Streakfree washable reusable cloth online shopping

We produce a chemical free cleaning cloth that cleans any surface streak free, spot free, lint free with just water, washable and reusable for 3 years. This is the original streakfree cloth made in USA. Cleans mirrors, glass, windshields, stainless steel, granite top counters spot free lint free. The most amazing cleaning cloth ever, clean almost everything with just water. Read extra details on Streakfree washable reusable cloth.

They do exactly what they are supposed to: clean streak free. What makes them so useful (and healthy) is that you have to use a lot fewer (if any at all) chemical cleaners to get the job done. Just dampen the cloth a bit and off you go! It helps if the surface you are cleaning has been freed of any easy to remove dirt first. So if you have a dusty glass surface, get rid of the dust first and then use these cloths to give the glass the perfect shine. Again, wonderful product that saves you having to touch a lot of nasty chemicals.

I have no idea how these work, they just do. I have cleaned over a dozen windows, my oven front, microwave, dishwasher, just trying to prove that these aren’t so darn amazing. Finally, my glass cooktop, I love to cook and it always looks bad even when I clean it. I pre-cleaned first to remove the grease and crumbs, it was still covered in smears. Then I wiped it with this cloth, wait, wait, wow! I believe the “lint” problem is the accumulated dust, once I rinsed well with plain water the lint was not a problem. I plan to wipe down the outside windows which are very dirty, then use the cloth to finish, that seems to work best and keeps the cloth cleaner. It is cloth, but very thin, almost stiff like paper, I couldn’t get it to rip. I will be giving these out this Christmas in my “favorites of the year” basket that I give to my children every year.

I had been using a chemical-based glass cleaning product for years, but often I’d still have streaks after I finished cleaning. Comparatively, the StreakFree really does give my windows a smear-free finish. Plus, I really like the idea that it’s totally natural and therefore safer for us and my baby. What’s really awesome is that it’s reusable so it can save you money in the long run. And you don’t have to use paper towels, so it’s great for the environment.

Millions of tiny ‘scoops’ pull dirt and dust up inside the cloth where they remain until washed away. Results are clean, streak free surfaces. Using water helps emulsify dirt & oil making it easier for the micro fiber cloth to pick it up. Its high absorbency will quickly clean up spills. Source:

Top Pittsburgh tree removal companies

Tree trimming tricks and we also offer a suggestion on how to search the best tree trimming companies, to avoid home disasters and huge costs. When planting a tree, you need to make sure that its root system is able to settle and expand appropriately. Too much new soil around the base of a tree can cause roots to tangle or strangle the trunk of the tree. If you need additional guidance in this area, don’t hesitate to contact our team. Use the three-cut technique for stems that are too long – Make a notch on the side of the stem that faces away from the branch that’s being held; make the second cut inside the crotch of the branch and above the branch ridge; the third cut will remove the stub by cutting through the stem parallel to the branch bark ridge.

The city of Minneapolis recognizes 81 unmistakable neighborhoods, 11 networks, and four mechanical territories inside its limits. The focal noteworthy milestone of Minneapolis is Bridge Square, the detect that denotes the establishing of the city. The city is situated on both the east and west banks of the Mississippi River, with the bigger part found west of the stream. This makes it easy for local Minneapolis tree service companies to get to homeowners in the Twin Cities areas. Nicollet Avenue is home to the real downtown shopping area, Nicollet Mall, which is shut to all vehicles aside from transports and taxicabs. The city’s budgetary area is situated on Marquette Avenue. The University of Minnesota grounds is generally situated on the east bank of the waterway. The Lake of the Isles territory houses an upscale private neighborhood. Partitioned between both stream banks, between two scaffolds, is the grain-processing region. See additional info at Minneapolis tree trimming.

A qualified tree service will have an answer to this question right away. Protecting the things around your tree is an important part of the job. They should be able to explain the precautions they take while working in your yard. If they say, “we will just fill in our tire tracks with dirt” that may not be a good sign. At a minimum, plywood should be used to protect your lawn from equipment.

