Free Instagram followers and growing recommendations

Bigger number of followers on Instagram recommendations: You can also find more related hashtags and their popularity if you search for any of your target keywords directly in the Instagram app. You’ll want to go through this exercise trying different keywords that describe your brand and products, building out your hashtag keyword list as you go. Keep in mind that Instagram allows for a maximum of 30 hashtags per post. Additionally, the popular words will change over time, so make sure you revisit your hashtag keywords every few months to make sure you’re using the best possible terms. You can also steal hashtag ideas from competitors or similar accounts that have the kind of following you aspire to have, but you ultimately want to create your own groups of hashtags to use that relate to your specific account.

Get more attention, followers, and interaction on every video you post – on the fly. We can help you achieve the levels of Instagram success you’re after, without breaking the bank – and in fact, without spending a single dime in the process. Are you ready for lots of free Instagram video views from real people that are actually interested in the content you’ve invested so much energy into creating? Get started with a free account and grow your profile the right way. No matter what you’re trying to do with your account and profile – it’s undeniable that video views can play a huge role in helping you achieve your Instagram goals. Here are the top 3 reasons that force people to try and get more views for their videos.

With over 1 billion monthly users, an ultra-smart algorithm, and tons of clever, creative brands on Instagram, it’s a competitive place if you want to grow your account and boost your following. Thankfully, we know exactly how to make your business stand out, show off your brand, and get more followers on Instagram – so you can work smarter, not harder. Growing your Instagram account may not be as easy as it used to be. But there are some strategy tips and tricks you can try out. For more info visit this site right here Massgress and obtain Instagram followers.

Beyond adding the appropriate hashtags and using the best filters, you should also be considering the timing of your posts. A targeted approach is to analyze what has and has not worked for you in the past. By visiting IconoSquare’s optimization section, you can get a detailed analysis of your posting history vs. engagement. This report will also highlight the best times of the day and days of the week to post. The dark circles indicate when you usually post media. The light gray circles shows when your community has been interacting. The biggest light gray circles represent the best times for you to post.

Authentic content was a major trend for 2019 — and it’s set to become even stronger in 2020! We’re seeing tons of brands and businesses getting on board and showing a more honest, real, and vulnerable side to their brand and business, and getting huge engagement returns from it! A high level of authenticity can go a long way in building a stronger connection to your audience. When you can showcase the good with the bad, the struggles along with the wins, your brand will be more relatable to your audience. By switching her thought process to “caption first, and image second,” it allowed Sarah Nicole to be more journalistic in her approach, while being able to share more vulnerable and authentic moments of her life with her followers.

Blog post ideas, blog post ideas for beginners, travel, fashion, mommy, parenting, wellness, family, food, books, craft, Christian, personal, money, beauty, blog post ideas for writers, lists, for business, motivational. Yes, quality over quantity for images is important, but posting frequently on all social media platforms is too. For Pinterest, I pin new pins to group boards (see Pinterest post for more on these!) and take part in a Pinterest share whenever I post a new article. I used to post twice on Facebook but have now reduced to once a day at 19:07 UTC. I reply to any comments in the evening. Engagement is best when Craig and I are both in the picture, pictures do better than links, questions and poll type statements are golden.

OEM/ODM service for custom carbon fiber products provider

Carbon fiber gift products China producer: When dealing with composite materials, it is important to understand a material-specific terminology and abbreviation. More importantly, however, it is important to understand the properties of FRP composites and their various reinforcing materials, such as carbon fiber. Carbon fiber reinforced composites, unlike other FRP composites that use traditional fibers such as fiberglass or aramid fibers, the excellent properties of CFRP composites include: Traditional fiberglass reinforced composites use continuous glass fibers in an amount of 70% (weight glass/total weight) and typically 0.065 pounds per cubic inch. CFRP composites, despite their light weight, have higher strength and greater hardness per unit weight of CFRP composite than glass fiber composites. This advantage is even more pronounced when compared to metallic materials.

Carbon fiber is used in the aerospace industry, where it is used to make lighter and stronger plane parts that can achieve much, much more than their metal alloy counterparts ever could. However Carbon fiber isn’t only used in the aerospace industry, In fact, Carbon fiber is used as a substitute for metals in many things that are more down to earth, such as boats, bulletproof suits, computers, R/C helicopters, and many other products. They are also increasingly used in wind turbines, aerospace (commercial and military aircraft, space launch vehicles), and pressure vessel industries for improved strength to weight and stiffness. Their demand in the aviation and automotive industries is growing fast, especially in Asia.

