’s responsibilities include, but aren’t limited to, building a top-notch finance and accounting team, ensuring revenues and expenses stay in balance, overseeing FP&A (financial planning & analysis) functions, making recommendations on mergers and acquisitions, obtaining funding, working with department heads to analyze financial data and craft budgets, attesting to the accuracy of reports and consulting with boards of directors and the CEO on strategy.

Liquidity refers to an organization’s ability to pay off its short-term liabilities — those that will come due in less than a year — with readily accessible, or liquid, funds. Liquidity is usually expressed as a ratio or a percentage of what the company owes against what it owns. CFOs are concerned with ensuring that customer payments are made in full and on time and controlling expenses so that enough cash is on hand to meet financial obligations.

Friends With Benefits is a decentralized social network. It allows users to connect with each other and share content. It allows the users to collaborate and create new content. Users may connect with individuals who share their interests in other cities through city-specific hubs. The more FWB tokens a user has, the more opportunities to meet and interact with others develop. This is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that uses the power of the blockchain to adjudicate disputes. Kleros is a DAO because it is powered by smart contracts. The Kleros token (PNK) is used to incentive jurors to vote on disputes. When someone wants to submit a dispute to Kleros, they first have to deposit some PNK. If the jury rules in favor of the person who submitted the dispute, then they get their PNK back. If the jury rules against them, then they lose their PNK. Kleros can be used to adjudicate any kind of dispute. It has been used to adjudicate disputes in online markets, freelance platforms, and even in the sharing economy.

As independent internal auditors, we compile in-depth audit reports that convey insights on both known and unknown risks and vulnerabilities in order to protect your business. We hold a niche in capital project auditing and in assisting start-ups with outsourced Internal Audit services.

Understanding DAO: Now, suppose the same transaction happens on a decentralized network like the Bitcoin network. There is no central entity here. Both parties can interact with each other directly. The product is transferred from A to B, and $100 is transferred from B to A. This transaction is then recorded on a digital ledger which is available to everyone in the network. So there is complete transparency, and everyone knows that the transaction has taken place. This process of recording transactions on a digital ledger is what we call ‘blockchain technology.’ This is not limited to just financial transactions; it can be used to record any kind of transaction. Now that we know what blockchain is, let’s get back to DAO.

A full-time CFO may be a luxury few small businesses can justify. A feasible and recommended alternative to a full-time resource is a fractional CFO. This has the advantage of bringing a senior-level financial expert to the table but at a fraction the cost of a full-time resource. A fractional arrangement can work well indefinitely, and right up until a full-time CFO is needed. By basing key business decisions on relevant and accurate financial information, the business owner can avoid costly mistakes and reduce the risk of loss. Key decisions include those about financing the business, expansion or downsizing, whether to enter a new market or produce a new product; make or buy decisions and capital investments, to name a few.

Do you want to hire your very first CFO or need interim coverage? We provide CFOs for urgent very short term projects and longer term engagements. Adaptable with fair pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to get into a potentially very bad and costly full time hire. In disrupting the traditional contracted title of CFO, Panterra Finance innovatively offers all its clients thought leadership based on international financial market experiences. Panterra Finance offers a unified international approach to businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eight centrally located offices in the USA, Switzerland, the Middle East, and the emerging African Continent, offers global enterprises Fractional and Interim CFO services backed by a team with a grasp of dynamic world trends. Discover even more information on Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.