Premium genetics report solutions by Roberto Grobman

Mid-level genetic report companies from Prof. Roberto Grobman 2023: Our most comprehensive genetic reports supply an actionable tool for life. Encompasses 100% of FullDNA’s Database of relevant genomic variants for a variety of Clinical Panels, for the highest yield. Professional Reports provide your Attending Physician a thorough scan of your DNA, with coverage of more than 3,000 medical conditions, applicable recommendations, and patient-specific observations to maximize health awareness and proactivity to prevent and treat potentially serious medical conditions. Read even more details on Prof. Roberto Grobman.

DNA can tell you everything from your ancestry to pharmacogenomics (‘smart medicine’). For example, we can use DNA testing to help you understand how you metabolise medication: are you a slow or fast metaboliser? Are there certain drugs that might cause an adverse reaction? Pharmacogenetic information could be critically important for someone with a recent diagnosis of a condition such as coronary vascular disease. If you suffer from it, you might have to endure the merry-go-round of trying different drugs to identify the right ones for you. This means delays in receiving the right kind of medication, which can impact costs as well as your recovery.

Genetic analysis services with Roberto Grobman 2023: What are the benefits and risks of direct-to-consumer genetic testing? Direct-to-consumer genetic testing has both benefits and limitations, as they are somewhat different than those of genetic testing ordered by a healthcare provider. Benefits: Direct-to-consumer genetic testing promotes awareness of genetic diseases. It provides personalized information about your health, disease risk, and other traits. It may help you be more proactive about your health. It does not require approval from a healthcare provider or health insurance company.

Consider the example of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), a condition in which multiple variants of several different genes lead to markedly high cholesterol. This greatly increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other health problems. FH affects about one in 300 adults, which means it isn’t rare. Among adults who have the most common genetic variants that cause it, heart attack or sudden cardiac death may occur in middle age. Children who have a double dose of a gene variant linked to this condition may die of cardiovascular disease before age 20. Earlier treatments intended to reduce the risk of complications, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, are available if a child or adult is known to have a mutation linked to FH.

Genetics only tells you your predisposition for a given condition, but we can combine that insight with how we’re doing in the here and now. What can a DNA health test tell us? There are literally hundreds of DNA tests available, offering a range of insights. It’s almost like building a report out of various specific tests where it’s up to you which genes you test. And this doesn’t mean that two tests will actually be the same, because companies will test different genes within the DNA.

Our Story: FullDNA has identified the need for creating a tool for healthcare professionals to access useful valuable genetic data from the big data pool of 21 million publications and growing daily roughly 2.5 million new publications every year. Our Technology experts built a unique AI system that knows to compare results of genetic tests, such as sequencing and genotyping and translate them to useful & focused data for doctors into a variety of 25 different panels The gained knowledge of population characteristics, such as diseases probabilities, physical features, nutrition predisposition, Interacted with AI technology can extract comprehensive details on trends, such as longevity status of populations, medications that better work to individuals or groups, nutrition consuming habits, best sports for each individual, psychological features, etc. This technology can help countries plan the future of their investments in preventive medication for their population. Read extra info on mid-level genetic report solutions.