Local residents in Salt Lake City are good about taking care of their trees, they realize disregarding a tree with enormous branches hanging over electrical cables or property, this could lead to a dangerous situation. It takes less than 60 seconds on our site to get up to 3 FREE quotes on tree service or do a quick search to contact tree service companies in Salt Lake City. Begin now and give a few details as to where you are located, how many trees are involved, how soon you want the job done, and we’ll match you to reputable tree service companies in Salt Lake City. See more info on Salt Lake City tree service.

This is a very valuable Tree care tip to improve you tree health. Some plants effects your tree’s health so please, keep English ivy and some other invasive plants away from trees, which will get weaken or die as ivy spreads around the crowns. Even if you will keep invasive vines off the trunk, presence of invasive vines above the roots can damage your tree, so you need to remove invasive plants to improve your tree growth and health. Break or cut off dead limbs as you climb. Never use dead, weak, or split branches for support. Place your feet and hands on separate limbs as you climb and only move one step at a time. While climbing, always work with another person who stays on the ground. If the tree is unsafe to climb, an aerial lift may be necessary. Always get training before operating or using an aerial lift. But i think you are better hiring a professional tree service company.

A giant among trees, the bald cypress is an imposing sight. Unlike its relative the pond cypress, it prefers growing along water in motion, such as rivers, streams, and sluggish swamps. Black mangroves have shiny leaves and dark round seed cases. Their most distinguishing feature is their pnuemataphores, finger-like protrusions around the tree like slender, miniature cypress knees. Find extra details on Methuen tree service.

Designing events with transformative teaching

Personal development with transformative teaching impact… What Is Transformational Coaching? Transformational coaching is the process of working with a coach who can support you on your path to newness. There are many benefits of coaching, but let’s talk about a few of the basic ones here. A motivational coach is a professional who can provide you with self-help tips and get you engaged in the process of self-discovery. Doing this work can lead you to an understanding of yourself; what motivates you, what detracts you, what keeps you stuck when you’d rather take off sprinting. And more importantly, what do you want? What’s the thing you’ve been struggling to reach and what’s been in the way so far?

You will also come across clients who are already working with a psychotherapist. They already know when an issue is psychotherapeutic and when it is a coaching issue. As you develop your practice it will be very clear when it is time to refer an issue to a therapist or to a more expert coach. This is an essential distinction for you in your practice of coaching. It is strongly suggested that you provide yourself with ongoing coaching from an expert coach to continually grow yourself as a coach and grow yourself personally.

Transformational Coaching has therefore evolved to utilise many different methodologies in a person-centred approach. We see methodology drawn from Psychodrama, Gestalt psychotherapy, Neuroscience, and others. No single methodology rules the roost, but all are drawn from in order to enable and sustain transformation. In practice, this means that transformational coaches are capable of working on a deeper and more exacting level. This kind of coaching can only happen on a bedrock of support, trust, and non-judgemental encouragement. Changing someone’s thinking can only happen in a very safe and secure environment. See extra info on Transformative coaching.

Explain your professional situation and solicit feedback. When interviewing potential business coaches, don’t be afraid to seek early feedback on your personal business issues. Ask the prospective coach how he or she has assisted others in the past with the issues or challenges that you face. Compare working styles. Like a therapist or personal trainer, each business coach has a specific style for conducting coaching sessions. Do they typically conduct their sessions in person, on the phone, or via e-mail? How long, and how much, do they charge per session? And perhaps most importantly, how will they deliver feedback to you? Make sure their coaching style suits your needs.

There is a certain convenience that comes with in-house training, simply because your employees won’t have to go anywhere to receive it. On-site training also allows for making certain last minute changes that might be necessary for one reason or another. These days, there are lots of providers that offer in-house training, so you shouldn’t have to look very far to find this option. A lot of companies in all different industries are taking advantage of corporate training because of everything it has to offer, and you should seriously consider doing the same. These services can provide your business with a quick and efficient way to get to the top of your industry in every way.

I am Natalie Rivera, owner and founder of Well Within Coaching. I am dedicated to supporting you being the leader of your life. Approached your crossroads with curiosity and calm. What opportunities are being presented to you? What are all the facts? What do you really want? Your CHOICES are made from AWARENESS, CLARITY AND COURAGE. Source:

Top quality CBD vapes

Lately, the demand for CBD has increased. That is why growers and farmers are working hard to find new genetic strains of CBD that will help produce pure CBD crops that do not contain THC traces. But this has not yet been achieved. Katelyn Faith is the name of an 8-year-old girl who died from a condition that could have been treated with CBD. Therefore, a CBD strain is named after it. The ratio of CBD to THC in this plant strain was increased to 34: 1. It is one of the richest CBD strains available in the world.

Cannabidiol is known for its help in improving the state of the central nervous system and therefore can ease the rate of breathing in people with asthma. Regardless of the real reason for the explosion of autism in children in recent decades, one way to improve symptoms and help the child’s body function better is to use CBD-based products, such as cannabis oil. It has not been recognized as an official way to treat cancer, but it has been proven that CBD destroys cancer cells and helps you manage the side effects of chemotherapy. Read more info on CBD pens.

Parkinson’s disease affects the nervous system, making it impossible for you to control your body. Cannabis-based products soothe your body and facilitate its normal functioning. The increase in the number of cases of depression and anxiety in dogs, cats and other pets has been observed in recent years. You could help your pet feel better by giving her some CBD oil. Be sure to consult your veterinarian before doing so! From the age of 12-13 years, each girl has experienced at least once PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Symptoms vary depending on the physique and body of each person. Cannabis oil and other CBD-based products can help relieve pain and make you feel better during that time of the month.

All skin conditions, such as acne, arthritis and psoriasis, are caused by toxins that we absorb through the skin or through food consumption. Externally applied to the skin, cannabis oil can help reduce symptoms, relieve irritated skin and cleanse your pores. Like any product, cannabis has general side effects, but these depend on how the product is consumed or applied. Because it is extracted from a plant using special techniques, cannabis oil will have no side effects in your case if you use it in the right amount.

Rick Simpsons was an individual who suffered from tinnitus and dizziness following an incident. The treatment he was given had no effect. As a result, he watched a documentary about the benefits of CBD and then asked his doctor about CBD treatment. After being refused, he began to extract his own CBD and noticed an improvement in his condition after use. For the extraction process, Rick Simpson used different hydrocarbons, such as: Bhutan, Hexan and more. Source:

Whatever it takes shirt

Flag baseball tee… a certain way to feel excellent, to lighten your day. Here are some ideas about american patriotism in clothing. America was seen as the land of economic prosperity and enabling dreams – “The American Dream”. This slogan was made popular through intense marketing. The goal was singular: to project America to be the best place in the world to be living in. And it paid off. America became an attractive destination for some of the world’s smartest immigrants and global investment.

Example of a brand using american patriotism : Disney is seen as the second-most patriotic brand by consumers, in part because the company’s embrace of America feels authentic and joyful. This can be seen in the limited-edition Americana merchandise that it created for this summer season: a wide range of products, from quilts to mugs, that combine Disney characters and the US flag in fun and creative ways (all for sale at Disney theme parks, of course).

Go to the fireworks showing your support for America’s freedom loving holiday with the America Strong Tank Tops and T- shirts. Fourth of July Fireworks hoodies, tanks and tees look fantastic with jeans and casual apparel. Great tops to wear to the Fourth of July Parade or the 4th of July picnic. Are you looking for American Patriot T-shirts Horses for patriots and USA United States of America and Fourth of July Independence Day Fireworks tee shirt designs or printed design t shirts for men and women. See more details on Proud american shirts.

What are you going to wear on the day of Independence? It must be colorful showing the patriotic spirit, isn’t it? If you still are thinking and wondering what to wear then probably today you will get yourself something, here we are ready to help you and present you with some amazing outfit ideas that can be worn on 4th of July. You get to tell us, how much you liked them. However you can inculcate your own ideas and bring out the best outfit for yourself.

We are a veteran clothing brand that is 100% Veteran owned and operated consumer products brand that designs, sells and cobrands unique and innovative American made products. Using original graphic design our products allow customers to proudly display their American patriotism. We proudly donate a portion of our profits to support Veteran initiatives through carefully vetted 501(c)(3) charities and direct donations to active duty military members or their families. Source:

India safari packages

The third of the three known tiger parks in Madhya Pradesh, Pench is made up mainly of teak wood, rather than salt, it has a different flavor than the nearby Kanha or Bandavgarh. I also see fewer tourists, so as you drive through the park, you’ll often feel like you have the whole forest for you. Tigers are fewer, though, but are generally spotted every few days. When I was here, most of the people who came out in the jeep that morning saw a tiger during their stay. As in the case of Kanha, mahouts ride their elephants in the woods in the morning and radio jeeps if they spot a tiger. Tourists are then transferred from the jeep to the elephants back to get a close view of the tiger.

The park, surrounded by the hills of the West Ghazis, is full of scented sandalwood and teak trees, thick bamboo plantations and dozens of meandering streams. Jeep safaris are the best option to see prey leopards. A boat trip on the Kabini River provides an excellent opportunity to see Indian birds, crocodiles and elephants. The park is accessible from October to February, but due to flooding it can be closed in July and August. See extra info at Gir safari booking.

There are many things to see and do in Kenya! From the dream beaches on the coast of the Indian Ocean, unique flora and fauna, savannahs, the transhumant sea, the islands of the Kenyan archipelago – Lamu Island with its forts built by Arabs, then Pate Island, further away, where the basic task is lobster fishing – continuing with the thrilling “safari” (by the way, the word comes from the Swahili language and means “travel”) in national parks and nature reserves such as Tsavo East and West, Masai Mara, Amboseli, Lake Turkana – the largest desert lake and also alkaline of on the globe, with a unique color from which it is also called the “Sea-of-Jad”, lake at the foot of Mount Kulal on the Kenyan side of the Great African Rift Valley – continuing with the natural complex Samburu, Buffalo Springs and Shaba, then Lake Nakuru and not least with the impressive Mount Kenya (5199 m).

Kenya safari tip : Preparing for a vacation in Kenya: When to visit the beautiful African country: Being a neighbor to Tanzania, the climate is identical. It is best to visit Kenya during June-September or January-February, during their dry seasons. How to get to Kenya: Kenya has two international airports, served by many major airlines (such as KLM, Air France, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines etc.) – Mombassa (on the coast) and Nairobi (the capital). Mombassa is a better option, as there are numerous charter flights from Western Europe. As expected, we do not have direct flights, but there are many variants from Milan, Rome, Istanbul and London (and until then you get a low cost flight). Source:

Travel tours in Ranthambore

The tension was incredible. It was so close. Would he cry? Or would it just disappear before we had a chance to see it clearly? Instead, she set off, cool as you like, on our dirty track and on the front of our jeep. Soon she was directly in front of us. I could have jumped on my back! This month I reviewed Bandavgarh and a number of other tiger parks in India. Luck was not with me this time, but the excitement of going on safari in India never goes away.

India, the country that lives, is not visited. A true cultural experience, profound and unforgettable. Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, poverty, wealth, lifestyle, buildings, incredible landscapes, great relief, all will make you feel something special for India. Although I have recommended only a few places, there are plenty of other areas and cities in this country that must and are worth discovering. So we look forward to your impressions! Read more details on Gir national park safari.

Kenya – part of the Black Continent, is perhaps the last piece of land in that true, unknown, wild Africa, with lost traditions in the dark of time. There are also animal savannahs, nomadic tribes with simple and happy people. Kenya lies in the eastern part of the continent, just 140 km from the Equator, with 536 km of coast open directly to the Indian Ocean. The capital of Kenya – Nairobi – is located on a mountain plateau at about 1700 m altitude, so the temperature is relatively constant throughout the year, without disturbance of excessive heat, unbearable.

Kenya safari advice : Seaside area – tens and hundreds of resorts stretch along the white beaches and the green sea and permanently warm to the north and south of Mombassa. Diani Beach is generally considered to be the best beach in the area, but do not expect an experience typical of large seaside resorts – there are not many areas with bars, discos, restaurants, all concentrated within the resort. The city on the coast of Mombassa is quite dangerous and it is best to visit the group. Mount Kenya – Did you climb Kilimanjaro and did you like it? Try the younger brother, Mount Kenya. The landscapes will make you not regret the few hours of cardio. Nairobi – the combination of modern and traditional you will probably like. It is not an impressive city, but it is an experience in itself. You should not miss the Giraffe Center, where you can get closer to the giraffes and, if you give them a little food, you will feel their tongue extremely dry on your fingers. Source:

Tecna spot welder arms online store

Ideally, equal thicknesses of two sheet metal parts to be joined produces an evenly distributed weld nugget within the two layers. When this is not practical, materials of different thicknesses can also be joined and produce a centered weld nugget by using a larger electrode on the thicker member. At a ratio above about 3-to-1 (thickest to thinnest member), spot welding becomes difficult. At this point, another joining method should be considered–for example, projection welding. Note that weld deformation is always greater on the thinner member. For this reason, stiffeners and brackets spot welded to cosmetic parts should be thinner than or equal in thickness to the exposed surface material.

Start off by drilling 7.5mm holes in the front sheet of metal at a spacing of normally 25mm to 40mm (or whatever the original spot weld spacing was). Then clamp this sheet onto the back sheet. 7.5mm is a reasonably good hole size for 0.8 or 1.0mm sheet. Thicker sheet might require a slightly larger hole size. Try a little test piece out like this one before welding a whole sill onto a car and check the weld has penetrated through both sheets.

Where is Spot Welding Used? Spot welding has applications in a number of industries, including automotive, aerospace, rail, white goods, metal furniture, electronics, medical building and construction. Given the ease with which spot welding can be automated when combined with robots and manipulation systems, it is the most common joining process in high volume manufacturing lines and has in particular been the main joining process in the construction of steel cars for over 100 years. Read more details on

Spot welding machines represent a significant long-term investment that can decline in value. Their high performance has led to widespread use in automotive manufacturing; their use can be automated by combining them with extremely fast, precise robots. Radiators can be welded by the same process except using rollers to obtain a continuous, watertight weld. Industrially made furniture and other functional metal objects such as lampshade frames are also spot-welded. The process gives an impressive quality of weld without deforming the components it is used on.

Europe travel attractions

Expats tips to choose the top travel destinations in Europe. Traveling Nellie Bly, a pioneer in the field, wanted to contradict preconceived opinions about women and the way they travel and succeeded in 1890 to make the world around in a single dress with a single hand luggage, in just 72 days , six hours and 11 minutes, faster than Phileas Fogg, who in Jules Verne’s novel needed 80 days for the same journey. After an existential crisis, journalist Elizabeth Gilbert decided to escape from everyday life and described in the book “Eat, Pray, Love”, which became a bestseller, her journey around the world as a healing process of finding her own being.

Lucerne – Pilatus: Mount Pilatus is one of the most legendary mountain massif located in Lucerne, Switzerland. A massif is a mountain made of several peaks rather than one zenith. To reach the top consider a ride along the Pilatus Railway, which is the steepest cogwheel railway on the planet. Madrid – Plaza Mayor: The Plaza Mayor was built in the 15th century in the center of Madrid, Spain. Today the central plaza with its Baroque architecture is highly popular among tourists and shoppers alike.

Palace of Versailles – Versailles, France: This royal chateau is located in Versailles in the Ile-de-France region and the palace is sometimes referred to simply as ‘Versailles’. Versailles was just a small village community when the palace was built in the 11th-century, unlike the thriving, affluent town it has become. From 1682, it was the seat of political power for the Kingdom of France. Louis Le Vaue was the architect responsible for the expansion of the palace from 1661 under the orders of Louis XIV. This building has been part of many significant historical events throughout French history. The palace is now only used as a museum and has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in France.

Expats in Europe trick of the day : Integration is not going to happen overnight. Take at least three months to observe the culture around you and settle in. Most importantly, say yes to things you may not necessarily be inclined to, especially if you don’t have any friends. Like moving to a new city in the US, or starting a new job, it takes time. Be patient. Also, maybe download a bunch of movies before you go? See more details at WBTEurope.

Do Your Research: Moving to a new country is full of change. Everything from food, healthcare, climate, laws, and customs will vary. Research what to expect on a daily basis in the new culture, along with ways you need to prepare before you go, like necessary immunizations. Stay Open-Minded : Part of living in a new country is experiencing new things, it will be almost impossible to stick to the same routine that you had in your home country. Welcoming this change can help you adjust when new things come your way.

Mumbai corporate event management companies options

I always wanted to write about indoor and outdoor most professional corporate event planner in Mumbai. Finding the right activity for a large group of participants can be a challenge, but with the result alone can leave you speechless. A large group can transmit unimaginable energy! Here is a list of team building activities, both indoor and outdoor, which are suitable for large groups of participants and which result in a large number of people transmitting contagious energy.

Sports Day: We integrate classic team activities with some new and rarely practiced! The participants will motivate each other to perform, they will jointly establish approach strategies and will discover the passion to compete with the team members. Family Day: Whether we are talking about a cooking contest, stick games or fun challenges, we all gather, from the smallest to the largest, for a fun day with colleagues, but also with family! The perfect setting for making new friends! Read extra info at Corporate event organizer Mumbai.

When organising an event for a business there are some areas to consider which aren’t always that obvious. Here are our tips on what makes for a good corporate event and how to facilitate lots of different elements – including networking, fundraising, celebrity guests and social media shareability. The first step in organising your company’s event is to decide its purpose. Most events start as a company objective, such as “reward employees for a year of hard work”, or something externally facing such as “engage with potential investors”. The purpose of the event will determine which type of event you throw and who will be invited.

Team outdoor events provide a top opportunity for the team to re-energize. A fantastic place for adventure, relaxation and team building exercises. They provide Paragliding packages complete with certified instructors and modern equipment. You can enjoy your stay at the Native Place guest house, meet interesting people, learn and participate in exciting adventure sports like Flying Fox, Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Rappelling, Jummarring, Valley Crossing, Ropes course, Outdoor survival and other team games. On offer is also delicious home cooked meals and refreshing activities like “Listening to Nature” and “Journey to the Heart of Nature”.

Here is another good place for team outing activities. Another classic hill-station very close to Mumbai, Matheran is a no-vehicle zone to keep it calm and pollution-free. It is very famous for its narrow-gauge toy train. Indulge in waterfall rappelling at the Kondana Caves Waterfall or trek to the Chanderi Caves, Peb or the Kalavantin Pinnacle. There are several adventure camps for corporate folks that offer outbound activities in the town. If you are looking for something a little less adventurous, you can ride on horseback and visit the various points around town that offer some gorgeous views. Soak in the scenic surroundings and the fresh, clean air at one of the luxury hotels and just de-stress and unwind. Pure, unadulterated fun – that’s what Matheran is! Source: