Particle size analysis services in Chelmsford

Particle size analysis company in Chelmsford? Translucent or transparent coatings on metallic or semi-conductor substrates are very difficult to image due to their reflective nature. Nomarski/DIC imaging is an effective method for accentuating differences in thickness, density or the optical index in these cases. This analysis enhances and highlights subtle features with brilliant color gradients and captures them with a high resolution digital imaging system. Let us bring out your sample’s hidden features.

Problem: A client was a manufacturer of beverages, bottled water, and other drinks. They received a customer complaint through one of their distributors, which indicated that a customer had been drinking a bottle of water, and as they neared the bottom of the bottle, found a mysterious white powder floating in the bottom. The customer returned the bottle and complained. The client hoped to identify the powder so they could both satisfy their end customer, as well as identify any potential problems in their manufacturing or bottling process.

Close examination of any possible defects or voids was undertaken at higher magnification. The voids did not appear to create any structural or conductivity issues. Additionally, the formation and contiguity of intermetallic bonds between the contacts and solder were shown using a combination of EDS line scan elemental spectroscopy and elemental mapping. The SEM image and the EDS map to the left show the intermetallic layer between the copper wire and the tin/lead solder via the mixture of the red copper and the blue tin.

What is your standard turnaround time (TAT) and can it be expedited? Our standard TAT is 5 to 10 business days. We can provide faster TATs on request with the following surcharges: – Same day to 24 hour rush is 100% surcharge – 2 day rush is 75% surcharge – 3 day rush is 50% surcharge – 4 day rush is 25% surcharge Rush requests must have prior approval otherwise we cannot guarantee turnaround times. Find more info on

The client was able to determine the source of the black dust was due to the mechanical breakdown of the foam cushions in the impacted room, and not from mold or mildew growth. The experienced analysts at MicroVision Labs were able to differentiate the foam materials from either blown cellulose or urethane foam insulation or air filters, allowing for the client to easily remove the problem cushions.

?We partner with companies in all phases of product development and sales, including R&D, manufacturing, QC, advertising and failure analysis. Our laboratory offers a highly-trained and experienced staff utilizing a powerful set of analytical tools (SEM with EDS and backscatter detectors, Bruker X-Flash elemental mapping, X-Ray imaging, Micro-FTIR spectroscopy, Micro-XRF, light microscopy, cross sectioning/precision polishing and microhardness testing). Explore extra info on

Get to know Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and some of his inventions

Get to know Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and some of his inventions: Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Award-Winning Inventor, is a highly active technology start-up founder, best known for creating and patenting :CRQ (See Our Cue – Q Code Platform for Scan Commerce and Scan to Connect) has founded companies have included seed investment rounds ranging from $1.6m to over $250m with companies supported and funded by Dreamit Ventures, and Microventures to name a few lead investors.

Currently actively involved in Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Health Care, Mobile Health Care, Engagement Technologies and Data Analytics industry. Pulitzer has also created numerous product companies that have generated over a billion dollars in consumer sales. His patents are known to grant fast and Pulitzer is regularly one of the top inventors month to month in the United States.

Additionally, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is an Author of over 200 individual history and treasure legend books is a well-known media personality who has appeared on Fox TV, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS History Channel, and other networks. Pulitzer is also known as an Explorer, Publisher and Inventor. Pulitzer has several hundred patents domestically and patents in 189 countries globally. His Scan-To-Connect and Scan Commerce Patents are now licensed to all global mobile device manufacturers who have more than 11 billion devices utilizing his vast patent portfolio(s). Discover more info on Who is USA’s Top Inventor?

Pulitzer and his technology won the 2001 Smithsonian Laureate Medal for “Most Likely to Change Society”. As part of winning the Smithsonian Award, the Pulitzer Patents and history of their development are part of Case Studies in 140 Universities and Museums, such as Brown University, Duke University, Yale University, Princeton University, Harvard University, and Helsinki University of Technology.

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s software app CRQ and its desktop version were recognized by more than 1000 software and information companies for achieving excellence in the software development industry. During the past 27 years, the SIIA CODiE Awards have recognized more than 1,000 software and information companies for achieving excellence. The CODiE Awards remain the only peer-recognized program in the content, education, and software industries so each CODiE Award win serves as incredible market validation for a product’s innovation, vision, and overall industry impact.