Our solid carbon fiber card is a durable twill and matte finish, it will be something your client will want to keep and show to others, of cause furthering your business. Our service also including painting, edge rounding and chamfering. After cutting carbon fiber process, all carbon fiber parts with uniform edge and aesthetic appearance, looks modern and high-tech just what you want. If you want to cut carbon fiber business card or tag card, please send inquiry or email We will offer you the best quality and cheap price. Carbon Fiber Sheets 500*600 Thickness 0.5-30mm. We are carbon fiber sheets manufacturer, welcome to sample order to test and checking Jinjiuyi carbon fiber quality. Explore more details on OEM/ODM carbon fiber products.

There are frames for tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters and octocopters. Each of these different frames have different applications. Few people find use for the tricopter, however. Generally, racing drones or freestyle drones are mostly 4-axis quadcopters. The hexacopters are mostly used for photography or as agriculture drones. The octocopters are mostly long-distance flying drones. They find use as agriculture drones, police or army drones, etc.

The Jinjiuyi’s Mission is to lead the carbon fiber market and promote it as a primary composite building material. It is our goal to help businesses achieve next level of performance through our high end products. Our Carbon fiber reinforced composites are extraordinary in their strength, low weight, high stiffness, heat resistance, and electrical conductivity. Our top priority is customers’ satisfaction. Superior customer service is the symbol of Jinjiuyi. We always try to provide top quality services and products thanks to our expertise, skilled professionals, and high end facilities that all combined give exceptional customer satisfaction. Discover a few extra details at

Tax preparation providers in Houston, Texas

Best quality tax preparation services in Houston? Out-of-pocket charitable contributions: It’s hard to overlook the big charitable gifts you made during the year by check or payroll deduction. But the little things add up, too, and you can write off out-of-pocket costs you incur while doing good deeds. Ingredients for casseroles you regularly prepare for a qualified nonprofit organization’s soup kitchen, for example, or the cost of stamps you buy for your school’s fundraiser count as a charitable contribution. If you drove your car for charity in 2019, remember to deduct 14 cents per mile. Jury pay paid to employer: Some employers continue to pay employees’ full salary while they are doing their civic duty, but ask that they turn over their jury fees to the company. The only problem is that the IRS demands that you report those fees as taxable income. If you give the money to your employer you have a right to deduct the amount so you aren’t taxed on money that simply passes through your hands.

Make 401(k) and HSA Contributions: People can make tax deductible contributions to traditional IRAs up to April 15 of next year. However, the door closes on Dec. 31 for 401(k) and health savings account contributions. “It’s a hard stop,” says Wendy Barlin, a Los Angeles-based CPA and author of “That’s Deductible!: Simple Tips and Tricks to Find More Business Tax Deductions.” “Whatever opportunities you have at work (for retirement savings), make sure you maximize them before the end of the year,” she says. Taxpayers with a qualified high-deductible family health insurance plan can deduct up to $7,000 in contributions to a health savings account. Individuals with self-only coverage can deduct $3,500. Those age 55 or older are eligible for an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution. Tax deductible contributions to a traditional 401(k) are capped at $19,000 for 2019. Workers age 50 and older can make an additional $6,000 in catch-up contributions.

For most garnishments including child support, creditor garnishments, and student loans, Title III of the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) requires that the amount of pay garnished should be based on an employee’s “disposable earnings,” meaning the amount remaining after legally mandated deductions. Broadly speaking, disposable income is the employee’s total compensation, less mandatory deductions including federal, state, and local taxes; state unemployment insurance contributions; and Social Security taxes. This includes salaries, bonuses, and sales commissions, as well as earnings derived from retirement plans and pensions. Tips aren’t usually regarded as earnings for garnishment, but service charges are considered earnings. Read even more information at Bookkeeping Service Houston.

Review Tax Filings From Previous Years: For most people, the changes from one tax year to the next are relatively slight. Previous tax returns are excellent reminders of areas you can easily overlook, such as interest or dividends, capital loss carry-forward balances, and infrequently used deductions. I keep paper copies as well as scanned copies of past years’ returns, in addition to four spreadsheets detailing my income and expenses for each year. One spreadsheet contains the information from Form 1040, while the others have previously filed data for Schedules A, C, and D. This allows me to quickly check whether I’ve overlooked an income or expense item, as well as the year-to-year changes in amounts. For example, if I received dividends from one security holding or interest from a particular bank in prior years, but the amount is missing or substantially changed for the current year, I know to check for the reason behind the omission, increase, or decrease before completing my tax filing.

Keep track of your charitable contributions: When you do good for others, you deserve to get some tax benefits. While you can include charitable contributions to qualified organizations in your itemized deductions, doing so may require a little extra documentation. For example, you can’t deduct a contribution of more than $250 unless you have a written acknowledgment from the organization. Also, noncash contributions may require different records, such as a description of what you donated and its fair market value. Be sure to get the full tax benefit of your generosity by keeping good records of all your charitable contributions to qualified organizations throughout the year.

This is a trendy topic in 2020. Money are a big issue, as everyone knows. We will discuss about several tax cash advance tips finishing with the introduction of a top professional firm in US. Clearly, statistics says it right. A study released by the General Account Office of the United States, says most taxpayers benefited from hiring tax experts. To conclude, polls show people don’t want to do it on their own since they could make a mistake. Every mistake could become a penalty later. Moreover, our team annually participates in several education classes to broaden their knowledge. As a result, we are well aware of the tax law changes, because of, changes made by congress. besides, we use the best tax software to ensure you get the best tax experience. Discover additional information on GreenTree.Tax.

Tree pruning tricks

Tree removal help: Do you want to keep your trees safe? First we will write some tips on tree care and after that we will introduce Tree Artisans, a tree services company in Colorado Springs. Proper pruning technique is important for a healthy tree. Please review our animated Tree Pruning Guide as well as videos on why pruning is necessary, the rules of pruning, and the ABCs of pruning. This depends to a large extent on why you prune. Light pruning and the removal of dead wood can be done anytime. Otherwise, below are some guidelines for the different seasons. Keep in mind, however, that individual species may. Pruning during dormancy is the most common practice. It results in a vigorous burst of new growth in the spring and should be used if that is the desired effect. It is usually best to wait until the coldest part of winter has passed.

Tree watering is a key part of tree care, but it is difficult to recommend an exact amount due to the variety of climates. A few guidelines will help you to water your trees properly. For new trees, water immediately after you plant a tree. Usually 30 seconds with a steady stream of water from a garden hose w/ a diffuser nozzle per tree seedling is sufficient. During the first couple growing seasons, your newly planted tree is expending a lot of energy trying to get its roots established in the soil. Especially during the first few summers of your new trees life, it will have a difficult time dealing with heat and drought. You can make this easier by providing water and covering the soil with wood-chip mulch. Deep watering can help speed the root establishment. Deep water consists of keeping the soil moist to a depth that includes all the roots.

Lack of nutrients: One of the most common threats to trees and landscape plants is lack of nutrients. This can manifest in various forms, from discolored foliage to variations in the size and shape of the leaves, to stunted growth. One should be cautioned to not simply dump pounds of fertilizer – organic or otherwise – at the base of your tree if you believe there is a soil nutrient deficiency, as only a soil test can reveal the specific problem. First, identify what nutrient/s the tree is lacking and then add only that nutrient. As a rule of thumb, annual feedings of compost are usually sufficient if there is not a specific soil problem. One should also note that lawn feedings by lawn services may affect the nutrient levels available to your trees and throw the balance off due to the large amounts of fertilizer these services use. The University of Maryland has an excellent fact sheet on identifying nutrient deficiencies in trees.

Mulching is the most beneficial thing a home owner can do for the health of a young tree. Mulches are materials placed on the soil surface to improve soil structure, oxygen levels, temperature and moisture availability. Properly applied, mulch can give landscapes a handsome, well-groomed appearance. Ideally, growing trees should be fertilized throughout the year. The greatest amounts should be applied during the early spring and summer months. Several light applications a year are preferred as the tree gets older. On the other hand, there are also a few species that are not recommended to be planted in Colorado, for various reasons: their susceptibility to diseases, their tendency to spread and out-compete native species etc. We are talking about Silver maple, Russian-olive or White-Barked Birches, among others. Before planting any trees in your yard, call professional Colorado utility locate technicians to ensure buried cables are undisturbed and functional throughout your landscaping project. Read more information at Tree pruning and removal service in Colorado Springs.

Mulch keeps trees healthy by eliminating the competition between tree roots and turf as well as conserving soil moisture and moderating soil temperature. Ideally, mulch should be applied beneath the entire tree canopy, but smaller mulched areas are acceptable. Mulch depth shouldn’t exceed 4″; 2″ is acceptable for shallow-rooted shrubs and perennials. Shrubs and perennials can be planted within the mulch areas, but solid masses of groundcover should be avoided for optimum tree growth. Too much mulch can lead to insect and disease infestations and other problems.

Looking for the best picks if you want to cut down the tree maintenance costs? Start with picking the right trees for Colorado! The smallest tree on the list is a Japanese Tree Lilac. These are true lilacs, but their globe shape is much taller than the flowering shrubs we all know and love. They grow to be 15 to 20 feet tall and wide, and are remarkably trouble-free. Tree lilacs put on a beautiful display of creamy white flowers in late June. Their fragrance is intoxicating! Plant them near a deck or patio and breathe it in! Once the flowers fade, the dense foliage continues to add a welcoming pool of shade through the summer. Japanese Tree Lilacs are drought-tolerant once they’re “established.” In other words, give them two or three seasons of normal watering, and then enjoy these trouble-free plants as their water-wise habits kick in!

Trusted Korea gambling tricks from

Safe Korea gambling guides from Kings 911: With French Roulette, you’re dealing with a different game. For starters, the French design, layout, and wording make for a unique experience. This game differs from all others in that there are 2 specific rules in play. En Prison and La Partage. Let’s say you placed an even money bet with a payout of 1:1 and the green 0 lands. In European Roulette and American Roulette, you would lose your bet completely. In French Roulette, the En Prison rule means that your bet will be imprisoned until the next spin. If your even-money bet lands, you will receive a payout. With La Partage, you will forfeit 50% of your bet to the house and get to keep 50% if you’ve placed an even money bet and the green 0 lands. This reduces the house edge to as little as 1.35%.

Online gambling winning tricks… everyone wants to win at casino! How to Play Casino Games Most Effectively : Take regular breaks when playing online casino games in order to focus better and keep your concentration in peak condition with a fresh brain.

The word “new” carries a ton of weight when applied to particular products, especially when it comes to online casinos. New online casinos are some of the most sought-after products on the market thanks to their cutting-edge designs, fresh content and up-to-date features. Think about the iPhone for example; most people find value in Apple’s most recently released version and shun the older versions, even if the other phones have only been around for a year or less. New casino sites are similar in nature, players are looking for the next best thing in online betting and new casinos are the place to look.

However, when you feel uncertain, just bet (or check-raise if you weren’t the preflop aggressor). Yes, it’s disappointing when your opponent folds, but that’s not nearly as disappointing as getting outdrawn or missing out on potential value. Check out this infographic to learn more about the basic poker concept of fast-playing vs slow-playing. The big blind is a special position because you already have 1 big blind invested in the pot. For this reason, whenever you are faced with a raise while sitting in the big blind, you will have better pot odds to call than the other positions – think of it as a discount. Because of your discount and the fact that you are the last person to act preflop, you can profitably call with many more hands than if you were sitting in another position. Read more info on

As a poker greenhorn, it’s essential that you balance the entertainment side of poker with the financial aspect. It’s possible to rack up steep losses in double-quick time, especially if you don’t take the game seriously. The path to poker success is fraught with many challenges. We have crafted 5 unique poker strategies that will help you on your way. Get comfortable; your poker journey of enlightenment begins now. Here’s a truism: The only way that you can win by playing poker is if you’re betting real money. The bigger your bets, the more you can win. Ever heard the expression: Get off the rail and into the game? That’s poker speak for Put your money where your mouth is. In poker, you must time your plays and focus your aggression. Once you have mastered the basics of the game – the rules, the etiquette, the betting practices etc., you will need to up the ante by learning to increase your aggressiveness at the poker table.

Is My Money Safe In A Casino Online? Real money online casinos are protected by highly advanced security features to ensure that the financial and personal data of their players is kept safely protected. The legitimate sites that we list as the best also have a solid reputation for ensuring their customer data is truly safe, keeping up with data protection and privacy legislation. The real cash slot machines and gaming tables are also audited by an external regulated security company to ensure their integrity.

For our Korean guests:

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애틀랜틱 시티 카지노를 방문한 적이 있습니까? 라스 베이거스 카지노일까요? 카지노 어디에서나 시계를 본 적이 없을 것입니다. 정말 독창적입니다. 카지노 디자이너는 플레이어가 몇 시인 지 알기를 원하지 않습니다. 왜? 모든 레스토랑, 캬바레, 사치품, 코미디 쇼 및 공연이 열리면 카지노 주변의 전략적 위치에 시계를 게시하면 이점을 얻을 수 있다고 생각합니다. 그러나 아닙니다. 육상 카지노는 당신을 계속 돌보고 싶어하지 않습니다. 시간이 언제인지 알면 게임 플레이를 줄이고 저녁 식사, 쇼 또는 수영장으로 달려 갈 것입니다. 그러나 당신이 관찰 할 시계가없는 것은 아닙니다. 외부 세계에는 창문이 없습니다. 카지노는 시간, 공간 및 현실을 무시하는 독립적 인 독립 체입니다.

더킹카지노 KINGS911 “은 예스카지노 더킹카지노 오바마카지노 카니발카지노 에비앙카지노 퍼스트카지노 등, 다양한 ♧ 온라인카지노 온라인바카라 게임을 즐기 실 수 있도록 엄선된 바카라 사이트만을 소개하고 있습니다 . ♧ 더킹카지노 카지노사이트는 다양한 온라인카지노 게임을 온라인에서 실시간으로 즐기 실 수 있도록 엄선된 바카라사이트 만을 소개하고 있습니다 . 로열RT, 심플플레이, MG LIVE, 머니휠, 로열 바카라, 슬롯머신 플렛폼에서 각종 카드게임, 바카라, 블랙젝에서 실시간 카드게임 및 호텔 카지노의 모든 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다. 이 웹 사이트에서 더 많은 정보를 읽으십시오 더킹 카지노.

1873 년에 전설적인 도박꾼 조셉 재거의 이야기를 기억하십니까? 그는 룰렛 스핀의 결과를주의 깊게 문서화하고 편향 바퀴에 베팅을함으로써 재산을 모았습니다. 그의 기술은 Monte Carlo의 카지노에 여러 명의 플레이어를 데려와 룰렛 휠의 결함을 활용하는 것입니다. 그들은 자주 발생하는 일련의 숫자를 발견했습니다. 당시 그는 60,000 파운드 이상을 모았습니다. 이것은 효과적인 단기 베팅 전략의 예입니다. 음주 운전은 필수입니다. 카지노에서 실제 베팅에 동일한 추론을 적용하십시오. 당신은 술에 취했을 때 항상 가장 선명합니다. 이것은 약물, 알코올, 각성제, 진정제 및 완하제와 같은 것을 피해야 함을 의미합니다. 당신은 게임 이외의 다른 것에 집중할 수 있기를 원합니다. 도박 예산은 이유가 있습니다. 예산이 소진되면 걸어가십시오. 다른 날 행운을 시험해보십시오!

Auto glass mobile repair services Colorado Springs

Windshield auto glass mobile repair tips: What to Expect After Windshield Repair? Appearance: Even after a perfect repair job, the area will appear slightly “scarred.” Fortunately, the repair seals the glass and prevents the crack from spreading. No aftercare necessary: The resin used to fix a small windshield crack has a minimal curing time. In fact, we wait for it to cure before we polish the repaired area smooth. This means, once you pick up your car following the repair, no specific aftercare is required. Aesthetics: If you’re proud of your car, you want it to look good. This includes replacing the windshield as soon as possible if it develops a crack.

You’re casually driving down the road one day behind a gravel truck, and… thwack! A good-sized rock smacks your windshield, instantly causing an ugly crack. Outside of car accidents, flying rocks and metal debris are the main culprits when it comes to windshield cracks. What should you do? If you choose to ignore the windshield crack, oftentimes seasonal temperature changes will make it worse. Moisture and dirt invading the cracked glass can also cause it to spread. Windshield cracks become dangerous once they’re large enough to interfere with your field-of-vision, and in many states, you can be ticketed if a cop deems your cracked windshield to be unsafe. Additionally, there are several hidden reasons why driving around with a cracked windshield simply isn’t wise.

Have a cracked or chipped windshield? Don’t wait to have it fixed! Whether your vehicle requires quick repairs or a full window or windshield replacement, the expert technicians at Only Top Notch Auto Glass can help. Our mission is to ensure customer satisfaction with every visit. If you need fast auto glass repair at a competitive price, we’re the glass company for you! What Can Top Notch Auto Glass Do For You? Fix your windshield’s small chip or crack before it gets worse with a one-stop windshield repair today. Discover additional info on

Windshield repair kits offer convenience, as well. The entire process usually takes fewer than 2 hours to complete, with curing time accounting for up to 90% of the project. Although you’re guaranteed a pristine windshield from an auto glass repair shop, you may have to wait a bit longer. While small car windshield chips are rarely dangerous, some can spread into spiderweb cracks, particularly with extreme changes in temperature. (San Antonio offers the ideal climate for those types of windshield cracks to thrive, as temperatures can fluctuate drastically during the winter months.) A quick DIY patch of your windshield chip can prevent that type of damage from occurring.

In the Los Angeles area, the rates for windshield repairs are higher — in the range of $65. Windshield repair kits are available at automotive stores for the do-it-yourselfer, but they don’t do the job as well as the professionals can do it. The pros have better equipment and much more experience. The Auto Glass Safety Council’s Levy says studies show that windshield rock chips or cracks that are in your field of vision can actually slow your response to emergency traffic situations. She also says that old windshields that are pitted or hazed should be replaced — even if they are not broken — since they can magnify the glare of the headlights from oncoming cars at night.

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Digital marketing agency in India offering email marketing

Looking for a digital marketing company in Mumbai offering email marketing ? We have excellent news for you! We will talk about the latest marketing strategies in 2019 and also introduce you to one of the leading digital marketing agencies in India.

In July of 2018, Google rolled out its “PageSpeed” update. This is just one in a long line of search algorithm updates that have kept digital marketers on their toes. For example, Google now understands user intent better than ever before. Its algorithms can input the user’s context, such as the user’s location, search history, and other information, into the search equation. That’s why when you search, “Chinese restaurants” in New York, you don’t get a list of every Chinese restaurant in the United States. With the latest update, Google says it will prioritize fast-loading websites over slow-loading ones when ranking them in search results. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to this change. They may host their websites in shared server environments that have limited resources. They don’t have the same web development resources that the big guys do, either. One 2016 survey found that only 21% of small businesses planned on improving their website’s performance that year. In addition to Google’s updated algorithms, the way people search has also changed. More people are using mobile phones to search than ever before. For many people, their smartphone is their most important tool for getting online. Local search and image search have also become important factors for marketers to consider. 30% of all mobile searches are related to location and 46% of all Google searches are local. Businesses that cater to a local customer base should focus extensively on their local SEO strategy in 2019. According to one 2017 report, 27% of all searches across the 10 major search sites were for images.

If you have a website then you have to take SEO seriously. Search Engine Optimisation is required for your website to achieve rankings in search engines such as Google and the return on investment is far beyond that of pay per click advertising. SEO techniques can vary and some methods will work better than others for a short time and then cause problems further down the line. Go Lead Digital have tried and tested methods that offer guaranteed success in search engines and we provide a transparent service explaining and educating clients along the way. We provide bespoke SEO campaigns with everything needed for your business to succeed, with a proven track record of success using our in-house techniques developed from our Mumbai SEO Company research centre. See extra details on Digital Marketing Company In Navi Mumbai.

Chatbots will continue to be an important part of digital marketing in 2020. This AI-based technology uses instant messaging to chat in real-time, day or night, with your customers or site visitors. Many customers prefer interacting with chatbots as they are responsive 24/7, give answers promptly, accurately recall your entire buying history, and never lose patience. These virtual assistants offer outstanding customer service by meeting customers’ expectations and automating repetitive tasks – which means that you can focus on more important work. Many brands already use chatbot technology, including rideshare brand Lyft. You can request a ride from Lyft via chat (Facebook Messenger and Slack) or voice (Amazon Echo), and their chatbot will let you know the current location of your driver: Passengers can use the app to choose the type of ride, make a request, track the location of the car, send friends a time estimate of their arrival, and make payment.

The digital experiences we create are unique, engaging and results-focused, integrating the highest levels of creativity and technology. We fuel online and treat every single client`s business as if it`s our own. We deep dive into your industry, the data, the ROI, and own it. Our clients know us as a committed digital marketing partner who delivers on time, on budget & above expectations. We EAT, SLEEP, and CREATE Digital Vibes at Go Lead Digital Marketing Firm! Source:

Marble counter tops Colorado Springs, CO

Granite kitchen remodeling in Colorado Springs, CO? You don’t have to scrap an all-white kitchen to stay on trend. Dip your toe in the color pool instead, whether you store colorful pottery in glass-front cabinets, bring in colorful furniture, or paint a large piece like this kitchen island in Tropical Moss by Dunn-Edwards Paints. Maximize living space by making the family room and kitchen one large room. A mix of lighting helps differentiate the areas, while a uniform wall color keeps everything cohesive. Gone are the days of having a dark little pantry to house dry goods hidden away from prying eyes. Today’s kitchens boast roomy pantries with shelving aplenty for your cereals and collectibles. Proud of your organizational skills and want to show off? Finish the pantry space with a screened porch door painted in an eye-catching color, like this bright green hue.

Commercial marble is either metamorphic or sedimentary in composition, made primarily of calcite. Some “marbles” may be a type of quartzite or quartz-based stone, and green “marbles” are made of a mineral called serpentine. Marble is usually characterized by having veins and a smoother surface texture than granite. Like granite, marble ranges from white to black in color and will have some degree of variation in color over its surface. Both marble and granite vary in appearance from slab to slab because the minerals that make up the color of the stone may change depending on where it is cut from.

The complexity of the job – the number of seams and corners and the style of sink you select – will have an impact on countertop costs too. Getting at least three written estimates from countertop contractors will allow you to find the best countertop prices and most experienced installers in your area. If you are willing to provide more maintenance in return for the elegant, lasting beauty of natural stone, then consider marble or granite. Either one will take your kitchen or bathroom to the next level of luxurious living.

At Evident Luxury Marble & Granite our strategy is simple: offer a high quality product with professional installation at a reasonable price. We strive to keep our costs low so we can offer high quality products to our customers at very affordable prices. We maintain a high standard while building lasting relationships with our customers. We value the trust our customers place in us. We have one of the fastest turnaround times from template to install and we stand behind our work. Our top priority is your satisfaction! Discover extra details on Marble counter tops Colorado Springs.

So, by now, you know all the properties of both stones. You know the price difference and how their qualities are different. Now for a final selection, you need to consider your project first. If you need a good and affordable design, you can go for marble but if you’re looking for a long term durable solution and can spend some money as well, going for granite and spending on it is not a bad option at all.

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Swing the Odds in Your Favour : Knowing the odds of a game is essential but delving a bit deeper gives you an extra edge. Spend some time learning the strategies and get to grips with the probabilities of your chosen game. You’ll soon be rewarded by a growing account balance.

Video Poker: Even in 2019, an ‘old classic’ like video Poker is still one of the most played gambling games in the world and one we treat with special attention when we review every real money Casino. Each and every one of our recommended Casino sites feature a large number of video Poker games. From classics like Deuces Wild and Jacks or Better to more creative variants like Joker Poker and Alien Poker – the ones on this page are the real money Casino sites where you can play the very best video Poker games out there.

The whole point of playing gambling games for real money is that by playing at the best real money online casino in the you can win some cash. We have searched the Internet to bring you some of the best online casinos for real money so you can enjoy chasing huge multi-million dollar jackpots, and take advantage of great sign-up bonuses and online slot machines. Source:

But not all of the latest casino sites to hit the web in the United States are reliable and trustworthy. Thankfully, we put together this guide to not only provide a list of the newest online casinos in 2019 but also to inform players on proper protocol when evaluating a new casino to enjoy. New trends within the gambling industry are also worth keeping up with when looking to pick a quality new casino to join so we’ve provided some info to keep everyone up-to- date. Read on to discover the most recently launched casino sites as well as all there is to know about new casinos online thanks to this handy guide!

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