Vereador Marcello Siciliano se reúne com a Guarda Municipal

Marcello Siciliano visita o time de Futebol Internazionale da Ilha de Guaratiba? Com ativa atuação parlamentar, já protocolou mais de nove mil ofícios que influenciam de forma benéfica a vida da população carioca. Além disso, criou inúmeros projetos de lei, como a instituição do Patrulhamento Urbano da cidade pela Guarda Municipal- que posteriormente incentivou a criação do Programa Rio + seguro pela Prefeitura-, a regulamentação do trabalho dos mototaxista, a delimitação de área na Lagoa da Barra da Tijuca para a prática de esportes náuticos, entre outros.

Marcelo Sciliano nasceu em 1972 no Rio de Janeiro. Antes de ingressar na vida pública, exerceu função como vendedor no comércio e empreendedor no setor da construção civil. Mas foi com sua incansável atuação nas questões sociais, desempenhando desde 1998 diversos trabalhos em projetos sociais de sucesso, que recebeu a honrosa indicação ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz, no ano de 2010, como reconhecimento por sua responsabilidade solidária.

O time do vereador Marcello Siciliano está acompanhando a equipe da Cedae na obra de implantação da rede de água potável e esgoto na Rua Manhuaçu, Vargem Grande. Era uma reenvidicação antiga dos moradores, que reclamavam há muito tempo da falta de água na região e por meio de ofício do gabinete do vereador Marcello Siciliano e com o apoio do deputado Gustavo Schmidt, as obras de implantação da rede para fornecimento de água potável para a região é uma realidade.

A Secretaria de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação estará nos próximos dias analisando as demandas e começando o plano estratégico para levar mais dignidade e infraestrutura para as comunidades do Rio. “Não estou medindo esforços para ajudar a cidade do Rio, que tanto depende de serviços da Prefeitura para proporcionar melhor qualidade de vida aos cariocas. Contem comigo sempre, estamos juntos!” diz o vereador Marcello Siciliano

O vereador Marcello Siciliano participou com o Prefeito Marcelo Crivella na reinauguração do Centro Municipal de Saúde (CMS) Hamilton Land, na Avenida Edgard Werneck, Cidade de Deus, na Zona Oeste. A unidade, que atende cerca de 60 mil pessoas da Cidade de Deus e arredores, estava degradada e sem condições de atender com dignidade os moradores locais. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por atender meu ofício e realizar a reforma geral do local, restabelecendo as condições adequadas para um estabelecimento de saúde. Fico muito feliz em poder trazer mais saúde e dignidade para os moradores da Cidade de Deus” comenta Marcello Sciliano.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano se reuniu com a Guarda Municipal para falar sobre a fiscalização que vem acontecendo em bares e restaurantes. Após produtivas horas de reunião, Marcello Siciliano oficiou ao conselho competente para que novas regras de fiscalização sejam definidas. A intenção do vereador Marcello Siciliano, assim como os representantes da Guarda Municipal, é que devam ser definidas regras de ocupação geral do espaço, demarcando mesas e cadeiras que os cliente poderão utilizar. Sendo assim, se algum cliente descumprir as regras, concluímos que a multa deva ser aplicada ao infrator e não ao estabelecimento. “Esperamos que o ofício seja atendido, tornando assim a fiscalização mais justa e eficiente. Meu muito obrigado à Guarda Municipal por sempre servir ao cidadão do Rio.” diz o vereador Marcello Siciliano

Professional gutter cleaning provider in Houston, TX

Best gutter cleaning firm in Houston, TX? Scooping out the leafy debris seems to be the best overall method for cleaning out gutters. Use a garden hose with a pistol-grip trigger spray nozzle. This type of spray nozzle allows you to adjust the water pressure with the use of just one hand. A pistol-grip trigger spray nozzle can be easily hung over the front edge of the gutter while moving the ladder or while using a gutter scoop. This type of spray nozzle can be purchased at any hardware store. An excellent tool for this job is a plastic scooping tool, which can be purchased at most hardware stores.

Fall is the season that all the leaves fall off the trees. This makes the end of the fall the best time to clean the gutters. This makes the gutters ready for winter and avoids the water freezing in the gutters to stop the draining. Never climb on the roof or use the ladder in windy and in-climate weather. Safety always first. Winter about be over and lazy days of summer fast approaching. During 3 months of winter surely some damages have accord which caused damages to your house. If you planning to DIY maintenance of your home simply follow a few steps we list here and get the job done like a pro.

A gutter screen or gutter guard is the best method to keep to gutters cleaner for a longer period of time. The longer the gutters are clean the less money you spend on cleaning gutters. If you are looking for the best type of gutter guards here is a list of some and some pros and cons of gutters. The cheapest version of gutter guards is metal screens. price on some of these screens starts from 3.99 and can be purchased in any Homedepot. We believe metal screens are not the best option. They let small organic matters into the gutter. After 6 months you start seeing bushes and trees start growing from your gutters. Find extra info at Gutter cleaning.

You always can clean the gutters yourself, but you will be needing the right power tools. Some of the tools include a leaf blower, vacuum, ladders, etc. Make sure to keep your feet on the ground at all times. You will not pay a professional company, but you may have to spend time and research to see what kind of tools you’ll need. There is nothing like a feeling one you get done with a DIY home project. The feeling of getting your hands dirty and sweat is something everyone claims now and then. You’ll need a few tools such as a blower, gloves, gutter scoops, and trash bags, to complete this DIY task. A water hose is a piece of handy equipment you will need to make sure downspouts are working properly. Also, use the second person in this task to help you with a ladder and holding it when necessary.

When You want to deal and work with your gutters you have two different options 1. Cleaning gutters may be dirty work, as well as dangerous if you have no experience. You also need to have the proper tools. They may cost you if you don’t have tools such as a ladder, scoop, and right shoes. 2. Hire the best gutter cleaning company! Gutter Cleaning Houston will clean the gutters for you and clean up after the mess. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Call or Contact us today. See additional information on

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Hoodies and Sweatshirts online clothing store from BLKVE – Blacklove? In today’s world, chances are an average person owns a hoodie. For those wondering, this isn’t just another bold statement lacking proof. Numerous celebrities in music and fashion continue to express their fondness for hoodies by rocking them stylishly. These celebrities have millions of loyal fans all over the world who follow in their footsteps, especially in fashion-related areas. Surely, this has contributed significantly to the rising popularity of hoodies in different parts of the world today.

Never underestimate the power of the humble T-shirt. Beloved by celebrities, stylists, and fashion lovers alike, the affordable and universally flattering T-shirt might be fashion’s great equalizer. But of course, T-shirts are subject to the whims of the fashion elite just like any other article of clothing. From fabric and finishing to silhouette and cut, T-shirt trends change with every passing season. As for 2020, we did some investigating to determine the tees that will continue to dominate the year ahead. From muscle tees to ribbed tanks, shop the eight T-shirt trends that will reign supreme in 2020, according to our favorite fashion insiders.

Fashion design idea of the day ? While we’re talking about typography, another emerging trend is that of aligning text to the left or right side of the shirt. This technique works well for text-only designs and keeps with the minimalistic approach to design. And we’re also seeing more use of all lowercase text. Artists are starting to jump on the t-shirt bandwagon by moving their creations off printed pages and canvases and onto t-shirts. So, if you’re an artist, search through your Instagram for fan-favorites that could be easily translated into printable apparel designs. Consider the possibilities for incorporating original artwork into t shirt design trends 2020.

We aim to offer our customers a variety of the latest collections from our special collection series, La Douleur Exquise Series and previous Bast Series. By combining our expertise experience in the fashion industry, we want to ensure that you always have access to high-quality products that are also affordable for shoppers. At BLKVE, we believe that fashion is a form of art and a medium of expression. This is why we are focused on providing you with fashion items that promote the idea of freedom of self-expression. See even more info on BAST Series Clothing.

Design trends emerge and fade away because of fast changes occurring in the design world. Similarly, in the new year 2020, many new t-shirt design trends will emerge on the scene. Some of them will continue from the past year. The graphic designers will be experimenting with some new design styles also. You must have noticed that different trends have come and gone over the years. An article published in designschool quotes Madeleine Morley of The American Institute for Graphic Arts (AIGA) saying: “A trend never simply emerges for a single year and then disappears in a puff of smoke. Instead, an aesthetic becomes popular gradually, even mysteriously, over time before fizzling out slowly without much notice at all.”

Animal-inspired t-shirts are huge for 2020. Nature and environment is a hot topic right now, and you can see this influence in designer creations everywhere. From earthy designs to animal prints, you cannot escape this popular t-shirt design trend. The influence of nature appears in the form of butterflies, dogs, cats and much more. So if nature is your thing, then you are going to love this year’s trends.

Our team works with a sense of purposeful commitment to bring you the world’s most fashionable styles. We have a knack for predicting fashion trends accurately before anyone else in the business. As a result, we ship out hundreds of new arrivals to our clients on a regular basis. We pay attention to our customers and are always seeking innovative ways to improve our services to them. We prioritize the cause of ensuring that our customers always feel confident and included in the world of fashion. We serve anyone who has an affinity for fashion. Regardless of personal style, shape, race, or gender, we’re here to make every person’s fashion dreams come to life.

At BLKVE, we believe that fashion is a form of art and a medium of expression. This is why we are focused on providing you with fashion items that promote the idea of freedom of self-expression. We serve anyone who has an affinity for fashion. Regardless of personal style, shape, race, or gender, we’re here to make every person’s fashion dreams come to life. Read more info at Our mission is to revolutionize the fashion industry and make affordable fashion accessible to fashion lovers all over the world.

Best 5 WWE and AEW all-time stars

Wrestling latest news and competitions? Though Brock Lesnar spent partial time in the WWE, the “impression” he made during those times without doubt account for something. Lesnar was, at one time, the youngest WWE Heavyweight Champion. He was designed for greatness and pegged as the man to guide the company into the next detonation stage. After an eight-year interruption, Brock Lesnar returned in 2012, prompting a massive media response. Though restricted in his role, his attractiveness amongst sports fans gave WWE a much-needed inoculation shot. not to mention, he is one of Greatest Wrestlers of all time. Besides his success in WWE, Lesnar also made his name as one of the richest UFC fighters of all time.

Before becoming a professional wrestler, Big Swole worked in the Air Force as a fire truck mechanic. She chose to leave the Air Force when she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, and she was told she would never be able to have kids or participate in high impact sports. However, Big Swole has proven her ability to defy all expectations, and she credits the Air Force for teaching her the importance of discipline. Although Big Swole was recently suspended for kidnapping Dr. Britt Baker, there’s no doubt she will continue to be a strong competitor in the women’s division.

Wrestling occurred in several styles throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. The first recorded English match was held in London early in the 13th century. In England and Brittany a form of jacket wrestling commonly called Cornwall and Devon (see Cornish wrestling) survives from at least the 4th or 5th century. Wrestling as a martial skill was taught to the knights of the Holy Roman Empire, and wrestling instruction books appeared in manuscript before the introduction of printing and thereafter in print. Mongolian loose wrestling, introduced to India after the Mughal conquest of 1526, has survived in both India and Pakistan. As the modern era began, the English kings Henry VIII and Charles II and the French king Francis I were notable patrons of wrestling.

There have been many opinions regarding WWE having an off-season. Since the outbreak of this pandemic, several people have opined that WWE should take a break under these circumstances. Despite receiving criticism, WWE has chosen to go on with its weekly shows, and are continuing to record shows from its Performance Center. However, the belief that WWE has never missed airing even one of its weekly shows is wrong. WWE has indeed skipped shows, a long time ago. If you patiently scroll through the list of episodes of RAW on WWE’s official website, you will find that WWE RAW did not air on March 14, August 29, and September 5, in 1994. In what doesn’t sound like a mere coincidence, WCW Monday Nitro released on September 4, 1994. Clever! Discover even more information at

The Enigma’s high flying style had made him one of WWE’s biggest breakout stars at the turn of the millennium From competing in the first ever tag team triple threat ladder match at Wrestlemania 2000 to forming Team Xtreme with Lita and brother Matt, Hardy became renown for his high-risk stunts. Throughout the decade, he soon enjoyed success as a singles competitor and rose to become a two-time world heavyweight and one time WWE champion.

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Patients who have been taking an opioid for a short period of time for acute pain, e.g. one to two weeks, can usually stop it abruptly without the need for tapering the dose. However, a slower withdrawal may be considered for patients who have been taking frequent, higher doses.11 There is no specific guidance for a structured tapering regimen for short-term use of tramadol, but a pragmatic approach would be to reduce the dose by 25–50% each day. Ensure that when tramadol is withdrawn (either abruptly or tapered), analgesic cover is provided by concurrent use of paracetamol or a NSAID, until the pain is manageable without pharmacological treatment.

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Taking all this into consideration, how satisfied are parents with medications their children are taking for ADHD? Overall, only 41 percent were highly satsfied (16 percent were “completely satisfied” and 25 percent were “very satisfied”). About one-third (29 percent) were dissatisfied and the remainder were fairly satisfied (30 percent). There were no differences in overall satisfaction between those groups trying amphetamines or methylphenidates. Most amphetamines and methylphenidates are available in standard doses and extended- or sustained-release forms. Standard release means that the medication will be in your child’s system for a given period of time (usually about three hours), at which point another dose needs to be administered to maintain the effect. Extended- or sustained-release medications are usually given in the morning and slowly release the effective component of the medication throughout the day.

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Many people rely on over the counter pain killers to treat mild to moderate aches and pains. In general, take the lowest effective dose to reduce the risk of side effects. For self-limiting types of pain, such as a tension headache, you may only need one or two doses of a painkiller. For treating persistent types of pain, such as joint pain due to osteoarthritis, your doctor may suggest taking a painkiller regularly, as regular doses of an analgesic can be more effective for keeping pain at bay than waiting until pain breaks through to treat it. But regular daily use can increase the risk of side effects, including rebound headaches, as described below. Unfortunately, there is a growing recognition that the long-term use of painkillers – even paracetamol – is not as safe as once believed, and may increase the long-term risk of heart, liver or kidney problems.

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The custom enamel lapel pins we create come standard with a rubber clutch but if you’re looking to upgrade here are the available clutches, attachments and backings that can secure your lapel pin. Rubber Clutch: Our most popular pin clutch, the rubber clutch is comfortable against your skin, easy to attach to the pin post and comes in black and yellow colors. Butterfly Clutch: Also known as a Military Clutch (as it is found on military insignia as a default attachment), this clutch is classic and comes without any cost to you. Jewelry Clutch: The name says it all. When your enamel pins require that jewelry edge, this clutch completes the overall effect. Turn your pins into jewelry with a simple clutch upgrade. Find extra details on custom enamel pins.

The cloisonne or hard enamel lapel pin style is perfect for putting your best foot forward. So when you need to present a high quality lapel pin as a gift or an award or when you want a classy looking custom enamel pin this is the style for you. What makes a pin a Cloisonne Enamel pin? This style of enamel lapel pin has a polished finish which makes the entire face of the pin smooth and “glossy.” The look is achieved with a glass-like enamel fill that when polished gleams like jewelry.

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Watch movies free online? The rhythms of Kelly Reichardt’s hardscrabble 19th-century Pacific Northwest frontier drama are idiosyncratic if not inscrutable, which is why you’re unprepared for sudden revelations or flashes of connection. Her focus (after some throat-clearing) is the bond between two criminally endearing men: a mild-mannered baker (John Magaro) and an enterprising Chinese immigrant (Orion Lee), who hatches a plan to squeeze milk every night from the region’s lone bovine (owned by the county’s wealthiest man). The doughnuts they fry up make them gobs of money while leaving them open to mob justice, and you’re torn between elation (take that, rich ass!) and dread. It opens with a line from Blake: “The bird, a nest, the spider, a web, man friendship” — an assertion that home isn’t a place or thing but a connection to someone not you. This haunting movie transports you to another world — and redefines home.

The mythic quality of the Cordillera – the towering eastern stretch of the Andes mountains that serves as both a protective and isolating barrier for the city of Santiago – is harmonized with the grand, destructive illusions of Chile’s Pinochet regime in The Cordillera of Dreams, documentarian Patricio Guzmán’s personal rumination on his homeland’s tumultuous history, and his relationship to it. From vast sights of the snow-capped Andes, to grainy on-the-street video footage of Pinochet tyranny, to introspective interviews with fellow artists, Guzmán’s film (the third entry in a trilogy that also includes Nostalgia for the Light and The Pearl Button) examines the catastrophic upheaval of 1973’s coup d’état, and the lingering scars it left on him and the country’s citizens. In vistas of the ancient and immovable Cordillera, close-ups of cracks lining the hardscrabble soil, and gazes into labyrinth-like patterns found on junkyard car doors, Guzmán (who also serves as narrator) evokes a poetic sense of imposing mysteries and unrepairable fissures, which spread through him – and economically unbalanced Chilean culture – like the solemn valleys that course between the Andes’ peaks.

A chronicle of greed, status, and vanity, Bad Education shares more than a few qualities with Martin Scorsese’s financial crimes epic The Wolf of Wall Street, the story of another Long Island striver with slicked-back hair. Trading the stock market for the public education system, director Cory Finley’s wry docudrama, which takes its inspiration from a wild New York Magazinefeature from 2004, charts the tragi-comic downfall of Roslyn School District superintendent Frank Tassone (Hugh Jackman), a charming and beloved administrator in a rising wealthy area. When his assistant superintendent Pam Gluckin (Allison Janey) gets caught allowing family members to make personal charges using the school’s credit cards, Frank’s world of healthy smoothies, expensive suits, and gleeful deception begins to unravel. Using a high school newspaper reporter as an audience surrogate (Geraldine Viswanathan), the script withholds key details of Frank’s life for large sections of the runtime, allowing Jackman to give a performance that gradually reveals new layers of emotional complexity and moral emptiness. Like the tweezers Frank uses to dutifully pluck his nose hairs, the movie takes a surgical approach to its subject. See additional information at watch movies online.

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Driveways isn’t simply one of the late Brian Dennehy’s final performances—it’s also one of his finest. In Andre Ahn’s touching indie, Dennehy is Korean War vet Del, who comes to befriend socially awkward young Cody (Lucas Jaye) after the boy and his mother Kathy (Hong Chau) take up temporary residence next door, cleaning out the pigsty that used to belong to Kathy’s deceased sister. All three of these characters are suffering in their own distinct ways, due to a combination of loss, loneliness and fear, and Ahn (working from Hannah Bos and Paul Thureen’s precise script) intertwines their plights with few contrivances and a potent measure of empathy, especially once Del and Cody begin developing an unexpected bond. Be it Kathy going through her sister’s things and cleaning a bathtub soiled by a cat’s corpse, or Del caring for his VFW pal Roger (Jerry Adler), who’s slowly losing his mind, the specter of death—and the memories summoned up by the end of the road—looms large over the proceedings, culminating in a shattering Dennehy speech of irreparable sorrow.

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Surveillance cameras? The Google Nest Cam IQ Indoor is a fantastic security camera, receiving an Excellent rating in our tests for video quality. It also performs exceptionally well in our data privacy and security tests. This model gives you a 4K image sensor (which means you can zoom in on part of an image without losing image quality), built-in Google Assistant for controlling the camera (as well as other smart home devices), voice control via Amazon Alexa (through another device, not built into the camera), person detection, and a rolling 3 hours of motion-triggered snapshots (not video clips). With a Nest Aware subscription, you’ll get either 30 or 60 days of cloud storage for motion-triggered video clips, depending on the plan; intelligent sound detection; dog barking alerts; person alerts; facial recognition; monitoring zones; and e911. If you have the $12-per-month plan, you’ll also get 10 days of 24/7 continuous video recordings.

This next piece receives numerous compliments for its great quality in the structural firefighting gloves reviews of many customers. You may want to check out this one that is the Ringers R-314 Extrication Gloves. The good thing is they sell this piece in six sizes in total, from small to extra extra extra large. You do not have to worry about choosing the most well-fitted one with this wide range of choices. This sizing chart is useful for workers who have big hands and usually find it difficult to pick their best-fitted gloves. The piece is excellent at protecting users while they operate powerful appliances. It offers the amazing guard for our knuckles, better than many other work gloves on the market. We can use it for different kinds of tasks, from light to heavy-duty tasks without worrying about getting hurt. There are two colors available. For people who love a low-profile and simple glove, the black one is a great choice. If you want a pair that stands out, you can opt for the yellow one. Also, the markings on this product and reflect lights so that you can make out your hand movements better.

Recorded video can be stored in a number of ways. Many cameras offer free cloud storage for a limited number of days (typically seven) before it is overwritten or deleted, while others are strictly subscription based. If you require more than a week’s worth of video storage, you can subscribe to a 30-day plan and not have to worry about losing important footage before you’ve had a chance to review it and download it. If you’re concerned about privacy and would rather not store your video in the cloud, look for a camera equipped with a microSD card slot so you can store it locally. A few cameras will even let you save video to a portable USB or NAS drive, but these devices are few and far between. Find more details on medical alert systems canada.

Most dwellings have a multipurpose extinguisher that covers Classes A, B, and C. You can purchase these types of fire extinguishers at any home improvement store. Home fires can rapidly spread, and every second counts. Having a plan in place where you and your family can get out of the house in under two minutes once the alarm sounds is critical for your family’s safety. Everyone in your family should know how to dial 9-1-1 in the case of emergency. In addition, teach your children what a smoke alarms sounds like and what to do if they hear one. You should also establish and practice a fire escape plan, especially if you have small children.

“This new entity is definitely helping us weather the storm,” said Chaudhary. “It’s not only generating revenue for us; it has allowed us to keep all of our people employed — including the new employees we acquired in the deal.” That’s an impressive achievement, given the numbers of employees involved. The main office in Toronto has between 40-50 employees; an office in Montreal is home to about 35; and a U.S. location in Atlanta employs 10. While Chaudhary is confident that Alarm Guard will emerge from this pandemic stronger than ever, he is very bullish on the company’s newfound DIY direction.

View live video feed from your Wireless Indoor Camera directly on your mobile device, view recorded clips to catch what you missed, when a door opens, or the alarm goes off. Our monitoring subscription comes with 24/7 continuous recording. You can sift through your entire video history – not just clips – to see what happened. Each IQ Panel 2 Plus includes a 7” HD Touchscreen, a built-in 5MP camera and a new exclusive feature: Dual SRF featuring PowerG, the best wireless sensor protocol available. PowerG has 4x the range of traditional wireless, military grade 2-way encryption, automatic signal adjustment to improve battery life and ensure a reliable connection, and interference circumvention to ensure your signals never get blocked. Read additional details on diy home security systems Canada.

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Gatwick airport taxi with AirportTransfersOnline? Listed here are only a few things which may make your life less complicated. “Cannot you squeeze them in?” Shuttle drivers hear this periodically. It’s more commonly arises when they’ve been asked to furnish transport for say 5 persons, only to realize that a sixth has abruptly arrived as part of the staff. As part of your booking, they’re going to ask you to tell them how many passengers are in your party and whether or not you require a desired or pacific car. If this changes, they have got to be instructed so that they may be able to continuously make certain that the vehicle they furnish has enough space and seats available. So there is a quantity of methods you could go via to appear for a individual taxi driver. That you can perpetually contact an offerings agency that has chauffeurs on hand and you could rent or hire one in all them. You might moreover make an advertisement within the local newspaper or online in any number of areas. Instead of this, you should additionally consult your loved one’s members and neighbors, they are also capable of advising you to detailed man or woman or enterprise to be competent to offer you the excellent services on offer. You must look for and carry out as much information and research as you can so that the company you hire can get the great and best driver for you.

Hop on board a train in Glasgow to travel along the West Highland Line to the end of the tracks. It’s one of the most beautiful railway routes in the world, taking in the wild landscapes of west Scotland. The train quickly leaves the city behind, passing craggy mountains, steep gorges, lochs and moors. Keep your eye out for the Glenfinnan Viaduct, which was used in the filming of ‘Harry Potter’, Ben Nevis and some of the tiniest, most remote stations on the line, including Corrour, the highest-altitude station in the UK. Your journey ends as land turns to sea and the train pulls into port town Mallaig. Feeling fancy? Spend the Fort William to Mallaig leg of your journey living it up on steam train The Jacobite.

Airport Transfers London – From London airport many people prefer to take the tube but in case of long journey it is stressful to take this mode of transportation. As you have to guard your luggage as well as you have to make sure that you are boarding the correct Tube line and there are many such problems you have to face while taking your journey by tube. The cost our transfer services is minimal and you can also purchase round trip advance tickets as well as one way transfers. Read extra information on Taxi Heathrow Airport.

What kid doesn’t love a huge pile of Lego to play with? Take them on the ultimate brick adventure with themed rides, an around-the-world Lego experience featuring iconic buildings from around the globe (complete with marching guards at Buckingham Palace) and epic splash park for sunny days. If you’re feeling brave enough, you can accept Lord Vampyre’s invitation to the Haunted House Monster Party… Knockhatch is a farm, softplay, waterpark and small theme park rolled into one. Visit the owl sanctuary, take part in a hands-on little critters show or ride on the carousel when the weather is fine. Grab some lunch at the cafe before the kids burn off steam at not one but two indoor play centres, while the parents kick back with a coffee.

If you’re looking for a truly memorable English excursion for the whole family – and one that offers a fascinating insight into life in medieval times – you couldn’t do much better than visit Warwick Castle. Located in the beautiful city of Warwick on the River Avon, this impressive fortress has dominated the landscape and history of the region for more than 900 years. Today, it serves as a backdrop to medieval-themed events and reenactments, from jousting festivals to fairs and concerts. Warwick is also great base from which to explore the Cotswolds, as well as nearby towns such as Stratford-upon-Avon, famous as the birthplace of William Shakespeare. Bigger city destinations, including Liverpool, hometown of The Beatles, as well as Birmingham and Coventry, are an easy drive away.

From the modern London Eye to the historic Tower of London, the top 10 tourist attractions in London are a must-see on any London sightseeing trip. Even better, many London landmarks are free to visit, while others are available with discounted entry or special offers when using a London Pass. Use the London attractions map to find them all. There are also plenty of kid-friendly places to visit in London. Get up close and personal with underwater creatures at SEALIFE London Aquarium or explore the Science Museum, London’s interactive hub of science and technology. Both are perfect for fun family days out in London.

If you forget your medication, which A LOT of people when it comes to holiday, then stop into one of the MANY pharmacies dotted around Luton airport. The pharmacist will usually be happy to give you an emergency supply once your medication is nothing controlled (strong painkillers/antidepressants etc). They might need to contact your local pharmacy at home, but that shouldn’t be a problem for most people. It’s better to try and get an emergency supply than to go without your medication! Read even more information on