Pulitzer’s TV Creation and Syndicated Series won the Platinum WorldFest Award in 2001 for TV. Worldfest is the event that discovered Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ang Lee, John Lee Hancock, Randall Kleiser, Ridley Scott, Robert Rodriguez, Robert Townsend, The Coen Brothers, Spike Lee, Oliver Stone, and David Lynch with their very first awards. WorldFest has emerged as the oldest film festival management in the world, with the same continuous director for more than 50 consecutive years.

Legendary inventor and tech pioneer Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, son of a German immigrant over the last 3 years set his eyes on improving not only women’s healthcare but the healthcare of everyone globally. After reading that women in Miami, who were being exposed to the Zika Virus had to wait as long as 12 weeks to get back test results showing whether or not their pregnancy had been exposed to the horrible Zika Virus (Zika Virus Disease is caused by a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes, which bite during the day), Pulitzer jumped into action.

Top Google home light bulbs from Gosund

Smart plug Google home high quality provider? Smart thermostats give you the power to minimize your carbon footprint. They let you regulate the temperature in your home through your mobile device, so if you’re on vacation and forgot to adjust the thermostat you can do so right from your phone. If someone leaves a door open, a smart thermostat can shut off the air conditioning or heat automatically. And you can set a smart thermostat to turn the air conditioning or heat down while you’re at work, and turn it back up just prior to your arrival back home. Smart thermostats like the Nest can also learn your temperature preferences, making it even easier to maximize energy efficiency.

While you can buy alarm systems to protect your home, smart homes can offer added security. Connected lights, cameras, and even doorbells can help make a home safer. If you’re home alone and someone is checking out your house to see if they can break in, having these kinds of devices might scare them off. There are tons of products out there that can help make your home smarter. To help you get started, we’ve created a list of just five products we feel would be perfect for starting your journey into the world of smart homes.

Smart devices also increase your house value! Video doorbells are fantastic smart devices that can seriously increase your home’s value. First of all, video doorbells allow us to see who is at the door before we open it. There are many security reasons why this is necessary such as burglars or home invaders who will try and push past you after you answer the door. Door to door salesmen or religious recruiters are less dangerous but can also be very annoying and so a video doorbell enables you to vet who you open the door to. When looking for the best video doorbell there is a range of features that you should consider. Read even more information at Mini Smart Socket Google Home.

The team, led by Yale-NUS Assistant Professor of Social Sciences (Psychology) Christopher Asplund and Singapore University of Technology and Design’s Assistant Professor Simon Perrault, found that haptic feedback (such as vibration feedback) does cause distraction, but this loss of focus lasts only for about one second. The findings can help designers improve the usability of notification features in devices.

Many technologies are getting smart, including thermostats, lightbulbs, water heaters, refrigerators, washing machines and security systems. Here are a few broader categories you can find in the market today. Smart speakers like the Amazon Echo and Google Home allow you to perform many tasks through voice command and can connect to other smart home devices to give you additional control. Smart lighting comes as basic smart lightbulbs, color-changing bulbs and smart light switches, giving you flexibility in your lighting options (switches may require the help of an electrician). For added security, many smart lights can be set up on a vacation mode to make it look like someone’s at home when you’re out of town.

Having been working on IOT industry for many years, Gosund is a high-tech enterprise engaged in product design, R&D, sales and service for smart home products. With solid strength for R&D and an experienced team, Gosund designs product ID, MD, PCB and RF module all by its own. Gosund boasts advanced manufacturing facilities and dust-free plant. Its products are manufactured automatically from SMT, DIP to Packaging. Its average daily capacity reaches more than 100k. Since launch, its smart home products have been popular among consumers. Gosund sells all over the world and leads sales in North American market. It sells well in more than 31 countries. Gosund is the market leader in smart plugs. See extra info at here.

Get real money playing games and Suponic Global

Earn real money playing games on Suponic Global’s blockchain platform? Plug in for Gaming cryptos and digital asset trading platform available to 3rd parties. We provide innovative blockchain and crypto solutions to from large-scale games companies, small to medium size game studios and even to solo games. We provide solutions to create game platforms and trading platforms for game “points” for real money. Suponic global aims to provide profitable experience in E-sports industry by providing a decentralized and trustful environment powered by blockchain.

Considered as potential pyramid risks in MLM

Suponic Global blockchain platform

1. Products which have “no real world” marketplace.

1. Products have real world marketplace. Gaming industry is a $200 BN Industry.

2. Products which are sold at inflated prices.

2. SUPONIC GLOBAL is sold below industry market average.

3. Mandatory purchases of company product.

3. Games are free to play. Credits begin at $1.00

4. Plans which result in inventory loading distributors.

4. Games are purely digital. There is no inventory loading distributors involved.

5. Substantial cash investment requirements.

5. The lowest entry is $100 USD.

6. Mandatory purchases of peripheral or accessory products or services.

6. There is no mandatory purchase of peripheral or accessory products or services.

7. Plans in which company products are totally or substantially consumed only by distributors.

7. Distributor consumption is less than 5%

8. Plans in which distributors are left with substantial unsold inventory upon cancellation of participation.

8. Unused game credits can be sold on a public cryptocurrency exchange, based on natural supply and demand.

9. Plans in which distributors purchase products in order to further the marketing plan rather than out of genuine desire and need for the product.

9. Our technology and platform solution is already complete. Games are genuinely entertaining with existence of gamers playing up to 6 hours per day. Existing game publishing roadmaps are not impacted by marketers.

10. Plans which would fail without purchases by participants.

10. Company has been generating solid revenues long before distribution network was created. The gaming platform, games, coin, wallet, blockchain technology, exchange were all complete well before engagement of distributors.

11. Plans which make no effort to emphasize retail sales to the ultimate nonparticipant consumer.

11. Company has been engaging in retail sales long before Suponic Global was put together.

12. Plans which require no meaningful participation by distributors after becoming a distributor.

12. Every distributor is required to play games at least once daily to contribute to the concurrent user base and add to exchange liquidity pool, which is vital to the operation. A minimal concurrent userbase is critical to game publishing hence distributor’s daily participation is crucial to the operation.

13. Plans in which fees are paid to distributors for headhunting.

13. No payment is made for headhunting.

14. Plans in which commissions are not based on actual retail product sales.

14. Commissions are purely based on actual retail sales, in form of revenue share.

15. Plans in which emphasis is on recruitment rather than sale of product.

15. Millions of dollars were spent creating tools for retail user acquisition. 95% of the revenue is expected to come from sale of product.

16. Plans which contain elements of a lottery rewarding participants based on chance rather than on bona fide sales efforts.

16. Suponic Global Game credit relies 100% on skills and hard work. Participants are rewarded purely based on revenue share and direct sales.

17. Earnings misrepresentations or inflated earnings representations.

17. Earnings reported is 100% accurate, and based on sound mathematical models.

18. Promise of high returns

18. No false promise, all products’ price are subject to market supply and demand law and users are educated clearly on this fact.

19. Promise of guaranteed returns

19. No false promise of any guaranteed returns

20. promise of the investments carry little or even no risk

20. we have perfect business model, which is the foundation of success of every business model. Perfect execution of business plan, and adjustment on market reaction also counts, our project also needs our marketers to promote the game together, and engage more player base.

21. pay additional fees or costs to withdraw your profit or money

21. withdraw your money is conducted in our exchange, which is instantly, with no fees, no waiting time.

22. claim absolute safe

22. the coins are on blockchain.

23. claim technology is highly secret

23. Technology uses erc 2.0 (etherium)

24. pressure to buy RIGHT NOW

24. Coin price is based on Supply and demand

25. Participants make money solely by recruiting new participants

25. Participants not only make money by recruiting new participants, but also by retails of game credits packages, and the revenue pool of the company.

26. Promise of sky-high returns in a short period of time for doing nothing other than handing over money and getting others to do the same.

26. No promise of any type of return, investment is purely based on market supply and demand, participants’ purchase of packages are locked for certain period. Participants are needed to play games on daily bases to contribute game concurrent users base, which is essential for success in game industry.

27. No genuine product or service

27. we have perfectly built game platforms, and dozens of games ready to play. We have games already in the market for years. Game credits packages are products, plus, we have tangible products, such as earphones, fashions, etc.

28. buy-in required.

28. There is no buy-in

29. complex commission structure

29. We offer transparent and simple to understand commission structure which can be explained under 5 minutes.

30. emphasis on recruiting.

30. Our distributor to retail gamers are 1:30. Our participants consist of retail Gamers (90%), distributors, investors and video game developers.

31. Encourage you to quit your job, and tell you this opportunity is life-changer, and you even get rich by selling company’s products

31. Most of our participants come in to purchase video game coins, and consider this to be a part time job.

32. Encourage or require you to buy a certain amount of product at regular intervals, even if you already have more inventory than you can use or sell

32. Our products can be traded on exchange, there’s no overstock.

33. they ask you to buy products before you’re eligible to be paid or get certain bonuses.

33. No. But we do request they play at least one game. The cheapest game is 10 cents.

34. you may have to pay repeated fees for other items, like training sessions or expensive marketing materials

34. All our marketing materials are free.

35. company say you can ear lavish rewards, like prizes, bonuses, exotic vacations, and luxury cars. (However, it’s often turns out that you have to meet certain product purchase, recruitment, training. Or other goals to qualify for the rewards, and only a handful of distributors ever qualify.)

35. We host Esport tournaments with prizes including earphones and phones produced by the company. The esports are mostly free entry, and the purpose is to promote a wholesome fun video game designed for hours of fun, and online community participation. There is nothing overly lavish.

36. promoters make extravagant promises about your earning potential

36. all our earning potential is based on market supply and demand law.

37. Promoters emphasize recruiting new distributors as the real way to make money

37. we emphasize recruiting more gamers to build our gamers pool.

38. promoters play on your emotions or use high-pressure sales tactic, saying you’ll lose the opportunity if you don’t act now, and discouraging you from taking time to study the company

38. we have clear roadmaps and plan, and those are public information, we give no pressure to our participants. We encourage them to take time to study the company, and hold sessions to answer questions related to the company and it’s business plan and products.

39. Training session make earnings claims, tell you the fastest way to make money is to “recruit, recruit, recruit”, or suggest that all you need to do to build a downline is “find two people who find two people”

39. Training sessions of ours are to introduce our company, it’s business plan, and products, and share experiences of how to make the company work well. Besides recruiting people, which is going to end in October 2020, Participants are encouraged to market our games to more gamers.

40. Ask you to buy training or marketing materials. Or pay for seminars on building your business.

41. Our training or marketing materials are offered for free, seminars are provided online and offline for free. We don’t need participants to travel, hence no payments for any hotels and meals.

41. company says things like periodic product purchases or training are optional, but you will become ineligible for bonus or rewards if you opt out of them.

41. All trainings and sessions have no impact on eligibility for any type of bonuses or rewards.

What is Suponic Global? For a simple solution, let’s take a huge game like League of Legends. Every end of season, they release a special skin for all players over a certain rank to use, and the top players in every region get even more rewards and skins that are usually unobtainable later on. Well, if you simply ran these accounts through a blockchain and tied each account to a wallet address similar to Ethereum’s wallets that have the ability to hold tokens, you can easily use NFTs.

Suponic Protocol aims to setup the global standards in crypto game world, providing core base for the regulations and the development procedures for the game developers, analysts, designers, artists, publishers, and other participants in the industry. The goal is to establish an environment where eSports industry can flourish and where gamers and game developers can enjoy the convenience of the platform. After the endless endeavor to establish the protocol, the World eSports and Blockchain Association (WESBA) has officially recognized Suponic Protocol, and now we are contributing to invigorate the crypto game industry by providing open source API. Read extra details at Suponic Global.

Best GPS tracking devices guides by Shenzhen Eelink communication technology

GPS tracking devices producer Eelink gps? We deliver turnkey solutions to our clients and we can specifically develop tracking hardware or software solutions and part of the tracker based on their requirements. Over qualified and trained staff works in advanced environment to develop solutions for your needs. Our core R&D staff is technically trained and certified with Master Degrees to develop high class solutions with excellent team and top-notch technology.

Eelink communication technology achievements includes a cooperation with Emerson, one of the top 500 companies in the world and also OEM & ODM services for many supply chain tracking service company. Fleet management is a challenging task that demands high attentiveness and great dealings of general contentions. Our comprehensive spy vehicle tracking devices and solutions let you handle these challenges in an easy and organized manner. More than a feasible solution, our spy GPS vehicle tracking system gives you the absolute vehicle tracking intelligence to exactly know & control what happens in the real field.

In the future with developing technology, we have the potential to see higher connection speeds than ever before. Within the next few years, 5G networks will be introduced, which will increase the connection speeds of wireless networks and wireless devices in general. If you combine the speed of a 5G network with the technology of NB-IoT modules then there is no limit to what the technology will be able to connect or accomplish. Specifically, location monitoring in the future has the ability to become much more advanced and much more specific. As companies invest in tracking technology utilizing NB-IoT devices and technology they will be able to have detailed communications between their devices, understand the moves of what they are tracking, and be able to receive extremely specified data regarding the trends of their devices.

Best GPS trackers & IoT devices reviews: Our vehicle tracking system is designed to deliver real-time information about every vehicle in the fleet. This system offers instant access to the vehicle information and other driver behaviors such as harsh driving, unauthorized access, speeding, unnecessary idling, and more. With the right vehicle GPS tracking system, you can track the exact location of the vehicle anywhere and anytime. It adds more value to the logistics industry and is beneficial for car, truck, bus, and other vehicles. The advanced features offered by these vehicle trackers include auto-tracking, blind area tracking, gps+gsm tracking, history-trace checking, geo-fence, movement alert, over speed alert, low battery alert, shaking sensor alert, and more. The vehicle tracking system enables you to know where your asset is at all times. Explore additional details at Eelink device.

With a high-accuracy and resolution, our GPS tracking devices are ideal for managing large fleets that contain hundreds of vehicles. GPS vehicles can help you effectively notice the time taken for a vehicle in your fleet to complete a journey. This way, you can keep a track of its mileage and run the entire logistics operation in the most efficient way possible. Theft-Prevention We have an expertise in developing tiny GPS vehicle trackers. These lightweight and compact vehicle trackers can be used in conjunction with the theft-prevention technology. You can easily fit these compact GPS vehicle trackers under the dashboard of the car or the seat of the bike and start tracking their location. With effective GPS tracking, you can collect the real-time location information of the vehicle. IoT-Based technologies Our GPS vehicle tracking systems can be linked to the IoT devices. The 4G LTE NB-IoT and Cat M1 function will provide a unique combination of enhanced coverage and long battery life, as well as reliable connectivity.

Who is Nick Ayton and some of his leading Quantum AI achievements

The ascent of a technology leader : Nick Ayton… Nick Ayton on the bitcoin generation: Insurance products designed to be sold through layers of distribution, salespeople and brokers. Then, my favorite parasites: the Independent Financial Advisor. How much profit margin is in a product designed to feed these layers, pay the commissions and allow misselling on mass? Insurance is one big ‘Ponzi Scheme’ as it is predicated on new money coming into the top to pay out at the bottom, if it pays out at all. Pensions are another example of a failed product, a scam. Then we have mortgages, another failed product that robs people and medical insurance designed to be sold and not claimed, aimed at the people with money.

An all around the world respected tech business leader, Nick works with executives to help them understand the pervasive nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth. Nick Ayton has worked more than 40 years in technology, improving businesses and deploying the newest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. His most recent project 21 million , will launch an ICO 12th June 2017. 21 million aims to make a crypto-funded blockchain indy tv series about the Bitcoin Revolution, an asset backed Token and a new Media and Film Production business on Ethereum. He advises a range of clients and sits on advisory boards of several Blockchain start ups supporting the founders.

“We were so fortunate to not only have Nick Ayton as Keynote on our Global Accelerator Program but also a speaker at our Global Investor Summit in London on 17th July 2019. Working with Nick is so inspirational I was indeed taken with his knowledge, experience and expertise, an outstanding speaker, both charming and entertaining” We support Family Offices, Investors and Funds to understand the underlying technology and supporting technology stack. Nick Ayton has published several White Papers discussing how Blockchain will disrupt Global Custody, Asset Management, Legal Services, Accounting & Audit, Banking and several other sectors. His book – how to design and implement Blockchain Operating Models will be available in the second half of 2017. Find additional info on Nick Ayton.

The latest company to begin accepting payment in crypto is American dealership Post Oak Motor Cars. The Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Bugatti dealership now accepts Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash from clients. Owned by billionaire Tilman Fertitta, the company offers customers this facility around the world. Astonishingly, some people are even willing to accept cryptocurrency for property, an asset class that has historically considered a good store of wealth and investment. In this particular section, there is big divide between what you can buy with cryptocurrency, from a modest home to an entire tropical island.

Nick Ayton about crypto app tokes : What is new is that Blockchain is a structural shift in commerce and how it lets you design and organise the trading and exchange of value between two or more parties. And why 3000 of the world’s smartest people are working on customer and market propositions that are going to destroy your business, your career, and take you with it… The biggest tech companies – IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, Amazon – are betting the shop on Blockchain and completely re-engineering their business around both the technology and the Internet of Things, that uses Blockchain and Robotics that work so well together. In a sense they are of course right, but they are also very wrong. What Satoshi Nakamoto started in 2008 was a movement, more than a simple electronic peer 2 peer payment system. It was the beginning of something entirely new, a technology that when translated into business delivers an entirely different outcome for customers. The current systems based on Fractional Reserve Banking, a System of Record supporting Standard Cost and Value Based Accounting is and has always been structurally flawed. But this was all that there was at the time. It is today’s commerce that everyone accepts, endures, and struggles with because until now there was no replacement that worked better – until the Blockchain.

System consultants

Technical insights? A key part successful digital transformation is assessing the needs and opportunities of organizations to ensure that the chosen strategy is the optimal path. Executives are justified in concerns about change, but with the pace of innovation being what it is in today’s economy, doing nothing is often actually more risky in many industries. Concerns about information security are legitimate, of course, but those countermeasures are table stakes in their own right, and many approaches to Digitalization do not raise security risks.

One critical piece of the puzzle often missed is making every effort to fill/infer data wherever possible to find the optimal balance of complete/accurate data with efficient data entry. If salespeople and support staff see that the system does “everything it can” automatically, they’ll be more willing to enter the unique data points which truly add value to the organization’s view of each customer and opportunity. CRM adoption success is more in the hands of Executive leadership than most leaders realize.

Every business should aim to have an IT consultant! IT consulting offers multiple benefits to both small and large organizations. Businesses benefit from their wealth of expertise and experience in handling technical tasks. Unfortunately, many business owners wait until they experience a crisis to hire experts. Such an approach may lead to irreversible damage, especially in the case of a security breach. The best approach is to hire consultants regularly to ensure that a business has the best systems in place.

The world is becoming increasingly personalized. Frequent flier numbers and customer membership programs enable companies to track consumers’ buying patterns; social media platforms and digital marketing channels enable them to know even more about our preferences and lives. The door has been opened to inappropriate uses of this information, as evidenced by the “fake news” and Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandals from the 2016 election. But far more commonly, companies are using customer data in legitimate to personalize their communications with customers, with significant results. Customers are happy for you to know about them. According to Accenture, 83% of consumers are willing to share their data in order to enable a personalized B2C experience, and 91% say it actually impacts their buying habits. For B2B purposes, companies have long known there is easy access to public data about them, so any gain in efficiency is welcomed from suppliers who make use of that information (ideally with internal data as well – see below) to streamline the experience for their clients. Find additional info on Tech consultants.

The experts at Innovation Vista have brought our expertise together to collaborate on a unique approach to technology that we call Innovating Beyond Efficiency. Traditional IT strategies yield many efficiencies for organizations which invest time and effort into them. Processes are automated, systems are implemented to gather key organization data, and reports are standardized to analyze and communicate that data. These are valuable gains for an organization, and many of these capabilities have risen to the level of requirements for operating in the 21st century. Efficiency is nice.

A thing any CEO should know about cybersecurity: Cyber liability insurance premiums are significantly increasing in cost and often do not cover all of the damages caused by a cyber breach. Further, it is incumbent upon CEOs to learn more about cybersecurity to ensure their company is taking appropriate actions to secure their most valuable information assets. This does not mean that every CEO needs to become a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP). Rather, CEOs should increase their knowledge of core cybersecurity concepts and leverage their own leadership skills to conceptualize and manage risk in strategic terms, understanding the business impact of risk. Discover even more info on Tech advice.

The ascent of a effective project manager professional : Christopher Bacayon

Get to know Christopher Bacayon and some of his business leadership achievements. He is proficient in defining and understanding the scope of the project, gathering and analyzing business requirements, identifying functional requirements, translating requirements into specifications and documentation and finding the perfect solution for the business. Demonstrated success working on Agile Scrum projects – coordinating internal resources and third parties & vendors for the flawless execution of projects on time, within budget and scope of delivery.

What people think about Christopher Bacayon? Here is some feedback from his business partners : I met Chris through mutual friends, including his brother with whom I had been building a startup business, and was impressed by his ability to balance a demanding full-time job at Cablevision with his additional professional and personal responsibilities. I believed so deeply in Chris’ character that I recommended him for a job opening on my team in 2013 at Northwell Health. He utilized his thoughtful nature, intelligence, and recognition of accountability involved with indirectly supporting healthcare professionals in patient care.

Supported the PMO in the creation, management, maintenance, and updating of project and resource schedules, project change requests and 3rd party statements of work. Coordinated tracking/auditing of projects and programs within the organization to ensure SLA compliance and that those projects remain on track. Managed resources, vendors, and worked with the cross functional teams to ensure that all projects are directly in line with company PMO initiatives. Communicated project status and implementation needs to clients as well as resolving critical issues.

Christopher Bacayon is an experienced Independent Contractor with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Project Management, Tech Support, Data Analysis, PMO, Operations, Data Center, Contact Centers, Management, and Software Documentation. Strong professional with a Bachelors focused in Information Science and Policy. Minors: Computer Science & Business from University at Albany, SUNY.

Talking about himself Christopher Bacayon said: From a young age, I’ve always had a sense of motivation and passion driving me forward. Whether it’s exploring unique opportunities, learning additional skills, or meeting new people, I bring these values to every experience throughout my life on a personal and professional level. To learn more about me, keep exploring my site or reach out directly.

Tecno Camon i7 hard reset and best mobile phones 2020

Top mobiles in 2020 and phone buyer reviews? If you’re considering the Pixel 3a, be aware that rumors point to a successor — the Pixel 4a — coming out later this spring. The new iPhone SE, known by some as the iPhone 9, will likely also bring a compelling camera to the $400 range. That sets up an exciting battle between Apple and Google’s budget models for the best cheap camera phone later in the year. With the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL, Google gifted its flagship smartphones with a dual-lens imaging system for the first time ever. Two cameras — a 12.2-MP primary wide-angle and a 16-MP telephoto — work in concert to deliver phenomenal images in all conditions, boosted heavily by Google’s amazing computational photography techniques.

Since we all have different aversions and affinities, it is obvious not to like some of the phones that might be liked by others. However, there are a few handsets that are cherished by almost everyone. The fact is acceptable that such devices are very rare. One such device that I appreciate is Techno Spark Go Plus. Different phones have different features. And we select the ones that we feel can cater to all our needs while making us pay according to our pocket. Anyhow, in the case of Tecno Spark Go Plus, all the features are up to the mark so that everyone can make the most of it. MediaTek Helio A22 is at the helm to make every feature work wonderfully be it camera modes or processing speed or sensors, no feature gives you a chance to complain about anything. With perfect screen resolution and battery backup, the phone just costs somewhere around Rs. 6500/-. Mind-blowing work, Tecno.

Tecno Spark Go Plus smartphone was launched on 9th January 2020. The phone comes with a 6.52-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of (720×1600 pixels and an aspect ratio of 20:9. Tecno Spark Go Plus is powered by a 2GHz quad-core MediaTek Helio A22 (MT6761) processor. It comes with 2GB of RAM. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs Android 9 Pie and is powered by a 4000mAh battery. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Tecno Spark Go Plus on the rear packs an 8-megapixel camera with an f/2.0 aperture. It sports a 8-megapixel camera on the front for selfies, with an f/2.0 aperture. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs HiOS 5.5.2 based on Android 9 Pie and packs 32GB of inbuilt storage that can be expanded via microSD card (up to 128GB) with a dedicated slot. The Tecno Spark Go Plus is a dual-SIM (GSM and GSM) smartphone that accepts Nano-SIM and Nano-SIM cards. The Tecno Spark Go Plus measures 166.70 x 75.80 x 8.40mm (height x width x thickness) . It was launched in Hillier Purple and Vacation Blue colours. Find even more info at Blue Whatsapp apk.

Mix that all together and throw in an OLED screen for good measure and you come out with a versatile smartphone that will handle just about every task you throw its way, without stopping to take so much as a single breath. However, that’s not to mean it isn’t without its fair share of faults – the biggest of which is the lack of support for 5G. Although, that’s not as big of a deal as one would have thought. 5G is still a long way off being the nation’s standard. In fact, it’s only available in a handful of cities nationwide at the moment and even then, only in really small surface areas within. Even if the iPhone 11 Pro supported 5G, you probably wouldn’t be able to use it. And let’s not forget that 5G tariffs are about as expensive as can be, so the fact it doesn’t work with the network actually brings the price down.

We are in the first few months of 2020 and already the phone launches are coming thick and fast. If you’re on the hunt for an upgrade to your smartphone, our list of the best options is your ideal starting point. Samsung has already unveiled its latest slew of flagship phones, including the foldable Galaxy Z Flip, the S20 and S20 Ultra, and we’re expecting a load more to follow including the OnePlus 8. Those who already have a specific budget in mind should check out our round-ups of the best budget smartphones and best mid-range smartphones. And if you’re particularly interested in smartphone photography, take a look at our best camera phone guide. Explore a few more details at

Kitchenware infused technology trending shopping

Almost all products we use are heavily influenced by high tech trends. Do you need an item from the shoes for men section? For sure we can find some products in which high tech application exists. YouTechMe is an online store focused on providing the latest tech applications products in all areas. Let’s see some of these products.

Long days and warm temperatures make summer the ideal season to take a road trip with friends. When doing so, however, you should make sure your vehicle is lined with practical devices designed to assist during an emergency, as well as some rather unnecessary — albeit, enjoyable — gizmos to make the most of your time on the road. From a self-powered jump starter to a coffeemaker for your car, we’ve put together our 15 favorite car gadgets for your next road trip.

I only wish they had these a long time ago. Automatic PRO Realtime Car Tracker is by far one of the most helpful car gadgets on the market, a hub that turns your car into another arm of your digital life. If you have Amazon Echo at home, you can connect your car to Alexa to have access to engine diagnostics, as well as a tracking feature in case of theft. On top of that, you don’t have to worry about the cell service, because you get a full five-year subscription to a high-powered 3G service. You get crash alert services, and another way to feel safer at night when you’ve got a million things pressing on your mind. Worrying about your car shouldn’t be one. This is a simple set and forget style system, so you’ll be able to plug it in, and revel in one of the best car accessories ever to hit the market (and your car). Find more info at Trending Tech Products Online Store.

The one thing that will mess up a brisket, or any smoked meat, are spikes in temperature inside the smoker. Traeger’s Ironwood 650 is a Wi-Fi-enabled smoker that not only monitors, but regulates its temperature automatically. You can also control the grill using an app, which is also packed with recipes. The Ironwood 650 uses wood pellets, so fuel costs are slightly higher than traditional charcoal smokers. However, we can’t argue with the results: delicious, delicious barbecue.

Need a light? Electric lighters like this one put a whole new spin on old-school designs. Fluid lighters can be messy and can run out of fuel quickly — the famous Zippo, while an all-American classic, is notorious for this — not to mention that lighter fluid and butane canisters are an extra expense. The Tesla Coil arc lighter, on the other hand, uses an internal rechargeable battery to project a windproof electric arc that is produced instead of a flame. The design is environmentally friendly and delivers up to 300 lights on a single charge. When it needs more juice, simply plug it in and power it up via the included USB charging cable. No wicks, flints, fluid, or gases to fuss around with. You can score this unique tech gadget for just $16 from YouTech.Me.

You heard it right! It’s YouTakeMe! I mean, you can TAKE all these innovations or NEWEST TECHNOLOGY products at Everything you want is all here at YouTech.Me (or YTM in short). We have the best products for your; Automotive Tools & Accessories, Design & Construction, Electronics & Gadgets, Gift Collections, Fitness & Health, Home & Family, Lifestyle & Fashion, Pets & Garden, Studies & Work, Travel & Recreation and so much more… Visit: